mod_rewrite似乎弄乱了我的ajax post脚本

时间:2022-08-23 01:10:55

my getLikes script that I mentioned in a previous question doesnt work at all when I rewrite the url to a cleaner that b/c it is a Post request? Everything else works fine, like the get part that looks up the user profile. here is the mod_rewrite:

当我将url重写为更干净的版本时,我在上一个问题中提到的getLikes脚本根本不起作用...是b / c它是Post请求吗?其他一切正常,就像查找用户配置文件的get部分一样。这是mod_rewrite:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/\.]+)/?$ profile.php?p=$1 [L]

and here is the ajax: it is supposed to get the ID and then posts to a page which returns whether the user likes this profile...its basically a like button


public function likesScript($p){?>

    //display list of people who like this
    function getLikes(){
        type: "POST",
        url: "likelist.php",

        data: { p: "<?php echo $_GET['p']?>"}
    }).success(function(res) {


        if($('li#<?PHP echo $_SESSION['userId']; ?>').length){
        } else {  

1 个解决方案



Change url: "likelist.php" to url: "/likelist.php".

将url:“likelist.php”更改为url:“/ likelist.php”。

Use absolute path, URI with everything behind domain name.


http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]

http_URL =“http:”“//”host [“:”port] [abs_path [“?”查询]]

By adding / at the beginning or URI, it is nearly equal like you've written


Because you've rewritten URL to profile/name, it looks for profile/name/likelist.php which clearly doesn't exist.

因为您已将URL重写为个人资料/名称,所以它会查找明显不存在的个人资料/名称/ likelist.php。



Change url: "likelist.php" to url: "/likelist.php".

将url:“likelist.php”更改为url:“/ likelist.php”。

Use absolute path, URI with everything behind domain name.


http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]

http_URL =“http:”“//”host [“:”port] [abs_path [“?”查询]]

By adding / at the beginning or URI, it is nearly equal like you've written


Because you've rewritten URL to profile/name, it looks for profile/name/likelist.php which clearly doesn't exist.

因为您已将URL重写为个人资料/名称,所以它会查找明显不存在的个人资料/名称/ likelist.php。