PL / SQL的优点比T-SQL好吗?

时间:2022-08-08 00:38:19

Can we compare T-SQL & PL/SQL ? , how we define the differences between these , and WHY its different ? end of the day their scenario is Data definition and data manipulation :-S

我们可以比较T-SQL和PL / SQL吗? ,我们如何定义这些之间的差异,为什么它的不同?他们的场景是数据定义和数据操作的一天结束:-S

2 个解决方案



They are different because they were written by two different sets of programmers. There is always more than one way to solve a problem. They go beyond the standard SQL because they are looking for something that either isn't in the standard and should have been, is a nice to have feature (that will sell more units) or they want something that will perform faster (performance is critical in Enterprise databases). They are trying to sell their product, so of course they want to make something that is enough different that it will be a selling point.




PL/SQL is from Oracle. T-SQL is from Microsoft. Both companies want to implement extras that make things easier for their developers, but since they are outside of the SQL standard they get new names.

PL / SQL来自Oracle。 T-SQL来自微软。两家公司都希望实现额外功能,使开发人员更容易,但由于他们不在SQL标准之内,因此他们获得了新名称。



They are different because they were written by two different sets of programmers. There is always more than one way to solve a problem. They go beyond the standard SQL because they are looking for something that either isn't in the standard and should have been, is a nice to have feature (that will sell more units) or they want something that will perform faster (performance is critical in Enterprise databases). They are trying to sell their product, so of course they want to make something that is enough different that it will be a selling point.




PL/SQL is from Oracle. T-SQL is from Microsoft. Both companies want to implement extras that make things easier for their developers, but since they are outside of the SQL standard they get new names.

PL / SQL来自Oracle。 T-SQL来自微软。两家公司都希望实现额外功能,使开发人员更容易,但由于他们不在SQL标准之内,因此他们获得了新名称。