
时间:2023-01-12 21:53:41

I've already installed the needed tools, and followed several tutorials trying to make passenger respond.


I can access static files in public folder (public/500.html or 422.hml). Yesterday I entered through a vhost, and found some passenger errors. But some time later the hosting restarted the service, and since then I have not been able to access the rails app again.

我可以访问公用文件夹中的静态文件(public/500)。422. html或xml)。昨天我通过一个vhost,发现了一些乘客的错误。但过了一段时间,主机重新启动了服务,从那以后,我就再也无法访问rails应用了。







These are some of the links I used to configure the server. I've also read that could be a permission issue; I've checked that, but I'm not sure it's fine.


4 个解决方案



First of all check your error log. By default, it placed at /var/log/apache2/.


If you have client denied by server configuration issue, check your site conf file at /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-site.conf. It must be in compliance with Phusion Passenger User Guide. Take a look on Require all granted.

如果您的客户端被服务器配置问题拒绝,请在/etc/apache2/site .conf中检查您的站点conf文件。它必须符合Phusion乘客用户指南。看一看要求都是理所当然的。

<Directory "/home/user/folder">
    Require all granted 
    Options FollowSymLinks
    # This relaxes Apache security settings.
    AllowOverride None
    # MultiViews must be turned off.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all



OK for me this meant I was running rails 2.3 and using Phusion Passenger 5.x

对我来说,这意味着我在运行rails 2.3和使用Phusion乘客5。x。

Apparently 5.x doesn't work with 2.2 at all, and requires 2.3 for you to copy in a config.ru file so that it uses rack for the backend.


example config.ru file for 2.3:


# Rack Dispatcher

# Require your environment file to bootstrap Rails
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'

# Dispatch the request
run ActionController::Dispatcher.new

I could not figure out why no incantations seemed to work, it was like Passenger was ignoring my rails app.


In my /var/log/apache2/error.log file, I had this:


[Mon May 11 15:47:00.397891 2015] [autoindex:error] [pid 17490:tid 3058694976] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home/x/y/railsapp/public/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.cgi,index.pl,index.php,index.xhtml,index.htm) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: https://www.google.com/

[[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref

Which confused the heck out of me an apparently meant "passenger isn't running on that virtual host".


If I created a public/index.html file, apache served that fine so it wasn't a permissions issue.


I also saw this, which meant passenger was starting up ok:


[ 2015-05-11 18:23:53.9594 4964/b7415700 agents/Watchdog/Main.cpp:728 ]: All Phusion Passenger agents started!

[2015-05-11 18:23:53 9594 4964/b7415700代理/监督/主要。所有的Phusion乘客代理都开始了!

See also https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache%204.0.html#_i_get_a_403_forbidden_error

参见https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache%204.0.html _i_get_a_403_forbidden_error

So basically with passenger 5.x (in the release notes it says that rails 2.2 isn't supported, 2.3 is only supported if you create a "config.ru" file in the root of your rails app. It works with old versions of rack like rails 2.3 requires, just remove your newer rack gem and install 1.1.6 or what not, remove vendored rack gems if any. GL!

所以基本上是乘客5。x(rails 2.2的发布说明它说不支持,2.3仅支持如果你创建一个“config.ru”文件在您的rails应用程序的根源。它使用旧版本的架像rails 2.3要求,只是把你的新架的宝石和安装1.1.6或者没有,删除供应商架宝石。GL !

Also as a side note, this message:


[Mon May 11 18:25:10.235574 2015] [core:alert] [pid 5263:tid 3017780032] [client] /home/rdp/dev/prod_flds/public/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

[[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnohtaccess:无效的命令“RewriteEngine”,可能拼写错误,或者由服务器配置中不包含的模块定义。

meant "remove your public/.htaccess file it's not needed typically by passenger"




I also got an 403 error using passenger for rails in apache on my Mac OS 10.9 (an Unix-like system). Here's some tips:

在我的Mac OS 10.9(一个类unix系统)中,我还在apache中使用了一个403的错误。这里有一些小贴士:

  1. You can check apache log directory and see the what happened. The directory: /var/log/apache2/error_log.
  2. 您可以检查apache日志目录并查看发生了什么。目录:/var/log/apache2/error_log.
  3. Issue: Permission denied: access to / denied ( filesystem path 'path_apache_access' ) because search permissions are missing on a component of the path.


    Check 'path_apache_access' by CLI: ls -ld 'path_apache_access' and use chmod +x to change the path privilege.

    检查“path_apache_access”通过CLI: ls -ld“path_apache_access”并使用chmod +x更改路径特权。

    Also, note this: Httpd Wiki - (13) Permission Denied-.

    另外,请注意:Httpd Wiki -(13)权限被拒绝。

  4. Issue: configuration error: couldn't perform authentication. AuthType not set!.


    Issue: client denied by server configuration.


    Go to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and take a look on <Directory> tag.

    去/etc/apache2/httpd.conf并查看 标记。

    Check apache version by CLI: apachectl -v, if Apache < 2.4, do NOT uncomment "Require all granted".

    通过CLI检查apache版本:apachectl -v,如果apache < 2.4,不要取消注释“要求全部授予”。

    <Directory "rails_app_directory/public">
          # This relaxes Apache security settings.
          AllowOverride all
          # MultiViews must be turned off.
          Options -MultiViews
          # Uncomment this if you're on Apache >= 2.4:
          # Require all granted
          Options FollowSymLinks
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all



Answer was that passenger gave me 403 because i had to set environment variable "RackEnv" on apache configuration to "development" (on my case).




First of all check your error log. By default, it placed at /var/log/apache2/.


If you have client denied by server configuration issue, check your site conf file at /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-site.conf. It must be in compliance with Phusion Passenger User Guide. Take a look on Require all granted.

如果您的客户端被服务器配置问题拒绝,请在/etc/apache2/site .conf中检查您的站点conf文件。它必须符合Phusion乘客用户指南。看一看要求都是理所当然的。

<Directory "/home/user/folder">
    Require all granted 
    Options FollowSymLinks
    # This relaxes Apache security settings.
    AllowOverride None
    # MultiViews must be turned off.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all



OK for me this meant I was running rails 2.3 and using Phusion Passenger 5.x

对我来说,这意味着我在运行rails 2.3和使用Phusion乘客5。x。

Apparently 5.x doesn't work with 2.2 at all, and requires 2.3 for you to copy in a config.ru file so that it uses rack for the backend.


example config.ru file for 2.3:


# Rack Dispatcher

# Require your environment file to bootstrap Rails
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'

# Dispatch the request
run ActionController::Dispatcher.new

I could not figure out why no incantations seemed to work, it was like Passenger was ignoring my rails app.


In my /var/log/apache2/error.log file, I had this:


[Mon May 11 15:47:00.397891 2015] [autoindex:error] [pid 17490:tid 3058694976] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home/x/y/railsapp/public/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.cgi,index.pl,index.php,index.xhtml,index.htm) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: https://www.google.com/

[[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 3]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref

Which confused the heck out of me an apparently meant "passenger isn't running on that virtual host".


If I created a public/index.html file, apache served that fine so it wasn't a permissions issue.


I also saw this, which meant passenger was starting up ok:


[ 2015-05-11 18:23:53.9594 4964/b7415700 agents/Watchdog/Main.cpp:728 ]: All Phusion Passenger agents started!

[2015-05-11 18:23:53 9594 4964/b7415700代理/监督/主要。所有的Phusion乘客代理都开始了!

See also https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache%204.0.html#_i_get_a_403_forbidden_error

参见https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache%204.0.html _i_get_a_403_forbidden_error

So basically with passenger 5.x (in the release notes it says that rails 2.2 isn't supported, 2.3 is only supported if you create a "config.ru" file in the root of your rails app. It works with old versions of rack like rails 2.3 requires, just remove your newer rack gem and install 1.1.6 or what not, remove vendored rack gems if any. GL!

所以基本上是乘客5。x(rails 2.2的发布说明它说不支持,2.3仅支持如果你创建一个“config.ru”文件在您的rails应用程序的根源。它使用旧版本的架像rails 2.3要求,只是把你的新架的宝石和安装1.1.6或者没有,删除供应商架宝石。GL !

Also as a side note, this message:


[Mon May 11 18:25:10.235574 2015] [core:alert] [pid 5263:tid 3017780032] [client] /home/rdp/dev/prod_flds/public/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

[[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref: 11]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnoteref:10]] [[endnohtaccess:无效的命令“RewriteEngine”,可能拼写错误,或者由服务器配置中不包含的模块定义。

meant "remove your public/.htaccess file it's not needed typically by passenger"




I also got an 403 error using passenger for rails in apache on my Mac OS 10.9 (an Unix-like system). Here's some tips:

在我的Mac OS 10.9(一个类unix系统)中,我还在apache中使用了一个403的错误。这里有一些小贴士:

  1. You can check apache log directory and see the what happened. The directory: /var/log/apache2/error_log.
  2. 您可以检查apache日志目录并查看发生了什么。目录:/var/log/apache2/error_log.
  3. Issue: Permission denied: access to / denied ( filesystem path 'path_apache_access' ) because search permissions are missing on a component of the path.


    Check 'path_apache_access' by CLI: ls -ld 'path_apache_access' and use chmod +x to change the path privilege.

    检查“path_apache_access”通过CLI: ls -ld“path_apache_access”并使用chmod +x更改路径特权。

    Also, note this: Httpd Wiki - (13) Permission Denied-.

    另外,请注意:Httpd Wiki -(13)权限被拒绝。

  4. Issue: configuration error: couldn't perform authentication. AuthType not set!.


    Issue: client denied by server configuration.


    Go to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and take a look on <Directory> tag.

    去/etc/apache2/httpd.conf并查看 标记。

    Check apache version by CLI: apachectl -v, if Apache < 2.4, do NOT uncomment "Require all granted".

    通过CLI检查apache版本:apachectl -v,如果apache < 2.4,不要取消注释“要求全部授予”。

    <Directory "rails_app_directory/public">
          # This relaxes Apache security settings.
          AllowOverride all
          # MultiViews must be turned off.
          Options -MultiViews
          # Uncomment this if you're on Apache >= 2.4:
          # Require all granted
          Options FollowSymLinks
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all



Answer was that passenger gave me 403 because i had to set environment variable "RackEnv" on apache configuration to "development" (on my case).
