为什么我不能在Mac OS X终端的Python解释器中显示一个unicode字符?

时间:2021-10-04 23:08:12

If I try to paste a unicode character such as the middle dot:




in my python interpreter it does nothing. I'm using Terminal.app on Mac OS X and when I'm simply in in bash I have no trouble:

在我的python解释器中,它什么都不做。我使用终端。在Mac OS X上的应用程序,当我简单地在bash中,我没有麻烦:

:~$ ·

But in the interpreter:


:~$ python
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

^^ I get nothing, it just ignores that I just pasted the character. If I use the escape \xNN\xNN representation of the middle dot '\xc2\xb7', and try to convert to unicode, trying to show the dot causes the interpreter to throw an error:

^ ^我得到什么,只是忽略我刚才贴这个角色。如果我使用的是中间点'\xc2\xb7'的escape \xNN\xNN表示,并尝试转换成unicode,试图显示点使解释器抛出一个错误:

>>> unicode('\xc2\xb7')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

I have setup 'utf-8' as my default encoding in sitecustomize.py so:


>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()

What gives? It's not the Terminal. It's not Python, what am I doing wrong?!


This question is not related to this question, as that indivdiual is able to paste unicode into his Terminal.


1 个解决方案



unicode('\xc2\xb7') means to decode the byte string in question with the default codec, which is ascii -- and that of course fails (trying to set a different default encoding has never worked well, and in particular doesn't apply to "pasted literals" -- that would require a different setting anyway). You could use instead u'\xc2\xb7', and see:


>>> print(u'\xc2\xb7')

since those are two unicode characters of course. While:


>>> print(u'\uc2b7')

gives you a single unicode character (of some oriental persuasion -- sorry, I'm ignorant about these things). BTW, neither of these is the "middle dot" you were looking for. Maybe you mean


>>> print('\xc2\xb7'.decode('utf8'))

which is the middle dot. BTW, for me (python 2.6.4 from python.org on a Mac Terminal.app):

就是中间的点。顺便说一下,对我来说(python.org上的python 2.6.4在Mac终端上):

>>> print('슷')

which kind of surprised me (I expected an error...!-).




unicode('\xc2\xb7') means to decode the byte string in question with the default codec, which is ascii -- and that of course fails (trying to set a different default encoding has never worked well, and in particular doesn't apply to "pasted literals" -- that would require a different setting anyway). You could use instead u'\xc2\xb7', and see:


>>> print(u'\xc2\xb7')

since those are two unicode characters of course. While:


>>> print(u'\uc2b7')

gives you a single unicode character (of some oriental persuasion -- sorry, I'm ignorant about these things). BTW, neither of these is the "middle dot" you were looking for. Maybe you mean


>>> print('\xc2\xb7'.decode('utf8'))

which is the middle dot. BTW, for me (python 2.6.4 from python.org on a Mac Terminal.app):

就是中间的点。顺便说一下,对我来说(python.org上的python 2.6.4在Mac终端上):

>>> print('슷')

which kind of surprised me (I expected an error...!-).
