错误:安装Android Studio后“找不到Build Tools修订版...”

时间:2022-07-20 22:59:42

Before i've installed Android Studio, all projects were working fine. Now i have to run build with sudo to prevent the error.

在我安装Android Studio之前,所有项目都运行良好。现在我必须使用sudo运行构建以防止错误。

I've tried different solutions, like this and this, but nothing helps. Android studio is uninstalled already, but error persists.

我尝试了不同的解决方案,比如这个和这个,但没有任何帮助。 Android studio已经卸载,但错误仍然存​​在。

1 个解决方案



I had to erase and reinstall whole SDK. Never ever install Android Studio, if you are not sure you do really need it.

我不得不擦除并重新安装整个SDK。永远不要安装Android Studio,如果你不确定你真的需要它。



I had to erase and reinstall whole SDK. Never ever install Android Studio, if you are not sure you do really need it.

我不得不擦除并重新安装整个SDK。永远不要安装Android Studio,如果你不确定你真的需要它。