
时间:2021-12-05 21:22:04
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

I have a array which located in the file , how can I read it using C sharp?

我有一个位于文件中的数组,如何使用C sharp读取它?

6 个解决方案


Well, I would probably use a different format, but...


using ( Stream stream = new FileStream( @"C:\foo.txt", FileMode.Open ) )
using ( TextReader reader = new StreamReader( stream ) )
    string contents = reader.ReadToEnd( );
    contents = contents.Replace( "{", "" ).Replace( "}", "" );
    var values = new List<int>();
    foreach ( string s in contents.Split( ',' ) )
            values.Add( int.Parse( s ) );
        catch ( FormatException fe )
            // ...
        catch ( OverflowException oe )
            // ...


Read the line into a string. Lose the curlies, split on commas, cast each token into an integer and append it to a List. Finally use ToArray() to get back an int[]

将该行读入字符串。丢失curlies,在逗号上拆分,将每个标记转换为整数并将其附加到List。最后使用ToArray()来获取int []

Look at the System.IO.File and System.String type documentation in MSDN. You should find members to help you accomplish your goal.



You can use Regex and LINQ to pull a nice one liner:


List<int> data = Regex.Matches( 
    .Select(i => Convert.ToInt32(i.Value))


Your sample file makes me think JSON. If that's the case, then JSON.NET could be an effective option.



The complete answer depends on a lot of things, but it sounds like these are you the steps you need to figure out:


  • read in the file
  • 读入文件

  • split the contents into pieces
  • 将内容分成几部分

  • cast, convert or parse pieces into desired datatype
  • 转换,转换或解析成所需的数据类型

  • add to desired resulting collection
  • 添加到所需的结果集合

As for how to specifically do each of these, I suspect you can find many resources here on SO and in other locations to find the details. But you're probably looking for a StreamReader, String.Split, Int32.Parse and a List<int>.



I'd recommend looking up the String.Split(char[]) method.

我建议查找String.Split(char [])方法。

It allows you to take a string and split it into an array of strings based on the characters you pass in (in your case ", "). For the first element in the array you'd need to remove the { and for the last element, remove the }. There is a String.Remove() method for this.


Finally you will need to convert each string into an integer. You can do this with a for each loop and int.TryParse()

最后,您需要将每个字符串转换为整数。您可以使用for each和int.TryParse()执行此操作

TryParse will let you know if it is actually an integer or not, it's good practice to never assume your input is valid. You're program shouldn't crash because it reads in some bad data.


To actually open the file and read the text, look up StreamReader/File.ReadAllText

要实际打开文件并阅读文本,请查找StreamReader / File.ReadAllText


Well, I would probably use a different format, but...


using ( Stream stream = new FileStream( @"C:\foo.txt", FileMode.Open ) )
using ( TextReader reader = new StreamReader( stream ) )
    string contents = reader.ReadToEnd( );
    contents = contents.Replace( "{", "" ).Replace( "}", "" );
    var values = new List<int>();
    foreach ( string s in contents.Split( ',' ) )
            values.Add( int.Parse( s ) );
        catch ( FormatException fe )
            // ...
        catch ( OverflowException oe )
            // ...


Read the line into a string. Lose the curlies, split on commas, cast each token into an integer and append it to a List. Finally use ToArray() to get back an int[]

将该行读入字符串。丢失curlies,在逗号上拆分,将每个标记转换为整数并将其附加到List。最后使用ToArray()来获取int []

Look at the System.IO.File and System.String type documentation in MSDN. You should find members to help you accomplish your goal.



You can use Regex and LINQ to pull a nice one liner:


List<int> data = Regex.Matches( 
    .Select(i => Convert.ToInt32(i.Value))


Your sample file makes me think JSON. If that's the case, then JSON.NET could be an effective option.



The complete answer depends on a lot of things, but it sounds like these are you the steps you need to figure out:


  • read in the file
  • 读入文件

  • split the contents into pieces
  • 将内容分成几部分

  • cast, convert or parse pieces into desired datatype
  • 转换,转换或解析成所需的数据类型

  • add to desired resulting collection
  • 添加到所需的结果集合

As for how to specifically do each of these, I suspect you can find many resources here on SO and in other locations to find the details. But you're probably looking for a StreamReader, String.Split, Int32.Parse and a List<int>.



I'd recommend looking up the String.Split(char[]) method.

我建议查找String.Split(char [])方法。

It allows you to take a string and split it into an array of strings based on the characters you pass in (in your case ", "). For the first element in the array you'd need to remove the { and for the last element, remove the }. There is a String.Remove() method for this.


Finally you will need to convert each string into an integer. You can do this with a for each loop and int.TryParse()

最后,您需要将每个字符串转换为整数。您可以使用for each和int.TryParse()执行此操作

TryParse will let you know if it is actually an integer or not, it's good practice to never assume your input is valid. You're program shouldn't crash because it reads in some bad data.


To actually open the file and read the text, look up StreamReader/File.ReadAllText

要实际打开文件并阅读文本,请查找StreamReader / File.ReadAllText