
时间:2023-02-05 22:03:01

I need to rotate the logs daily except the file for current day. I'm using winston and winston-daily-rotate-file libraries.


In the following example, a file "info.log.2016-08-09" is generated just the first time I execute node.


But, I really need to generate the file "info.log", and after this day, should be renamed to "info.log.2016-08-09", and create a new "info.log" for the current day. I understant that this is the normal behaviour in other applications.


var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
  transports: [
    new dailyRotateFile(  
        name: 'cronInfo',
        filename:  path.join(__dirname,"log", "info.log"),
      level: 'info',
       timestamp: function(){                
        return utils.formatDate(new Date(), "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss.l'Z'")
      formatter: function(options) {
          return  options.timestamp() +' ['+ options.level.toUpperCase() +'] '+ (undefined !== options.message ? options.message : '') +
               (options.meta && Object.keys(options.meta).length ? '\n\t'+ JSON.stringify(options.meta) : '' );          

1 个解决方案



Well one workaround can be to have one more transport to info.log


Just like this :

像这样 :

var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
  transports: [
    new dailyRotateFile(  
        //your definition of rotate file
    new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: 'info.log' })

And then set up some cron to delete info.log at midnight, i.e. node-schedule


However, with this approach there can be little inconsistency, if something is run through midnight, it can log few lines into info.log which belongs to next day and then it is deleted, therefore info.log can be incompleted.


But all the logs with this info.log.2016-08-09 format remains full and unaffected.


So it is to consider if very small chance to have incomplete info.log for one day is acceptable. (however you can create more advanced checker that does not just delete file, but looks if exist file of new day and if so, it looks whats inside and then delete only the logs from previous days from info.log and it does not delete it all at once)

因此,可以考虑是否有一天获得不完整的info.log的可能性非常小。 (但是你可以创建更高级的检查器,不只是删除文件,但查看是否存在新的一天的文件,如果是,它看起来里面是什么,然后从info.log只删除前几天的日志,它不会删除它一次全部)



Well one workaround can be to have one more transport to info.log


Just like this :

像这样 :

var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
  transports: [
    new dailyRotateFile(  
        //your definition of rotate file
    new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: 'info.log' })

And then set up some cron to delete info.log at midnight, i.e. node-schedule


However, with this approach there can be little inconsistency, if something is run through midnight, it can log few lines into info.log which belongs to next day and then it is deleted, therefore info.log can be incompleted.


But all the logs with this info.log.2016-08-09 format remains full and unaffected.


So it is to consider if very small chance to have incomplete info.log for one day is acceptable. (however you can create more advanced checker that does not just delete file, but looks if exist file of new day and if so, it looks whats inside and then delete only the logs from previous days from info.log and it does not delete it all at once)

因此,可以考虑是否有一天获得不完整的info.log的可能性非常小。 (但是你可以创建更高级的检查器,不只是删除文件,但查看是否存在新的一天的文件,如果是,它看起来里面是什么,然后从info.log只删除前几天的日志,它不会删除它一次全部)