在Amazon S3上使用php下载Force

时间:2023-02-11 23:07:11

I am trying to use http://code.google.com/p/amazon-s3-php-class/ to force-dowload files from AWS S3. I have an mp3 that I want people to "play" or "download." By default the when you access the file directly on s3 it begins to play in the browser. I need to add an option to actually download. I have Googled and found came up with nothing. I conceptually know what needs to happen but don't know how to produce it php. I know I need to modify the headers to Content-Disposition: attachment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

我正在尝试使用http://code.google.com/p/amazon-s3-php-class/来强制下载AWS S3中的文件。我有一个MP3,我希望人们“玩”或“下载”。默认情况下,当您直接在s3*问文件时,它开始在浏览器中播放。我需要添加一个实际下载的选项。我用谷歌搜索,发现什么都没有。我从概念上知道需要发生什么,但不知道如何制作它。我知道我需要将标题修改为Content-Disposition:attachment。任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks, Michael

12 个解决方案



The php scripts that have been mentioned so far will work ok, but the main downside is that every time a visitor on your site requests a file, your own servers will load it from the S3 and then relay that data to the browser. For low traffic sites, it's probably not a big deal, but for high traffic ones, you definitely want to avoid running everything through your own servers.


Luckily, there's a fairly straight-forward way to set your files to be forced to download from the S3. And you're exactly right - you just want to set the content-type and content-disposition (just setting content-disposition will work in some browsers, but setting both should work in all browsers).

幸运的是,有一种相当直接的方法可以将文件设置为强制从S3下载。你完全正确 - 你只想设置内容类型和内容处理(只是设置内容处理在某些浏览器中可以使用,但设置两者都适用于所有浏览器)。

This code is assuming that you're using the Amazon S3 PHP class from Undesigned:

此代码假设您使用的是Undesigned中的Amazon S3 PHP类:


// set S3 auth and get your bucket listing

// then loop through the bucket and copy each file over itself, replacing the "request headers":
S3::copyObject($bucketName, $filename, $bucketName, $filename, "public-read", array(), array("Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream", "Content-Disposition" => "attachment"));


Now all your files will be forced to download. You may need to clear your cache to see the change. And obviously, don't do that on any file that you actually do want to be loaded "inline" in the browser.


The nice part with this solution is that applications that load media files directly (like let's say an mp3 player in Flash) don't care about the content-type or content-disposition, so you can still play your files in the browser and then link to download that same file. If the user already finished loading the file in flash, they'll most likely still have it in their cache, which means their download will be super quick and it won't even cost you any extra bandwidth charges from the S3.




Amazon has now solved this problem and allows overriding of headers on a per-request basis with signed requests:






Just add this to your file's metadata on s3:


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=FILENAME.EXT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream



Just wanting to post a contribution to this, Alex Neth is correct on this reference, but i do not feel a link is sufficient information, using amazon's own AWS PHP SDK2. Below I've outlined a basic (untested) method for calling data this way, you can use either S3 Factory Method or AWS Service Builder to make the S3 Client.

只想发布一个贡献,Alex Neth在这个参考上是正确的,但我不觉得链接是足够的信息,使用亚马逊自己的AWS PHP SDK2。下面我概述了一种以这种方式调用数据的基本(未经测试)方法,您可以使用S3 Factory Method或AWS Service Builder来创建S3 Client。

// S3 Factory Method
/*use Aws\S3\S3Client;

$s3= S3Client::factory(array(
    'key'    => '<aws access key>',
    'secret' => '<aws secret key>'

// OR AWS Service Builder
use Aws\Common\Aws;

// Create a service builder using a configuration file
$aws = Aws::factory('/path/to/my_config.json');

// Get the client from the builder by namespace
$s3 = $aws->get('S3');

// Now lets create our request object.
$command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject',array(
    'Bucket'                        => 'your-bucket-name',
    'Key'                           => 'keyname',
    'ResponseContentType'           => 'application/octet-stream',
    'ResponseContentDisposition'    => 'attachment; filename="filename.mp3',
$url = $command->createPresignedUrl('+1 days');

You can then use PHP's header("Location: $url"); in order to redirect the visitor to the MP3 file with a force download, this should prevent it from playing in the browser, Please note, i use ResponseContentType quite frequently but I've never used ResponseContentDisposition with AWS (it should work according to the docs).

然后你可以使用PHP的标题(“Location:$ url”);为了通过强制下载将访问者重定向到MP3文件,这应该阻止它在浏览器中播放,请注意,我经常使用ResponseContentType但我从未使用过AWS的ResponseContentDisposition(它应该根据文档工作) )。

Converting this sample into a function should be easy, you could even pass in $bucket, $key, $force_download as such

将此示例转换为函数应该很简单,您甚至可以传入$ bucket,$ key,$ force_download

use Aws\Common\Aws;

function gen_url($bucket,$key,$force_download=false){
    // OR AWS Service Builder (personal method to do this)

    // Create a service builder using a configuration file
    $aws = Aws::factory('/path/to/my_config.json');

    // Get the client from the builder by namespace
    $s3 = $aws->get('S3');
    $params = array(
        'Bucket'                        => $bucket,
        'Key'                           => 'keyname',
        'ResponseContentType'           => 'application/octet-stream',
        'ResponseContentDisposition'    => 'attachment; filename="filename.mp3',

        $params['ResponseContentType'] = 'application/octet-stream';
        $params['ResponseContentDisposition'] = 'attachment; filename="'.basename($key).'"';

    $command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject',$params);
    return $command->createPresignedUrl('+1 days');

// Location redirection to an MP3 force downlaod
header("Location: ".gen_url("recordings","my-file.mp3",true));
// Location redirection to a MP3 that lets the browser decide what to do.
header("Location: ".gen_url("recordings","my-file.mp3"));


WARNING, if you haven't figured it out, this requires the AWS PHP SDK 2 currently (April 7th 2014) found here http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/ This code is mostly pseudo code and may require some additional tweaking to actually make work as i'm referencing this from memory.

警告,如果您还没弄明白,这需要AWS PHP SDK 2当前(2014年4月7日)在这里找到http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/这段代码主要是伪代码,可能需要一些额外的调整实际工作,因为我从内存中引用它。



So modify my example above to be like this



header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$_GET['file']};");

readfile("url to the file/{$_GET['file']}");



Now you will want to put some validation in there so that you not giving the world access to every file you put on S3, but this should work.




If you are using a library like Tarzan AWS, you can add meta headers, that amazon will include when the file is retrieved. Check out the meta parameter in the update_object function here, for example: http://tarzan-aws.com/docs/2.0/files/s3-class-php.html#AmazonS3.update_object

如果您使用的是Tarzan AWS等库,则可以添加元头,亚马逊将在检索文件时包含这些元头。在这里查看update_object函数中的meta参数,例如:http://tarzan-aws.com/docs/2.0/files/s3-class-php.html#AmazonS3.update_object



Also worth mentioning is you are able to hard-set the headers for files in S3. For example, if you need to force-download a certain file you can set the appropriate headers for that file. Such as defaulting to stream, and either having a secondary file set to force-download or spend the bandwidth to use php/fputs and force-download via PHP.

另外值得一提的是,您可以在S3中为文件硬件设置标头。例如,如果您需要强制下载某个文件,则可以为该文件设置适当的标头。例如默认为流,并且要么将辅助文件设置为强制下载,要么花费带宽来使用php / fputs并通过PHP强制下载。



    require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
    use Aws\Common\Aws;

    function gen_url($bucket,$key,$force_download=false){
        // OR AWS Service Builder (personal method to do this)

        $config = array(
                'key'    => '',
                'secret' => '',

        // Create a service builder using a configuration file
        $aws = Aws::factory($config);

        // Get the client from the builder by namespace
        $s3 = $aws->get('S3');
        $params = array(
            'Bucket'                        => $bucket,
            'Key'                           => $key,
            'ResponseContentType'           => 'application/octet-stream',
            'ResponseContentDisposition'    => 'attachment; filename="'.$key,

            $params['ResponseContentType'] = 'application/octet-stream';
            $params['ResponseContentDisposition'] = 'attachment; filename="'.basename($key).'"';

        $command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject',$params);
        return $command->createPresignedUrl('+1 days');

    $bucket = '';
    $filename = '';

    $url = gen_url($bucket,$filename,true);

    echo "\n".$url."\n\n";

The code above works, you just need to install the S3 composer dependency and link in the autoload file, put your key/secret into config and then supply the bucket/filename.




php would just download the file to the server, not the client. remember, php doesn't do anything on the client, it just returns content (html, javascript, css, xml, whatever...)


[edit: added for clarity]: php can serve audio content, but you want to serve a web page and audio at the same time. To get that client behaviour, you have to get the client to request the file based on the web page's html or javascript.


So you have to get the client to download the file. For instance, have an iframe on the page with the url of the file on s3. Use css to make the iframe invisible. It should render the page and download and play the mp3.


Otherwise, look into using javascript to kick of a download when the page loads. I'm not sure if that's possible.




This is now possible by overwriting the S3 headers using signed requests.


Request Parameters

There are times when you want to override certain response header values in a GET response. For example, you might override the Content-Disposition response header value in your GET request.


You can override values for a set of response headers using the query parameters listed in the following table.


response-content-type - Sets the Content-Type header of the response response-content-disposition - Sets the Content-Disposition header of the response.

response-content-type - 设置响应响应的Content-Type标头content-disposition - 设置响应的Content-Disposition标头。


You must sign the request, either using an Authorization header or a pre-signed URL, when using these parameters. They cannot be used with an unsigned (anonymous) request.


So, you would set those headers to:


response-content-disposition: attachment; filename=FILENAME.EXT
response-content-type: application/octet-stream

Found answer here: https://*.com/a/5903710/922522




// PHP solution (for OP and others), works with public and private files
// Download url expires after 30 minutes (no experation after the download initiates, for large files)
// ***Forces client download***
$signed_url = $s3_client->getObjectUrl($s3_bucket_name, $s3_filename_key, '+30 minutes', array(
    'ResponseContentType' => 'application/octet-stream',
    'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'attachment; filename="your-file-name-here.mp4"'



I never tried Amazon's S3 hosting, but don't you have access to using .htaccess files there? Then you can set Content-Type and Content-Disposition for an entire directory with this entry:


<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    <FilesMatch "\.(mp3)$">
            ForceType audio/mpeg
            Header set Content-Disposition attachment



The php scripts that have been mentioned so far will work ok, but the main downside is that every time a visitor on your site requests a file, your own servers will load it from the S3 and then relay that data to the browser. For low traffic sites, it's probably not a big deal, but for high traffic ones, you definitely want to avoid running everything through your own servers.


Luckily, there's a fairly straight-forward way to set your files to be forced to download from the S3. And you're exactly right - you just want to set the content-type and content-disposition (just setting content-disposition will work in some browsers, but setting both should work in all browsers).

幸运的是,有一种相当直接的方法可以将文件设置为强制从S3下载。你完全正确 - 你只想设置内容类型和内容处理(只是设置内容处理在某些浏览器中可以使用,但设置两者都适用于所有浏览器)。

This code is assuming that you're using the Amazon S3 PHP class from Undesigned:

此代码假设您使用的是Undesigned中的Amazon S3 PHP类:


// set S3 auth and get your bucket listing

// then loop through the bucket and copy each file over itself, replacing the "request headers":
S3::copyObject($bucketName, $filename, $bucketName, $filename, "public-read", array(), array("Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream", "Content-Disposition" => "attachment"));


Now all your files will be forced to download. You may need to clear your cache to see the change. And obviously, don't do that on any file that you actually do want to be loaded "inline" in the browser.


The nice part with this solution is that applications that load media files directly (like let's say an mp3 player in Flash) don't care about the content-type or content-disposition, so you can still play your files in the browser and then link to download that same file. If the user already finished loading the file in flash, they'll most likely still have it in their cache, which means their download will be super quick and it won't even cost you any extra bandwidth charges from the S3.




Amazon has now solved this problem and allows overriding of headers on a per-request basis with signed requests:






Just add this to your file's metadata on s3:


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=FILENAME.EXT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream



Just wanting to post a contribution to this, Alex Neth is correct on this reference, but i do not feel a link is sufficient information, using amazon's own AWS PHP SDK2. Below I've outlined a basic (untested) method for calling data this way, you can use either S3 Factory Method or AWS Service Builder to make the S3 Client.

只想发布一个贡献,Alex Neth在这个参考上是正确的,但我不觉得链接是足够的信息,使用亚马逊自己的AWS PHP SDK2。下面我概述了一种以这种方式调用数据的基本(未经测试)方法,您可以使用S3 Factory Method或AWS Service Builder来创建S3 Client。

// S3 Factory Method
/*use Aws\S3\S3Client;

$s3= S3Client::factory(array(
    'key'    => '<aws access key>',
    'secret' => '<aws secret key>'

// OR AWS Service Builder
use Aws\Common\Aws;

// Create a service builder using a configuration file
$aws = Aws::factory('/path/to/my_config.json');

// Get the client from the builder by namespace
$s3 = $aws->get('S3');

// Now lets create our request object.
$command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject',array(
    'Bucket'                        => 'your-bucket-name',
    'Key'                           => 'keyname',
    'ResponseContentType'           => 'application/octet-stream',
    'ResponseContentDisposition'    => 'attachment; filename="filename.mp3',
$url = $command->createPresignedUrl('+1 days');

You can then use PHP's header("Location: $url"); in order to redirect the visitor to the MP3 file with a force download, this should prevent it from playing in the browser, Please note, i use ResponseContentType quite frequently but I've never used ResponseContentDisposition with AWS (it should work according to the docs).

然后你可以使用PHP的标题(“Location:$ url”);为了通过强制下载将访问者重定向到MP3文件,这应该阻止它在浏览器中播放,请注意,我经常使用ResponseContentType但我从未使用过AWS的ResponseContentDisposition(它应该根据文档工作) )。

Converting this sample into a function should be easy, you could even pass in $bucket, $key, $force_download as such

将此示例转换为函数应该很简单,您甚至可以传入$ bucket,$ key,$ force_download

use Aws\Common\Aws;

function gen_url($bucket,$key,$force_download=false){
    // OR AWS Service Builder (personal method to do this)

    // Create a service builder using a configuration file
    $aws = Aws::factory('/path/to/my_config.json');

    // Get the client from the builder by namespace
    $s3 = $aws->get('S3');
    $params = array(
        'Bucket'                        => $bucket,
        'Key'                           => 'keyname',
        'ResponseContentType'           => 'application/octet-stream',
        'ResponseContentDisposition'    => 'attachment; filename="filename.mp3',

        $params['ResponseContentType'] = 'application/octet-stream';
        $params['ResponseContentDisposition'] = 'attachment; filename="'.basename($key).'"';

    $command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject',$params);
    return $command->createPresignedUrl('+1 days');

// Location redirection to an MP3 force downlaod
header("Location: ".gen_url("recordings","my-file.mp3",true));
// Location redirection to a MP3 that lets the browser decide what to do.
header("Location: ".gen_url("recordings","my-file.mp3"));


WARNING, if you haven't figured it out, this requires the AWS PHP SDK 2 currently (April 7th 2014) found here http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/ This code is mostly pseudo code and may require some additional tweaking to actually make work as i'm referencing this from memory.

警告,如果您还没弄明白,这需要AWS PHP SDK 2当前(2014年4月7日)在这里找到http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/这段代码主要是伪代码,可能需要一些额外的调整实际工作,因为我从内存中引用它。



So modify my example above to be like this



header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$_GET['file']};");

readfile("url to the file/{$_GET['file']}");



Now you will want to put some validation in there so that you not giving the world access to every file you put on S3, but this should work.




If you are using a library like Tarzan AWS, you can add meta headers, that amazon will include when the file is retrieved. Check out the meta parameter in the update_object function here, for example: http://tarzan-aws.com/docs/2.0/files/s3-class-php.html#AmazonS3.update_object

如果您使用的是Tarzan AWS等库,则可以添加元头,亚马逊将在检索文件时包含这些元头。在这里查看update_object函数中的meta参数,例如:http://tarzan-aws.com/docs/2.0/files/s3-class-php.html#AmazonS3.update_object



Also worth mentioning is you are able to hard-set the headers for files in S3. For example, if you need to force-download a certain file you can set the appropriate headers for that file. Such as defaulting to stream, and either having a secondary file set to force-download or spend the bandwidth to use php/fputs and force-download via PHP.

另外值得一提的是,您可以在S3中为文件硬件设置标头。例如,如果您需要强制下载某个文件,则可以为该文件设置适当的标头。例如默认为流,并且要么将辅助文件设置为强制下载,要么花费带宽来使用php / fputs并通过PHP强制下载。



    require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
    use Aws\Common\Aws;

    function gen_url($bucket,$key,$force_download=false){
        // OR AWS Service Builder (personal method to do this)

        $config = array(
                'key'    => '',
                'secret' => '',

        // Create a service builder using a configuration file
        $aws = Aws::factory($config);

        // Get the client from the builder by namespace
        $s3 = $aws->get('S3');
        $params = array(
            'Bucket'                        => $bucket,
            'Key'                           => $key,
            'ResponseContentType'           => 'application/octet-stream',
            'ResponseContentDisposition'    => 'attachment; filename="'.$key,

            $params['ResponseContentType'] = 'application/octet-stream';
            $params['ResponseContentDisposition'] = 'attachment; filename="'.basename($key).'"';

        $command = $s3->getCommand('GetObject',$params);
        return $command->createPresignedUrl('+1 days');

    $bucket = '';
    $filename = '';

    $url = gen_url($bucket,$filename,true);

    echo "\n".$url."\n\n";

The code above works, you just need to install the S3 composer dependency and link in the autoload file, put your key/secret into config and then supply the bucket/filename.




php would just download the file to the server, not the client. remember, php doesn't do anything on the client, it just returns content (html, javascript, css, xml, whatever...)


[edit: added for clarity]: php can serve audio content, but you want to serve a web page and audio at the same time. To get that client behaviour, you have to get the client to request the file based on the web page's html or javascript.


So you have to get the client to download the file. For instance, have an iframe on the page with the url of the file on s3. Use css to make the iframe invisible. It should render the page and download and play the mp3.


Otherwise, look into using javascript to kick of a download when the page loads. I'm not sure if that's possible.




This is now possible by overwriting the S3 headers using signed requests.


Request Parameters

There are times when you want to override certain response header values in a GET response. For example, you might override the Content-Disposition response header value in your GET request.


You can override values for a set of response headers using the query parameters listed in the following table.


response-content-type - Sets the Content-Type header of the response response-content-disposition - Sets the Content-Disposition header of the response.

response-content-type - 设置响应响应的Content-Type标头content-disposition - 设置响应的Content-Disposition标头。


You must sign the request, either using an Authorization header or a pre-signed URL, when using these parameters. They cannot be used with an unsigned (anonymous) request.


So, you would set those headers to:


response-content-disposition: attachment; filename=FILENAME.EXT
response-content-type: application/octet-stream

Found answer here: https://*.com/a/5903710/922522




// PHP solution (for OP and others), works with public and private files
// Download url expires after 30 minutes (no experation after the download initiates, for large files)
// ***Forces client download***
$signed_url = $s3_client->getObjectUrl($s3_bucket_name, $s3_filename_key, '+30 minutes', array(
    'ResponseContentType' => 'application/octet-stream',
    'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'attachment; filename="your-file-name-here.mp4"'



I never tried Amazon's S3 hosting, but don't you have access to using .htaccess files there? Then you can set Content-Type and Content-Disposition for an entire directory with this entry:


<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    <FilesMatch "\.(mp3)$">
            ForceType audio/mpeg
            Header set Content-Disposition attachment