
时间:2022-07-02 22:24:46

Here is my string


    'user': {
        'name': 'abc',
        'fx': {
            'message': {
                'color': 'red'
            'user': {
                'color': 'blue'
    'timestamp': '2013-10-04T08: 10: 41+0100',
    'message': 'I'mABC..',
    'nanotime': '19993363098581330'

Here the message contains single quotation mark, which is same as the quotation used in JSON. What I do is fill up a string from user inputs such as message. So, I need to escape those kind of special scenarios which breaks the code. But other than string replace, is there any way to make them escape but still allow HTML to process them back to the correct message?


9 个解决方案



A JSON string must be double-quoted, according to the specs, so you don't need to escape '.
If you have to use special character in your JSON string, you can escape it using \ character.


See this list of special character used in JSON :


\b  Backspace (ascii code 08)
\f  Form feed (ascii code 0C)
\n  New line
\r  Carriage return
\t  Tab
\"  Double quote
\\  Backslash character

However, even if it is totally contrary to the spec, the author could use \'.


This is bad because :


  • It IS contrary to the specs
  • 这与规格不符。
  • It is no-longer JSON valid string
  • 它不再是JSON有效字符串。

But it works, as you want it or not.


For new readers, always use a double quotes for your json strings.




I'm appalled by the presence of highly-upvoted misinformation on such a highly-viewed question about a basic topic.


JSON strings cannot be quoted with single quotes. The various versions of the spec (the original by Douglas Crockford, the ECMA version, and the IETF version) all state that strings must be quoted with double quotes. This is not a theoretical issue, nor a matter of opinion as the accepted answer currently suggests; any JSON parser in the real world will error out if you try to have it parse a single-quoted string.

JSON字符串不能单引号引用。规范的各种版本(由Douglas Crockford、ECMA版本和IETF版本的版本)所有的字符串都必须引用双引号。这不是一个理论问题,也不是目前公认的答案所表明的意见问题;如果您试图让它解析一个单引号字符串,那么在真实世界中任何JSON解析器都会出错。

Crockford's and ECMA's version even display the definition of a string using a pretty picture, which should make the point unambiguously clear:



The pretty picture also lists all of the legitimate escape sequences within a JSON string:


  • \"
  • \”
  • \\
  • \ \
  • \/
  • \ /
  • \b
  • \ b
  • \f
  • \ f
  • \n
  • \ n
  • \r
  • r \
  • \t
  • \ t
  • \u followed by four-hex-digits
  • \ u four-hex-digits紧随其后

Note that, contrary to the nonsense in some other answers here, \' is never a valid escape sequence in a JSON string. It doesn't need to be, because JSON strings are always double-quoted.


Finally, you shouldn't normally have to think about escaping characters yourself when programatically generating JSON (though of course you will when manually editing, say, a JSON-based config file). Instead, form the data structure you want to encode using whatever native map, array, string, number, boolean, and null types your language has, and then encode it to JSON with a JSON-encoding function. Such a function is probably built into whatever language you're using, like JavaScript's JSON.stringify, PHP's json_encode, or Python's json.dumps. If you're using a language that doesn't have such functionality built in, you can probably find a JSON parsing and encoding library to use. If you simply use language or library functions to convert things to and from JSON, you'll never even need to know JSON's escaping rules. This is what the misguided question asker here ought to have done.

最后,当编程生成JSON时,您通常不需要考虑转义字符(当然,您当然会在手动编辑时,比如基于JSON的配置文件)。相反,您需要使用任何本地映射、数组、字符串、数字、布尔值和空类型来编码数据结构,然后用JSON编码函数将其编码为JSON。这样的函数可能构建在您使用的任何语言中,比如JavaScript的JSON。stringify, PHP的json_encode,或Python的json.dump。如果您使用的语言没有内置这样的功能,您可能会找到一个JSON解析和编码库来使用。如果您只是使用语言或库函数来将事物转换成JSON,那么您甚至不需要知道JSON的转义规则。这就是这个被误导的问题应该做的。



Everyone is talking about how to escape ' in a '-quoted string literal. There's a much bigger issue here: single-quoted string literals aren't valid JSON. JSON is based on JavaScript, but it's not the same thing. If you're writing an object literal inside JavaScript code, fine; if you actually need JSON, you need to use ".


With double-quoted strings, you won't need to escape the '. (And if you did want a literal " in the string, you'd use \".)




Most of these answers either does not answer the question or is unnecessarily long in the explanation.


OK so JSON only uses double quotation marks, we get that!


I was trying to use JQuery AJAX to post JSON data to server and then later return that same information. The best solution to the posted question I found was to use:

我尝试使用JQuery AJAX将JSON数据发送到服务器,然后返回相同的信息。我找到的问题的最佳解决方案是:

var d = {
    name: 'whatever',
    address: 'whatever',
    DOB: '01/01/2001'
    type: "POST",
    url: 'some/url',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: JSON.stringify(d),

This will escape the characters for you.


This was also suggested by Mark Amery, Great answer BTW

这也是Mark Amery提出的,很棒的答案。

Hope this helps someone.




May be i am too late to the party but this will parse/escape single quote (don't want to get into a battle on parse vs escape)..

可能是我太迟了,但这将解析/退出单引号(不要陷入解析vs . escape的战斗中)..




The answer the direct question:
To be safe, replace the required character with \u+4-digit-hex-value


Example: If you want to escape the apostrophe ' replace with \u0027
D'Amico becomes D\u0027Amico

例子:如果你想要摆脱撇号的替换,用\u0027 D' amico变成D\u0027Amico。

NICE REFERENCE: http://es5.github.io/x7.html#x7.8.4

很好的参考:http://es5.github.io/x7.html # x7.8.4





This is an issue if you include your data in an html file the following way (using ejs template engine):


  var MY_APP = { data: JSON.parse('<%-JSON.stringify(data)%>'};

if data contains a string with single quotes this will error, unless you convert ' to \' which is only possible by the string "\\\'"


<script>var BRANCHE = { data: JSON.parse('<%-

Not pretty, but works.




I think we all agree single quoted jsons aren't real jsons. Be that as it may, we still need to address the question of escaping " within a double quoted json string, in the absence of libraries to do so for us.


Replacing each " with a \" is NOT ENOUGH: User may enter the input: \ and parsing, again, fails (think why).


Instead, first replace each \ with \ (double backslash). Only then, replace each " with \" (backslash followed by ").




regarding AlexB's post:


 \'  Apostrophe or single quote
 \"  Double quote

escaping single quotes is only valid in single quoted json strings
escaping double quotes is only valid in double quoted json strings




'Bart\'s car'       -> valid
'Bart says \"Hi\"'  -> invalid



A JSON string must be double-quoted, according to the specs, so you don't need to escape '.
If you have to use special character in your JSON string, you can escape it using \ character.


See this list of special character used in JSON :


\b  Backspace (ascii code 08)
\f  Form feed (ascii code 0C)
\n  New line
\r  Carriage return
\t  Tab
\"  Double quote
\\  Backslash character

However, even if it is totally contrary to the spec, the author could use \'.


This is bad because :


  • It IS contrary to the specs
  • 这与规格不符。
  • It is no-longer JSON valid string
  • 它不再是JSON有效字符串。

But it works, as you want it or not.


For new readers, always use a double quotes for your json strings.




I'm appalled by the presence of highly-upvoted misinformation on such a highly-viewed question about a basic topic.


JSON strings cannot be quoted with single quotes. The various versions of the spec (the original by Douglas Crockford, the ECMA version, and the IETF version) all state that strings must be quoted with double quotes. This is not a theoretical issue, nor a matter of opinion as the accepted answer currently suggests; any JSON parser in the real world will error out if you try to have it parse a single-quoted string.

JSON字符串不能单引号引用。规范的各种版本(由Douglas Crockford、ECMA版本和IETF版本的版本)所有的字符串都必须引用双引号。这不是一个理论问题,也不是目前公认的答案所表明的意见问题;如果您试图让它解析一个单引号字符串,那么在真实世界中任何JSON解析器都会出错。

Crockford's and ECMA's version even display the definition of a string using a pretty picture, which should make the point unambiguously clear:



The pretty picture also lists all of the legitimate escape sequences within a JSON string:


  • \"
  • \”
  • \\
  • \ \
  • \/
  • \ /
  • \b
  • \ b
  • \f
  • \ f
  • \n
  • \ n
  • \r
  • r \
  • \t
  • \ t
  • \u followed by four-hex-digits
  • \ u four-hex-digits紧随其后

Note that, contrary to the nonsense in some other answers here, \' is never a valid escape sequence in a JSON string. It doesn't need to be, because JSON strings are always double-quoted.


Finally, you shouldn't normally have to think about escaping characters yourself when programatically generating JSON (though of course you will when manually editing, say, a JSON-based config file). Instead, form the data structure you want to encode using whatever native map, array, string, number, boolean, and null types your language has, and then encode it to JSON with a JSON-encoding function. Such a function is probably built into whatever language you're using, like JavaScript's JSON.stringify, PHP's json_encode, or Python's json.dumps. If you're using a language that doesn't have such functionality built in, you can probably find a JSON parsing and encoding library to use. If you simply use language or library functions to convert things to and from JSON, you'll never even need to know JSON's escaping rules. This is what the misguided question asker here ought to have done.

最后,当编程生成JSON时,您通常不需要考虑转义字符(当然,您当然会在手动编辑时,比如基于JSON的配置文件)。相反,您需要使用任何本地映射、数组、字符串、数字、布尔值和空类型来编码数据结构,然后用JSON编码函数将其编码为JSON。这样的函数可能构建在您使用的任何语言中,比如JavaScript的JSON。stringify, PHP的json_encode,或Python的json.dump。如果您使用的语言没有内置这样的功能,您可能会找到一个JSON解析和编码库来使用。如果您只是使用语言或库函数来将事物转换成JSON,那么您甚至不需要知道JSON的转义规则。这就是这个被误导的问题应该做的。



Everyone is talking about how to escape ' in a '-quoted string literal. There's a much bigger issue here: single-quoted string literals aren't valid JSON. JSON is based on JavaScript, but it's not the same thing. If you're writing an object literal inside JavaScript code, fine; if you actually need JSON, you need to use ".


With double-quoted strings, you won't need to escape the '. (And if you did want a literal " in the string, you'd use \".)




Most of these answers either does not answer the question or is unnecessarily long in the explanation.


OK so JSON only uses double quotation marks, we get that!


I was trying to use JQuery AJAX to post JSON data to server and then later return that same information. The best solution to the posted question I found was to use:

我尝试使用JQuery AJAX将JSON数据发送到服务器,然后返回相同的信息。我找到的问题的最佳解决方案是:

var d = {
    name: 'whatever',
    address: 'whatever',
    DOB: '01/01/2001'
    type: "POST",
    url: 'some/url',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: JSON.stringify(d),

This will escape the characters for you.


This was also suggested by Mark Amery, Great answer BTW

这也是Mark Amery提出的,很棒的答案。

Hope this helps someone.




May be i am too late to the party but this will parse/escape single quote (don't want to get into a battle on parse vs escape)..

可能是我太迟了,但这将解析/退出单引号(不要陷入解析vs . escape的战斗中)..




The answer the direct question:
To be safe, replace the required character with \u+4-digit-hex-value


Example: If you want to escape the apostrophe ' replace with \u0027
D'Amico becomes D\u0027Amico

例子:如果你想要摆脱撇号的替换,用\u0027 D' amico变成D\u0027Amico。

NICE REFERENCE: http://es5.github.io/x7.html#x7.8.4

很好的参考:http://es5.github.io/x7.html # x7.8.4





This is an issue if you include your data in an html file the following way (using ejs template engine):


  var MY_APP = { data: JSON.parse('<%-JSON.stringify(data)%>'};

if data contains a string with single quotes this will error, unless you convert ' to \' which is only possible by the string "\\\'"


<script>var BRANCHE = { data: JSON.parse('<%-

Not pretty, but works.




I think we all agree single quoted jsons aren't real jsons. Be that as it may, we still need to address the question of escaping " within a double quoted json string, in the absence of libraries to do so for us.


Replacing each " with a \" is NOT ENOUGH: User may enter the input: \ and parsing, again, fails (think why).


Instead, first replace each \ with \ (double backslash). Only then, replace each " with \" (backslash followed by ").




regarding AlexB's post:


 \'  Apostrophe or single quote
 \"  Double quote

escaping single quotes is only valid in single quoted json strings
escaping double quotes is only valid in double quoted json strings




'Bart\'s car'       -> valid
'Bart says \"Hi\"'  -> invalid