当在搜索模式中使用newline时,dreamweaver regex替换失败。

时间:2022-03-28 22:58:08

I am trying to use



as the pattern and



as the replacement in Dreamweaver CS6. The file is located on a Win7 machine and is put to a CentOS6.4 server for use.

作为Dreamweaver CS6中的替换。该文件位于Win7机器上,并被放在CentOS6.4服务器上使用。

The idea is to replace an x at the start of a line with a y. Dreamweaver finds the pattern ok but no matter what I choose as a replacement, nothing is replaced.


1 个解决方案



It turns out this file is using \r\n (carriage return and newline) for a line delimiter rather than only \n (newline) as was expected. The solution is to use



as the pattern and



as the replacement.


Works like a champ. The file source lives on a Win7 laptop but is put to a UNIX box (CentOS 6.4) for actual use.

就像一个冠军。该文件源代码位于Win7笔记本电脑上,但会被放到UNIX box (CentOS 6.4)中以供实际使用。

Also, a big thank you to commenter for suggestion to make \r conditional so pattern will handle both Linux / UNIX and Windows.

另外,非常感谢您对使\r有条件的建议,使pattern可以同时处理Linux / UNIX和Windows。



It turns out this file is using \r\n (carriage return and newline) for a line delimiter rather than only \n (newline) as was expected. The solution is to use



as the pattern and



as the replacement.


Works like a champ. The file source lives on a Win7 laptop but is put to a UNIX box (CentOS 6.4) for actual use.

就像一个冠军。该文件源代码位于Win7笔记本电脑上,但会被放到UNIX box (CentOS 6.4)中以供实际使用。

Also, a big thank you to commenter for suggestion to make \r conditional so pattern will handle both Linux / UNIX and Windows.

另外,非常感谢您对使\r有条件的建议,使pattern可以同时处理Linux / UNIX和Windows。