
时间:2021-08-16 21:53:23

We are using javamail to fetch emails from email accounts & lately we have had emails sent with Chinese, Japanese characters.


For example, here's some japanese content:



And it would probably get outputted like this:


<div>=1B$B$"=1B(B =1B$B$$=1B(B =1B$B$&=1B(B =1B$B$(=1B(B =1B$B$*=1B(B =1B$B=
$+=1B(B =1B$B$-=1B(B =1B$B$/=1B(B =1B$B$1=1B(B =1B$B$3=1B(B =1B$B$5=1B(B =
=1B$B$7=1B(B =1B$B$9=1B(B =1B$B$;=1B(B =1B$B$=3D=1B(B =1B$B$,=1B(B =1B$B$.=
=1B(B =1B$B$0=1B(B =1B$B$2=1B(B =1B$B$4=1B(B =1B$B$Q=1B(B =1B$B$T=1B(B =1B$=
B$W=1B(B =1B$B$Z=1B(B =1B$B$]=1B(B</div>

And content-type is usually text/html; charset=UTF-8.

而content-type通常是text / html;字符集= UTF-8。

We are using writeTo method to get all the headers and content.


I tried doing the following but it didn't work:


ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pm.setUnProcessedMessage(baos.toString("UTF-8")); //Here I am explicitly stating the encoding

Also, I believe the issue might be because we are using an old version of JavaMail (1.5.0).


What can we do here to handle foreign characters?


1 个解决方案



Using the writeTo method gives you the MIME encoded content of the message. It sounds like you want the decoded content, for which you should use the getContent or getInputStream method. The getContent method will return a String of Unicode characters, which you can use directly. The getInputStream method will return a byte string with the character encoding specified by the charset parameter; you'll need to wrap it with a Reader to get the Unicode characters.

使用writeTo方法为您提供消息的MIME编码内容。听起来你想要解码的内容,你应该使用getContent或getInputStream方法。 getContent方法将返回一个Unicode字符串,您可以直接使用它。 getInputStream方法将返回一个字节字符串,其中包含charset参数指定的字符编码;你需要用Reader包装它来获取Unicode字符。

If you also want the headers, e.g., to display them along with the message content, you should use the getSubject, getRecipients, etc. methods, which again will return you decoded content. You can use the getHeader method to get other headers, but you'll need to decode the content yourself using the MimeUtility methods.




Using the writeTo method gives you the MIME encoded content of the message. It sounds like you want the decoded content, for which you should use the getContent or getInputStream method. The getContent method will return a String of Unicode characters, which you can use directly. The getInputStream method will return a byte string with the character encoding specified by the charset parameter; you'll need to wrap it with a Reader to get the Unicode characters.

使用writeTo方法为您提供消息的MIME编码内容。听起来你想要解码的内容,你应该使用getContent或getInputStream方法。 getContent方法将返回一个Unicode字符串,您可以直接使用它。 getInputStream方法将返回一个字节字符串,其中包含charset参数指定的字符编码;你需要用Reader包装它来获取Unicode字符。

If you also want the headers, e.g., to display them along with the message content, you should use the getSubject, getRecipients, etc. methods, which again will return you decoded content. You can use the getHeader method to get other headers, but you'll need to decode the content yourself using the MimeUtility methods.
