+ @是什么意思作为ruby中的方法

时间:2021-10-01 22:35:25

I was reading some code and I saw something along the lines of


module M
  def +@

I was surprised that this was legal syntax, yet when I ran ruby -c on the file (to lint) it said it was valid. -@ was also a legal method name yet when I tried *@ or d@ both of those were illegal. I was wondering what +@ means and why is it legal?

我很惊讶这是合法的语法,但当我在文件上运行ruby -c(对于lint)时,它说它是有效的。 - @也是一个合法的方法名称,但当我尝试* @或d @时,这些都是非法的。我想知道+ @是什么意思,为什么合法?

2 个解决方案



Ruby contains a few unary operators, including +, -, !, ~, & and *. As with other operators you can also redefine these. For ~ and ! you can simply just say def ~ and def ! as they don't have a binary counterpart (e.g. you cannot say a!b).

Ruby包含一些一元运算符,包括+, - ,!,〜,&和*。与其他运营商一样,您也可以重新定义这些运营商。对于〜和!你可以简单地说def~和def!因为他们没有二元对应物(例如你不能说a!b)。

However for - and + there is both a unary, and a binary version (e.g. a+b and +a are both valid), so if you want to redefine the unary version you have to use def +@ and def -@.

但是对于 - 和+有一元和二元版本(例如+ + b和+ a都有效),所以如果你想重新定义一元版本,你必须使用def + @和def - @。

Also note that there is a unary version of * and & as well, but they have special meanings. For * it is tied to splatting the array, and for & it is tied to converting the object to a proc, so if you want to use them you have to redefine to_a and to_proc respectively.


Here is a more complete example showing all kinds of the unary operators:


class SmileyString < String
  def +@ 
    SmileyString.new(self + " :)")

  def -@ 
    SmileyString.new(self + " :(")

  def ~ 
    SmileyString.new(self + " :~")

  def !
    SmileyString.new(self + " :!")

  def to_proc
    Proc.new { |a| SmileyString.new(self + " " + a) }

  def to_a
    [SmileyString.new(":("), self]

a = SmileyString.new("Hello")
p +a                 # => "Hello :)"
p ~a                 # => "Hello :~"
p *a                 # => [":(", "Hello"]    
p !a                 # => "Hello :!"
p +~a                # => "Hello :~ :)"
p *+!-~a             # => [":(", "Hello :~ :( :! :)"]
p %w{:) :(}.map &a   # => ["Hello :)", "Hello :("]

In your example the Module just simply defines an unary + operator, with a default value of not doing anything with the object (which is a common behaviour for the unary plus, 5 and +5 usually mean the same thing). Mixing in with any class would mean the class immediately gets support for using the unary plus operator, which would do nothing much.


For example (using ruby <=2.2):

例如(使用ruby <= 2.2):

module M
  def +@

p +"Hello"     # => NoMethodError: undefined method `+@' for "Hello":String

class String
  include M

p +"Hello"     # => "Hello"

Note that in this example you can clearly see from the error message that the +@ method is missing from the class

请注意,在此示例中,您可以从错误消息中清楚地看到类中缺少+ @方法

Note that the above example will be different from Ruby 2.3, as the unary minus and plus are defined for Strings since that version, and they refer to returning a frozen and unfrozen string from the original.

请注意,上面的示例与Ruby 2.3不同,因为从该版本开始为字符串定义了一元减号和加号,它们指的是从原始字符串返回冻结和未冻结的字符串。



The method names +@ and -@ are used to overload the unary operators + and - in Ruby (1.9+). Unary operators are operators which only take a single value (e.g. value = -value).

方法名+ @和 - @用于在Ruby(1.9+)中重载一元运算符+和 - 。一元运算符是仅采用单个值的运算符(例如,value = -value)。



Ruby contains a few unary operators, including +, -, !, ~, & and *. As with other operators you can also redefine these. For ~ and ! you can simply just say def ~ and def ! as they don't have a binary counterpart (e.g. you cannot say a!b).

Ruby包含一些一元运算符,包括+, - ,!,〜,&和*。与其他运营商一样,您也可以重新定义这些运营商。对于〜和!你可以简单地说def~和def!因为他们没有二元对应物(例如你不能说a!b)。

However for - and + there is both a unary, and a binary version (e.g. a+b and +a are both valid), so if you want to redefine the unary version you have to use def +@ and def -@.

但是对于 - 和+有一元和二元版本(例如+ + b和+ a都有效),所以如果你想重新定义一元版本,你必须使用def + @和def - @。

Also note that there is a unary version of * and & as well, but they have special meanings. For * it is tied to splatting the array, and for & it is tied to converting the object to a proc, so if you want to use them you have to redefine to_a and to_proc respectively.


Here is a more complete example showing all kinds of the unary operators:


class SmileyString < String
  def +@ 
    SmileyString.new(self + " :)")

  def -@ 
    SmileyString.new(self + " :(")

  def ~ 
    SmileyString.new(self + " :~")

  def !
    SmileyString.new(self + " :!")

  def to_proc
    Proc.new { |a| SmileyString.new(self + " " + a) }

  def to_a
    [SmileyString.new(":("), self]

a = SmileyString.new("Hello")
p +a                 # => "Hello :)"
p ~a                 # => "Hello :~"
p *a                 # => [":(", "Hello"]    
p !a                 # => "Hello :!"
p +~a                # => "Hello :~ :)"
p *+!-~a             # => [":(", "Hello :~ :( :! :)"]
p %w{:) :(}.map &a   # => ["Hello :)", "Hello :("]

In your example the Module just simply defines an unary + operator, with a default value of not doing anything with the object (which is a common behaviour for the unary plus, 5 and +5 usually mean the same thing). Mixing in with any class would mean the class immediately gets support for using the unary plus operator, which would do nothing much.


For example (using ruby <=2.2):

例如(使用ruby <= 2.2):

module M
  def +@

p +"Hello"     # => NoMethodError: undefined method `+@' for "Hello":String

class String
  include M

p +"Hello"     # => "Hello"

Note that in this example you can clearly see from the error message that the +@ method is missing from the class

请注意,在此示例中,您可以从错误消息中清楚地看到类中缺少+ @方法

Note that the above example will be different from Ruby 2.3, as the unary minus and plus are defined for Strings since that version, and they refer to returning a frozen and unfrozen string from the original.

请注意,上面的示例与Ruby 2.3不同,因为从该版本开始为字符串定义了一元减号和加号,它们指的是从原始字符串返回冻结和未冻结的字符串。



The method names +@ and -@ are used to overload the unary operators + and - in Ruby (1.9+). Unary operators are operators which only take a single value (e.g. value = -value).

方法名+ @和 - @用于在Ruby(1.9+)中重载一元运算符+和 - 。一元运算符是仅采用单个值的运算符(例如,value = -value)。