
时间:2022-11-22 01:10:23

The code i'm trying to get to work is part of a price list of products from a db. It works almost all of it but i need one ajax to run multiple times, and it does, it even runs the success sentences but when i check the db its like it just ran once... i hope you can help me.


I take 2 values from inputs which are id and amount of the product, and i add them to the list when a button calls the send function, this is that part of the code:


function valores(cod, cant) {

if (cod != '') {
    cot.push([cod, cant]);
return cot;

function send () {


var id = $('#id').val();
var amount = $('#cant').val();
var total;

    if ($('#total').length > 0) {
        total = document.getElementById('total').value;
    } else {
        total = 0;

        type: 'POST',
        data: ({cod : id, cant : amount, tot : total }),
        url: 'process/agprods.php',
        success: function(data) {
            valores(id, amount);
            rs = $(document.getElementById('rs').html);
        error: function () {
            $('#rs').innerHTML = rs;
            document.getElementById('note').innerHTML = "Error: The product doesn't exist.";

(I translated some words to english that are originaly in spanish and to make it more readable to you)


So, the cot[] array keeps the product's id and amount, to use them in the next code, which runs when the list is complete and you hit a save button that calls this function:

因此,cot []数组保留产品的id和数量,以便在下一个代码中使用它们,该代码在列表完成时运行并且您点击一个调用此函数的保存按钮:

function ncotiza () {


  var nlist = $('#codp').val();
  var day = $('#days').val();

    async: false,
    type: 'POST',
    data: ({listnumber: nlist, days : day}),
    url: 'process/ncot.php'

  j = 0;

  while (j <= i) {

      if (cot[j][0] != 0 && cot[j][1] != 0) {
          var num = cot[j][0];
          var cant = cot[j][1];

            async: false,
            type: 'POST',
            data: ({ listnumber : nlist, prodid: num, amount : cant }),
            url: 'process/ncotpro.php',
            success: function () {

          cot[j][0] = 0;
          cot[j][1] = 0;

      if (j == i) {
          alert("Finished Successfully");


And it all runs fine, here's the PHP:



    $listnumber = isset($_POST["listnumber"]) ? $_POST["listnumber"] : '';
    $days = isset($_POST["days"]) ? $_POST["days"] : '';

    $cons = "INSERT INTO pricelist (listnumber, diashabiles, cdate)
                VALUES ('$listnumber', '$days', CURDATE())";



    $listnumber = isset($_POST["listnumber"]) ? $_POST["listnumber"] : '';
    $prodid = isset($_POST["prodid"]) ? $_POST["prodid"] : '';
    $amount = isset($_POST["amount"]) ? $_POST["amount"] : '';

    $cons = "SELECT price, um
                FROM inventory 
                WHERE listnumber = ".$prodid;

    $result = mysql_query($cons) or die ("Error: ".mysql_error());

    $umcons = mysql_query("SELECT uvalue FROM um WHERE id = ".$row["um"]) or die ("Error:".mysql_error());
    $umres = mysql_fetch_assoc($umcons);
    $vuum = $umres["uvalue"];
    $fprice = $row["price"] * ($amount * $vuum);

    $cons = "INSERT INTO cotpro (cotizacion, producto, amount, monto)
                VALUES ('$listnumber', '$prodid', '$amount', '$fprice')";

    mysql_query($cons) or die ("Error: ".mysql_error());


The first ajax runs ok, then it also does the one that's inside the while, and it throw all the alerts but when i check the db it just made 1 row and not all it has to.


I'm sorry if it's too obvious or something, i've look a lot of questions and answers in this page and i've been trying to fix this for hours but i just dont see it.


Thank you beforehand.


1 个解决方案



Try to debug the 2nd jquery file via firebug. what the value you return in i


while (j <= i) { .. .. .

而(j <= i){.. ..



Try to debug the 2nd jquery file via firebug. what the value you return in i


while (j <= i) { .. .. .

而(j <= i){.. ..