如何使用EventAggregator和Microsoft Prism库从订阅方法返回数据

时间:2021-05-19 00:08:33

I am working on a WPF project, using MVVM and Microsoft Prism libraries. So, when I need to communicate through classes I use the class Microsoft.Practices.Prism.MefExtensions.Events.MefEventAggregator and I publish events and subscribe methods as below:

我正在使用MVVM和Microsoft Prism库来开发WPF项目。所以,当我需要通过类进行通信时,我使用类Microsoft.Practices.Prism.MefExtensions.Events.MefEventAggregator,我发布事件和订阅方法如下:

To publish:


To Subscribe:


But my question is: Is there a way to return some data from the "Subscribed method" after publishing an event??


1 个解决方案



As far as I know, if all the event subscribers are using the ThreadOption.PublisherThread option (which is also the default), the event is performed synchronously and the subscribers can modify the EventArgs object, so you could have in the publisher


if (myParams.MyProperty)
   // Do something

The subscriber code would look like this:


// Either of these is fine.
myEventAggregator.GetEvent<MyEvent>().Subscribe(MySubscribedMethod, ThreadOption.PublisherThread)

private void MySubscribedMethod(MyEventArgs e)
    // Modify event args
    e.MyProperty = true;

If you know that the event should always be called synchronously, you can create your own base class for events (instead of CompositePresentationEvent<T>) which overrides the Subscribe method, and only allow subscribers to use the ThreadOption.PublisherThread option. It would look something like this:

如果您知道应始终同步调用该事件,则可以为事件创建自己的基类(而不是CompositePresentationEvent ),这将覆盖Subscribe方法,并且只允许订阅者使用ThreadOption.PublisherThread选项。它看起来像这样:

public class SynchronousEvent<TPayload> : CompositePresentationEvent<TPayload>
    public override SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, ThreadOption threadOption, bool keepSubscriberReferenceAlive, Predicate<TPayload> filter)
        // Don't allow subscribers to use any option other than the PublisherThread option.
        if (threadOption != ThreadOption.PublisherThread)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        // Perform the subscription.
        return base.Subscribe(action, threadOption, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive, filter);

then instead of deriving MyEvent from CompositePresentationEvent, you derive it from SynchronousEvent, which will guarantee you that the event will be called synchronously and that you will get the modified EventArgs.




As far as I know, if all the event subscribers are using the ThreadOption.PublisherThread option (which is also the default), the event is performed synchronously and the subscribers can modify the EventArgs object, so you could have in the publisher


if (myParams.MyProperty)
   // Do something

The subscriber code would look like this:


// Either of these is fine.
myEventAggregator.GetEvent<MyEvent>().Subscribe(MySubscribedMethod, ThreadOption.PublisherThread)

private void MySubscribedMethod(MyEventArgs e)
    // Modify event args
    e.MyProperty = true;

If you know that the event should always be called synchronously, you can create your own base class for events (instead of CompositePresentationEvent<T>) which overrides the Subscribe method, and only allow subscribers to use the ThreadOption.PublisherThread option. It would look something like this:

如果您知道应始终同步调用该事件,则可以为事件创建自己的基类(而不是CompositePresentationEvent ),这将覆盖Subscribe方法,并且只允许订阅者使用ThreadOption.PublisherThread选项。它看起来像这样:

public class SynchronousEvent<TPayload> : CompositePresentationEvent<TPayload>
    public override SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, ThreadOption threadOption, bool keepSubscriberReferenceAlive, Predicate<TPayload> filter)
        // Don't allow subscribers to use any option other than the PublisherThread option.
        if (threadOption != ThreadOption.PublisherThread)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        // Perform the subscription.
        return base.Subscribe(action, threadOption, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive, filter);

then instead of deriving MyEvent from CompositePresentationEvent, you derive it from SynchronousEvent, which will guarantee you that the event will be called synchronously and that you will get the modified EventArgs.
