How to delay my javascript code until a JSON file is loaded?

时间:2023-01-23 00:03:49

I have a web application built with jQuery, and I need to load some JSON data before anything else is done. Currently, I'm doing it like this:


  <script type="text/javascript">
    // Load the data (directly injected into the HTML)
    var json = { ... };

    // Once the full DOM is loaded, do whatever I need

    function whatever() { ... }

It works, but it's extremely ugly. I'd rather load the actual JSON file, for example using jQuery's getJSON with a callback function. But calling AJAX functions in a synchronous way isn't allowed anymore (at least with jQuery). So... how do I make sure that my whatever method isn't called until that callback has finished?


Just calling $(whatever) from my callback function is not an option, because I actually have many of those $() distributed across the different pages of the application.


2 个解决方案



There is a simpler way of doing things ;)


let json = {}
$(document).ready(() => {
  function whatever() {
    // do some stuff
    console.log('run the program');
  $.getJSON('', (data) => {
      json = data;
    .then(() => whatever());
<script src=""></script>
<p>Some paragraph</p>



I have found two different ways to implement it. First, using the .holdReady() function in jQuery:


The $.holdReady() method allows the caller to delay jQuery's ready event. This advanced feature would typically be used [...] to load [...] before allowing the ready event to occur

$ .holdReady()方法允许调用者延迟jQuery的ready事件。在允许就绪事件发生之前,通常会使用此高级功能来加载[...]

So in my case, the code should look like this:


  <script type="text/javascript">
    var json = {};
    $.getJSON(url, '', function(data) {
      json = data;


Another option, using custom events (thanks to freedomn-m's suggestion in the comments), would be something like this:


  <script type="text/javascript">
    var json = {};
    // Request the JSON file
    $.getJSON(url, '', function(data) {
      // When it's retrieved, store the data in the `json` variable
      json = data;
      // And when the DOM is ready...
      $(function() {
        // ...trigger the custom `jsonReady` event

The only change required is to replace all the $(whatever); for $(document).on('jsonReady', whatever);.

唯一需要做的改变是更换所有$(无论如何); for $(document).on('jsonReady',what);.



There is a simpler way of doing things ;)


let json = {}
$(document).ready(() => {
  function whatever() {
    // do some stuff
    console.log('run the program');
  $.getJSON('', (data) => {
      json = data;
    .then(() => whatever());
<script src=""></script>
<p>Some paragraph</p>



I have found two different ways to implement it. First, using the .holdReady() function in jQuery:


The $.holdReady() method allows the caller to delay jQuery's ready event. This advanced feature would typically be used [...] to load [...] before allowing the ready event to occur

$ .holdReady()方法允许调用者延迟jQuery的ready事件。在允许就绪事件发生之前,通常会使用此高级功能来加载[...]

So in my case, the code should look like this:


  <script type="text/javascript">
    var json = {};
    $.getJSON(url, '', function(data) {
      json = data;


Another option, using custom events (thanks to freedomn-m's suggestion in the comments), would be something like this:


  <script type="text/javascript">
    var json = {};
    // Request the JSON file
    $.getJSON(url, '', function(data) {
      // When it's retrieved, store the data in the `json` variable
      json = data;
      // And when the DOM is ready...
      $(function() {
        // ...trigger the custom `jsonReady` event

The only change required is to replace all the $(whatever); for $(document).on('jsonReady', whatever);.

唯一需要做的改变是更换所有$(无论如何); for $(document).on('jsonReady',what);.