sqlserver 查询表结构

时间:2023-01-02 00:26:45



sqlserver 查询表结构


col.name as ColumnName,
col.max_length as DataLength,
col.is_nullable as IsNullable,
t.name as DataType,
ep.value as Description,
select top 1 ind.is_primary_key from sys.index_columns ic
left join sys.indexes ind
on ic.object_id=ind.object_id
and ic.index_id=ind.index_id
and ind.name like 'PK_%'
where ic.object_id=obj.object_id
and ic.column_id=col.column_id
) as IsPrimaryKey
from sys.objects obj
inner join sys.columns col
on obj.object_id=col.object_id
left join sys.types t
on t.user_type_id=col.user_type_id
left join sys.extended_properties ep
on ep.major_id=obj.object_id
and ep.minor_id=col.column_id
and ep.name='MS_Description'
where obj.name='userinfo' --要查询的表名称