组合和聚合有什么区别? [重复]

时间:2020-12-19 22:28:19

What is the difference between composition and aggregation? can anybody give me a sample of this OOAD?


4 个解决方案



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"Both aggregation and composition are special kinds of associations. Aggregation is used to represent ownership or a whole/part relationship, and composition is used to represent an even stronger form of ownership. With composition, we get coincident lifetime of part with the whole. The composite object has sole responsibility for the disposition of its parts in terms of creation and destruction.


Moreover, the multiplicity of the aggregate end may not exceed one; i.e., it is unshared. An object may be part of only one composite at a time. If the composite is destroyed, it must either destroy all its parts or else give responsibility for them to some other object. A composite object can be designed with the knowledge that no other object will destroy its parts.


Composition can be used to model by-value aggregation, which is semantically equivalent to an attribute. In fact, composition was originally called aggregation-by-value in an earlier UML draft, with “normal” aggregation being thought of as aggregation-by-reference. The definitions have changed slightly, but the general ideas still apply. The distinction between aggregation and composition is more of a design concept and is not usually relevant during analysis." John Moore

组合可用于建模按值聚合,其在语义上等同于属性。实际上,组合最初在早期的UML草案中称为按值聚合,“正常”聚合被认为是按引用聚合。定义略有改变,但一般的想法仍然适用。聚合和组合之间的区别更多的是设计概念,在分析过程中通常不相关。“John Moore



Consider a student, the student's brain, and the school the student attends.


The brain is a part of the student. If the student is destroyed, so is the brain. This is composition.


The student has a school. The student survives the school's destruction, and vice versa. This is aggregation.




Relevant answer to your question here: http://ootips.org/uml-hasa.html


In short: both composition and aggregation are acyclic has-a relationships consisting of a part and a whole. The difference is that with composition, the whole is responsible for creating (and deleting) its parts.

简而言之:组成和聚合都是非循环的 - 由一部分和一部分组成的关系。不同之处在于,使用合成,整体负责创建(和删除)其部分。




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_composition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_composition#Aggregation



Found here


"Both aggregation and composition are special kinds of associations. Aggregation is used to represent ownership or a whole/part relationship, and composition is used to represent an even stronger form of ownership. With composition, we get coincident lifetime of part with the whole. The composite object has sole responsibility for the disposition of its parts in terms of creation and destruction.


Moreover, the multiplicity of the aggregate end may not exceed one; i.e., it is unshared. An object may be part of only one composite at a time. If the composite is destroyed, it must either destroy all its parts or else give responsibility for them to some other object. A composite object can be designed with the knowledge that no other object will destroy its parts.


Composition can be used to model by-value aggregation, which is semantically equivalent to an attribute. In fact, composition was originally called aggregation-by-value in an earlier UML draft, with “normal” aggregation being thought of as aggregation-by-reference. The definitions have changed slightly, but the general ideas still apply. The distinction between aggregation and composition is more of a design concept and is not usually relevant during analysis." John Moore

组合可用于建模按值聚合,其在语义上等同于属性。实际上,组合最初在早期的UML草案中称为按值聚合,“正常”聚合被认为是按引用聚合。定义略有改变,但一般的想法仍然适用。聚合和组合之间的区别更多的是设计概念,在分析过程中通常不相关。“John Moore



Consider a student, the student's brain, and the school the student attends.


The brain is a part of the student. If the student is destroyed, so is the brain. This is composition.


The student has a school. The student survives the school's destruction, and vice versa. This is aggregation.




Relevant answer to your question here: http://ootips.org/uml-hasa.html


In short: both composition and aggregation are acyclic has-a relationships consisting of a part and a whole. The difference is that with composition, the whole is responsible for creating (and deleting) its parts.

简而言之:组成和聚合都是非循环的 - 由一部分和一部分组成的关系。不同之处在于,使用合成,整体负责创建(和删除)其部分。




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_composition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_composition#Aggregation