译文——The habits of highly successful people

时间:2022-08-13 22:37:38

1.Morning Routine (早上列行公事) Probably the most common habit ultra-successful people have is they can tell you exactly what they do for the 60 minutes of their day


2.Practicing Gratitude (做感恩练习)


3.Read - The person you will be in 5 years will be a combination of the books you read, the people you meet and the experiences you have

5年内,你读过的书(the books you read ),见过的人(the person you meet),所经历的事(the experience you have),在5年以后,都会在你身上显现

4.Be Proactive, not REactive (要主动而不是被动)The successful don't wait around for things to happen to them.

This doesn't necessarily mean they're constantly pressing for forcing things either. They are actively practicing the technique and mastering the skills of their craft,
by doing this you allow talent and genius to naturally emerge and opportunities to blossom. 成功的人不会等着好事自己去发生。这并不是意味着他们要迫使事情发生。他们会积极练习他们的工艺技术,和所掌握的技能。
这样才能让才能和天赋在机会到来(opprtunities to blossom)的时候,能很好的发挥出来。

    5.Beginning with the End Result in Mind (结果导向)


6.Take Care of Your Body (照顾自己的身体)


7.Believe None of What You Hear, and Only Half of What You See 


8.Money & Debt


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译文——The habits of highly successful people


译文——The habits of highly successful people


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