
时间:2022-06-01 16:46:26

I am unable to apply a background image in my HTML document using the following code in CSS:


        background-image:url('C:\wamp\www\marks display\WI71.jpg');

I also searched for it, but I found, the above declaration is true but unable to execute it. Why is this happening?


4 个解决方案



That's not a URL, that's a file path.


If the root of your site is marks display, probably you want this:





Path should not be map to a drive(file path) when publishing on web, it should be a URL.


It should be like background-image:url('http://domainname/71.jpg'); -- Complete Url of Image

它应该像background-image:url('http://domainname/71.jpg'); - 完整的图像网址

or background-image:url('WI71.jpg'); -- Relative url

或background-image:url('WI71.jpg'); - 相对网址



buddy html css in reality is actually a on server thing so below is the right code:

伙计html css在现实中实际上是服务器上的东西所以下面是正确的代码:

background-image: url('c:/xyz/xyz/sample.jpg');

however if you are uploading your site on a real web server do not gives paths like that, just make it like below


background-image: url('foldername_if required/imagename');



The string C:\wamp\www\marks display\WI71.jpg does not comply with URL syntax. To begin with, the character \ as such is not allowed in URLs; it should be replaced by the slash /. The space character should be %-encoded as %20. Finally, to refer to a file in the local system with a pathname, use a file: URL:

字符串C:\ wamp \ www \ marks display \ WI71.jpg不符合URL语法。首先,URL中不允许使用字符\;它应该用斜杠/替换。空格字符应为% - 编码为%20。最后,要使用路径名引用本地系统中的文件,请使用以下文件:URL:


However, IE has very permissive error recovery here, so your malformed code actually works on IE, if the file exists in the place indicated with the name given. Other browsers require correct code (mostly).


Such URLs are of very limited usefulness. They mostly work in local testing only, and even in local testing, it is better to use URLs that are relative to the location of the HTML document. This way, you can use the same code in local testing and on a web server, provided that you replicate the relevant parts of the folder structure.




That's not a URL, that's a file path.


If the root of your site is marks display, probably you want this:





Path should not be map to a drive(file path) when publishing on web, it should be a URL.


It should be like background-image:url('http://domainname/71.jpg'); -- Complete Url of Image

它应该像background-image:url('http://domainname/71.jpg'); - 完整的图像网址

or background-image:url('WI71.jpg'); -- Relative url

或background-image:url('WI71.jpg'); - 相对网址



buddy html css in reality is actually a on server thing so below is the right code:

伙计html css在现实中实际上是服务器上的东西所以下面是正确的代码:

background-image: url('c:/xyz/xyz/sample.jpg');

however if you are uploading your site on a real web server do not gives paths like that, just make it like below


background-image: url('foldername_if required/imagename');



The string C:\wamp\www\marks display\WI71.jpg does not comply with URL syntax. To begin with, the character \ as such is not allowed in URLs; it should be replaced by the slash /. The space character should be %-encoded as %20. Finally, to refer to a file in the local system with a pathname, use a file: URL:

字符串C:\ wamp \ www \ marks display \ WI71.jpg不符合URL语法。首先,URL中不允许使用字符\;它应该用斜杠/替换。空格字符应为% - 编码为%20。最后,要使用路径名引用本地系统中的文件,请使用以下文件:URL:


However, IE has very permissive error recovery here, so your malformed code actually works on IE, if the file exists in the place indicated with the name given. Other browsers require correct code (mostly).


Such URLs are of very limited usefulness. They mostly work in local testing only, and even in local testing, it is better to use URLs that are relative to the location of the HTML document. This way, you can use the same code in local testing and on a web server, provided that you replicate the relevant parts of the folder structure.
