
时间:2023-02-07 00:43:54

There's some code in our project that looks a bit like this:


Private Sub Method1()
    Call InnerMethod
End Sub

Private Sub Method2()
End Sub

Private Sub InnerMethod()
    '' stuff
End Sub

What's the advantage of doing Method1 over Method2?


5 个解决方案


From the MSDN:


You are not required to use the Call keyword when calling a procedure. However, if you use the Call keyword to call a procedure that requires arguments, argumentlist must be enclosed in parentheses. If you omit the Call keyword, you also must omit the parentheses around argumentlist. If you use either Call syntax to call any intrinsic or user-defined function, the function's return value is discarded.


For example:

Sub Proc1()
    Debug.Print "Hello World"
End Sub

Sub Proc2(text As String)
    Debug.Print "Hello " & text
End Sub

In the immediate window, if you enter



then "Hello World" prints. If you enter

然后打印“Hello World”。如果你输入

Call Proc1

then "Hello World" prints. If you enter

然后打印“Hello World”。如果你输入

Proc2 "World"

then "Hello World" prints. If you enter

然后打印“Hello World”。如果你输入

Call Proc2 "World" 

you get a compile error. You would have to enter


Call Proc2("World")


Call does nothing special other than call the method. It is a hang over from the old days of Basic when all lines had to start with a keyword. "Let" is another of these keywords, which was always put before an assignment, but is no longer required.

除了调用方法之外,调用没有什么特别之处。当所有行都必须以关键字开头时,它就是Basic的旧时代。 “让”是这些关键字中的另一个,它总是放在作业之前,但不再需要。

Method1 and Method2 do the exact same thing.



I have found a major difference about 'call' keyword with functions that having, ByRef Arguments (I have found this in MS-Access VBA editor). If you are calling the function without 'Call' keyword, ByRef aruments will not set for the calle. For Ex:

我发现'call'关键字的主要区别在于具有ByRef Arguments的函数(我在MS-Access VBA编辑器中找到了这个)。如果您在没有“Call”关键字的情况下调用该函数,则不会为calle设置ByRef aruments。对于Ex:

Private Function Test(Optional ByRef refArg As String) As Boolean    
    refArg = "Test"
    Test = True
End Function

If you call the function without the Call keyword like


Dim a As String

a will be an empty string, after the call returns


If you call the function with the Call keyword like


Dim a As String
Call Test(a)

a will contain the string Test


The detailed explanation provided in the following link:



There's no difference.



Here's a post which describes when you need to use call vs not using it and when to parentheses around your parameters.


You can also read more about call from MSDN. Essentially the main difference is that when you use call to call a function you can't access the return value.



From the MSDN:


You are not required to use the Call keyword when calling a procedure. However, if you use the Call keyword to call a procedure that requires arguments, argumentlist must be enclosed in parentheses. If you omit the Call keyword, you also must omit the parentheses around argumentlist. If you use either Call syntax to call any intrinsic or user-defined function, the function's return value is discarded.


For example:

Sub Proc1()
    Debug.Print "Hello World"
End Sub

Sub Proc2(text As String)
    Debug.Print "Hello " & text
End Sub

In the immediate window, if you enter



then "Hello World" prints. If you enter

然后打印“Hello World”。如果你输入

Call Proc1

then "Hello World" prints. If you enter

然后打印“Hello World”。如果你输入

Proc2 "World"

then "Hello World" prints. If you enter

然后打印“Hello World”。如果你输入

Call Proc2 "World" 

you get a compile error. You would have to enter


Call Proc2("World")


Call does nothing special other than call the method. It is a hang over from the old days of Basic when all lines had to start with a keyword. "Let" is another of these keywords, which was always put before an assignment, but is no longer required.

除了调用方法之外,调用没有什么特别之处。当所有行都必须以关键字开头时,它就是Basic的旧时代。 “让”是这些关键字中的另一个,它总是放在作业之前,但不再需要。

Method1 and Method2 do the exact same thing.



I have found a major difference about 'call' keyword with functions that having, ByRef Arguments (I have found this in MS-Access VBA editor). If you are calling the function without 'Call' keyword, ByRef aruments will not set for the calle. For Ex:

我发现'call'关键字的主要区别在于具有ByRef Arguments的函数(我在MS-Access VBA编辑器中找到了这个)。如果您在没有“Call”关键字的情况下调用该函数,则不会为calle设置ByRef aruments。对于Ex:

Private Function Test(Optional ByRef refArg As String) As Boolean    
    refArg = "Test"
    Test = True
End Function

If you call the function without the Call keyword like


Dim a As String

a will be an empty string, after the call returns


If you call the function with the Call keyword like


Dim a As String
Call Test(a)

a will contain the string Test


The detailed explanation provided in the following link:



There's no difference.



Here's a post which describes when you need to use call vs not using it and when to parentheses around your parameters.


You can also read more about call from MSDN. Essentially the main difference is that when you use call to call a function you can't access the return value.
