在AWS Redshift中,多大的尺寸对桌子来说太大

时间:2021-08-16 23:08:09

Currently, one of our table size is 500 Million rows (with 35 columns), and we are trying to determine, how big can our table be before it impacts our performance on running query on that table?


2 个解决方案



Performance cannot be measured like rows*columns.


It depends on the data types, joins, aggregations, etc. Your query performance can be drastically improved, for example, by creating int keys (adding columns) instead of char/varchar keys if used in joins.




An important addition to @vtuhtan 's answer : enable compression. Create tables with compression enabled for various data types - lzo, runlength etc. Proper compression type is also suggested by Redshif on tables with ANALYZE COMPRESSION SQL command. This reduces the read throughput and drastically increases your query performance. This will also make the table consume less storage space.

@vtuhtan回答的一个重要补充是:启用压缩。创建可以用于各种数据类型(lzo、runlength等)的压缩表。Redshif还建议使用ANALYZE compressql命令在表上使用适当的压缩类型。这降低了读取吞吐量,并显著提高了查询性能。这也将使表消耗更少的存储空间。

Doc on analyzing compression enabled tables


Loading tables with compression.




Performance cannot be measured like rows*columns.


It depends on the data types, joins, aggregations, etc. Your query performance can be drastically improved, for example, by creating int keys (adding columns) instead of char/varchar keys if used in joins.




An important addition to @vtuhtan 's answer : enable compression. Create tables with compression enabled for various data types - lzo, runlength etc. Proper compression type is also suggested by Redshif on tables with ANALYZE COMPRESSION SQL command. This reduces the read throughput and drastically increases your query performance. This will also make the table consume less storage space.

@vtuhtan回答的一个重要补充是:启用压缩。创建可以用于各种数据类型(lzo、runlength等)的压缩表。Redshif还建议使用ANALYZE compressql命令在表上使用适当的压缩类型。这降低了读取吞吐量,并显著提高了查询性能。这也将使表消耗更少的存储空间。

Doc on analyzing compression enabled tables


Loading tables with compression.
