当从Ruby脚本作为命令%x [rspec]运行时,如何将RSpec输出设置为控制台?

时间:2021-12-02 01:10:35

I have a class with an instance method that runs RSpec using the %x[] notation:

我有一个类使用%x []表示法运行RSpec的实例方法:

class TestRunner
  def run_rspec
    # do stuff
    %x[rspec spec -c -f documentation]
    # do more stuff

When I do this:


> tr = TestRunner.new
> tr.run_rspec

The documentation (group and example names) does not appear in the console.


To contrast, when I run rspec straight from the command line I get this:


$ rspec spec -c -f documentation

  a group name
    an example
    another example

I don't want to do this:


puts %x[rspec spec -c -f documentation

Because then the output all spits out in one huge clump at the very end. I want it to run in "real time," with each example showing up as each test is run.


Is there a way, with the setup I have, to get RSpec to announce what it's doing, as it's doing it (as it does when run normally from the command line)?


1 个解决方案



I've been advised that system() and the other shell methods can be dangerous to use, so I've opted to switch to the even-better approach of using RSpec itself:


RSpec::Core::Runner.run(['spec', '-c', '-f', 'documentation'])

rather than calling it via shell from my Ruby script.


Ruby offers several options for running programs from the command line. I was using %x[], the wrong choice for my use case.

Ruby提供了几种从命令行运行程序的选项。我使用的是%x [],这是我用例的错误选择。

Solution: Use system(), not %x[] -- rspec will write to STDOUT in real-time when I call it with system('rspec spec').

解决方案:使用system(),而不是%x [] - 当我用system('rspec spec')调用它时,rspec将实时写入STDOUT。

Some background in case it's helpful to anyone who stumbles upon this question:


Consider the differences between Ruby's command-line options:


  • %x[command] accumulates the result of command and returns it, in one chunk.
  • %x [command]累积命令的结果并将其返回到一个块中。

  • exec('command') will output command as command runs, but will replace whatever process called it -- i.e., if you use exec in your Ruby script, your Ruby script won't finish.
  • exec('command')将在命令运行时输出命令,但将替换任何称为它的进程 - 即,如果在Ruby脚本中使用exec,则Ruby脚本将无法完成。

  • system('command') executes command in a subshell, and returns to the calling script.
  • system('command')在子shell中执行命令,并返回到调用脚本。

This is why system was the choice for my script.




I've been advised that system() and the other shell methods can be dangerous to use, so I've opted to switch to the even-better approach of using RSpec itself:


RSpec::Core::Runner.run(['spec', '-c', '-f', 'documentation'])

rather than calling it via shell from my Ruby script.


Ruby offers several options for running programs from the command line. I was using %x[], the wrong choice for my use case.

Ruby提供了几种从命令行运行程序的选项。我使用的是%x [],这是我用例的错误选择。

Solution: Use system(), not %x[] -- rspec will write to STDOUT in real-time when I call it with system('rspec spec').

解决方案:使用system(),而不是%x [] - 当我用system('rspec spec')调用它时,rspec将实时写入STDOUT。

Some background in case it's helpful to anyone who stumbles upon this question:


Consider the differences between Ruby's command-line options:


  • %x[command] accumulates the result of command and returns it, in one chunk.
  • %x [command]累积命令的结果并将其返回到一个块中。

  • exec('command') will output command as command runs, but will replace whatever process called it -- i.e., if you use exec in your Ruby script, your Ruby script won't finish.
  • exec('command')将在命令运行时输出命令,但将替换任何称为它的进程 - 即,如果在Ruby脚本中使用exec,则Ruby脚本将无法完成。

  • system('command') executes command in a subshell, and returns to the calling script.
  • system('command')在子shell中执行命令,并返回到调用脚本。

This is why system was the choice for my script.
