如何在VisualStudio 2015 RC中启用Intellitest?

时间:2022-07-08 22:55:52

I installed the Visual Studio 2015 RC and tried to "Run Intelltest" as per the instructions on the Microsoft Help Page, but the command doesn't appear on the popup menu as expected. Does anyone have any idea what happened? Was it pulled from the RC, or do I have to set a flag / configuration item, do an extra install, etc. Any help in this regard would be much appreciated...

我安装了Visual Studio 2015 RC并尝试按照Microsoft帮助页面上的说明“运行Intelltest”,但该命令未按预期显示在弹出菜单上。有谁知道发生了什么?它是从RC拉出来的,还是我必须设置一个标志/配置项,做一个额外的安装等等。在这方面的任何帮助将非常感谢...

2 个解决方案


The Run IntelliTest command should show up for C# apps created from project templates under the Windows Desktop hive in the File | New | Project dialog.

Run IntelliTest命令应显示为从File |中Windows桌面配置单元下的项目模板创建的C#应用​​程序新的|项目对话框。


You should download the Enterprise version of RC, not the Professional.



The Run IntelliTest command should show up for C# apps created from project templates under the Windows Desktop hive in the File | New | Project dialog.

Run IntelliTest命令应显示为从File |中Windows桌面配置单元下的项目模板创建的C#应用​​程序新的|项目对话框。


You should download the Enterprise version of RC, not the Professional.
