使用基于SQL Server上相同表的视图更新包含计算值的表

时间:2022-03-12 23:08:03

I have a table



  Ref  |   . .... .  . . |  Total A   |   Total B
 A001  |                 |    NULL    |     NULL
 A002  |                 |    NULL    |     NULL
 A003  |                 |    NULL    |     NULL
 A004  |                 |    NULL    |     NULL

I've created a view vwCurrentB that provides a count of records that meet specific criteria in the same table.


How can I updated fields Total A and Total B with relevant values from the view. Both the table and view will have exactly the same number of records, with Ref being a unique key. I just need to get the additional two columns in the view, into their respective records in the table?


1 个解决方案



update tc
set TotalA = v.TotalA
   ,TotalB = v.TotalB
from tblCurrent tc
join vwCurrentB v on tc.Ref = v.Ref  



update tc
set TotalA = v.TotalA
   ,TotalB = v.TotalB
from tblCurrent tc
join vwCurrentB v on tc.Ref = v.Ref