这是什么意思:key= x: x[1] ?

时间:2022-05-03 22:25:58

I see it used in sorting, but what do the individual components of this line of code actually mean?


key=lambda x: x[1]

What's lambda, what is x:, why [1] in x[1] etc...




max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=lambda x: x[1])

sort(mylist, key=lambda x: x[1])

3 个解决方案



lambda effectively creates an inline function. For example, you can rewrite this example:


max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=lambda x: x[1])

Using a named function:


def element_1(x):
    return x[1]

max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=element_1)

In this case, max() will return the element in that array whose second element (x[1]) is larger than all of the other elements' second elements. Another way of phrasing it is as the function call implies: return the max element, using x[1] as the key.




lambda signifies an anonymous function. In this case, this function takes the single argument x and returns x[1] (i.e. the item at index 1 in x).


Now, sort(mylist, key=lambda x: x[1]) sorts mylist based on the value of key as applied to each element of the list. Similarly, max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=lambda x: x[1]) returns the maximum value of gs_clf.grid_scores_ with respect to whatever is returned by key for each element.

现在,排序(mylist, key= x: x[1])根据应用于列表中的每个元素的键值对mylist进行排序。同样,max(gs_clf。key= x: x[1])返回gs_clf的最大值。grid_scores_关于每个元素的键返回的内容。

I should also point out that this particular function is already included in one of the libraries: operator. Specifically, operator.itemgetter(1) is equivalent to your key.




distances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

This is the function. And here x is the list, in which we are adding x[1] i.e 2nd element of list to the sort function. So, basically we are adding every list's 2nd element (i.e x[1]) to the sort function. I hope you understand this.

这是函数。这里x是我们加x[1] i的列表。列表的第二元素到排序函数。基本上,我们把每个列表的第二个元素(i)相加。e x[1])到排序函数。我希望你能理解。



lambda effectively creates an inline function. For example, you can rewrite this example:


max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=lambda x: x[1])

Using a named function:


def element_1(x):
    return x[1]

max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=element_1)

In this case, max() will return the element in that array whose second element (x[1]) is larger than all of the other elements' second elements. Another way of phrasing it is as the function call implies: return the max element, using x[1] as the key.




lambda signifies an anonymous function. In this case, this function takes the single argument x and returns x[1] (i.e. the item at index 1 in x).


Now, sort(mylist, key=lambda x: x[1]) sorts mylist based on the value of key as applied to each element of the list. Similarly, max(gs_clf.grid_scores_, key=lambda x: x[1]) returns the maximum value of gs_clf.grid_scores_ with respect to whatever is returned by key for each element.

现在,排序(mylist, key= x: x[1])根据应用于列表中的每个元素的键值对mylist进行排序。同样,max(gs_clf。key= x: x[1])返回gs_clf的最大值。grid_scores_关于每个元素的键返回的内容。

I should also point out that this particular function is already included in one of the libraries: operator. Specifically, operator.itemgetter(1) is equivalent to your key.




distances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

This is the function. And here x is the list, in which we are adding x[1] i.e 2nd element of list to the sort function. So, basically we are adding every list's 2nd element (i.e x[1]) to the sort function. I hope you understand this.

这是函数。这里x是我们加x[1] i的列表。列表的第二元素到排序函数。基本上,我们把每个列表的第二个元素(i)相加。e x[1])到排序函数。我希望你能理解。