图论概念:Degree Centrality 和 Betweenness Centrality

时间:2022-12-28 21:47:51



中的:Degree Centrality Betweenness Centrality

【GSE44805 dataset】

知乎上讨论图论概念: https://www.zhihu.com/question/22610633



图论概念:Degree Centrality 和 Betweenness Centrality (图来自:http://orgnet.com/sna.html

Degree Centrality:


图论概念:Degree Centrality 和 Betweenness Centrality

上图,节点Diane的好友数最多,有6个人,所以她成为了Degree Centrality最高的节点。
真实的社交网络中,Degree Centrality高的那些人一般都是大明星,有很大的知名度,比如微博中的姚晨。

Closeness Centrality:

如果节点到图中其它节点的最短距离都很小,那么我们认为该节点的Closeness Centrality高。
这个定义其实比Degree Centrality从几何上更符合中心度的概念,因为到其它节点的平均最短距离最小,意味着这个节点从几何角度看是出于图的中心位置。

Closeness Centrality高的节点一般扮演的是八婆的角色(gossiper)。他们并不是明星,但是乐于在不同的人群之间传递消息。

Betweenness Centrality:

例如上图中的Andre和Garth,它们的最短路径可以是Andre-Diane-Garth, Andre-Beverly-Garth, Andre-Fernando-Garth,有三条。
计算网络中任意两个节点的所有最短路径,如果这些最短路径中有很多条都经过了某个节点,那么就认为这个节点的Betweenness Centrality高:

图论概念:Degree Centrality 和 Betweenness Centrality

其中图论概念:Degree Centrality 和 Betweenness Centrality表示的是节点s和t之间的最短路径的数量,而图论概念:Degree Centrality 和 Betweenness Centrality是最短路径中经过节点v的数量。

上图中,Heather就是Betweenness Centrality最高的节点,因为Ike和Jane到其它节点的路径都需要经过Heather。


Degree Centrality的本质是什么?其实是到某个节点的距离为1的最短路径的数量。
可以定义一种新的Centrality,表示到某个节点的距离为k的最短路径的数量 –  geodesic k-path centrality;还可以将最短路径的概念替换成Edge-disjoint path,centrality变成了 edge-disjoint k-path centrality;

“It is apparent that the variations among the degree-based measures are due entirely to the kinds of restrictions placed on the kinds of walks counted. This defines one typological dimension that we can use to classify measures. We refer to this dimension as Walk Type.”

Closeness Centrality采用的是两点间所有路径的最短值。一个可能的变种是不采用最短值,而是使用两点间所有路径的平均值;原始的定义是计算节点到网络中所有其它节点的最短路径长度,还可以考虑先定义一些关键的节点,我们只计算到这些关键节点的最短路径长度-centroid centrality;

degree-like measure“count the number or volume of walks (of some kind) joining each node to all others. We shall refer to these as volume measures. Another set of centrality measures assesses the lengths of the walks that a node is involved in. We call these length measures. The distinction between volume measures and length measures forms another classificatory dimension, which we call Walk Property.”

Betweenness Centrality计算的是经过某节点的最短路径的数量,一个可能的变种是不使用最短路径,而是采用所有经过该节点的路径数量。当然,所有的路径可能太宽泛了,可以只计算经过该节点的长度为k的路径 – k-betweenness centrality;

“All  of  the  measures  considered  so  far—including  both  the  volume  and  the  length measures—assess walks that emanate from or terminate with a given node. We shall refer to these as radial measures. Another class of centrality measures exists which are based on the number of walks that pass through a given node. We call these medial measures. The distinction between radial and medial measures forms the third classificatory dimension, which we call Walk Position.”

详细的centrality的扩展和分类见: “A Graph-theoretic perspective on centrality, 2006”


为什么要提及概念的扩展。因为在大数据量下,经典的Closeness Centrality和Betwenness Centrality几乎都是不可计算的。我认为,在大数据的前提下,应该定义一些适合大规模计算的新的Centrality。



heatmap: http://hemi.biocuckoo.org/index.php

直肠癌免疫评分: http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/20/7/1891.long#ref-15
