IE6 -无法加载一个普通的JPG格式

时间:2023-01-21 21:18:42

Try loading this normal .jpg file in Internet Explorer 6.0. I get an error saying the picture won't load. Try it in any other browser and it works fine. What's wrong? The .jpg file is just a normal picture sitting on the web server. I can even create a simple web page:


<a href="">blah</a>

and use right click + save target as with IE6 to save it to my desktop, and it's a valid JPG file. However, it won't load in the browser!

使用右键点击+ save target和IE6一样保存到我的桌面,它是一个有效的JPG文件。但是,它不会在浏览器中加载!


为什么? !

I even tried checking the header response and MIME type and it looks fine:


andy@debian:~$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
HEAD /images/wheels/blackout_thumb.jpg HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:19:04 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 00:29:36 GMT
ETag: "1387402-914ac-48ab6570"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 595116
Content-Type: image/jpeg

The site needs to be able to work with IE6, how come it won't load a simple .jpg file?


6 个解决方案



The JPG you uploaded is in CMYK, IE and Firefox versions before 3 can't read these. Open it using Photoshop (or anything similar, I'm sure GIMP would work too) and resave it in RGB.

你上传的JPG是在CMYK, IE和Firefox 3不能读这些。使用Photoshop(或者其他类似的工具,我确信GIMP也可以)打开它,然后重新保存到RGB中。

edit: Further Googling makes me suspect that CMYK isn't really a part of the jpeg standard, but can be shoehorned in there. That's why some software does not consider the file valid. It does however open just fine in Photoshop CS3, and shows a cmyk colorspace.

编辑:进一步的谷歌搜索让我怀疑CMYK并不是jpeg标准的一部分,但是可以硬塞进去。这就是为什么有些软件不认为文件是有效的。不过它在Photoshop CS3中打开得很好,显示了一个cmyk颜色空间。



It won't load in IE7 on my Vista x64 box. Also won't save the file, saying "There was an unspecified error while saving the file."

它不会在我的Vista x64上载入IE7。另外,Paint.net不会保存文件,它说“保存文件的时候有一个未指定的错误。”



In I did a Select All, New File, Paste, Save, and now it works fine. I'm guessing that file has some weird corruption.

在paint.net中,我做了一个Select All, New File, Paste, Save,现在它可以正常工作了。我猜那个文件有一些奇怪的损坏。



You can use jpeginfo to find out if a jpeg file is OK or not.


$jpeginfo -c blackout_thumb.jpg

美元jpeginfo - c blackout_thumb.jpg

blackout_thumb.jpg 240 x 240 32bit Exif N 595116 Unsupported color conversion request [ERROR]

blackout_thumb.jpg 240 x 240位32位Exif N 595116不支持的颜色转换请求[错误]

In your case the file is corrupted which explain why some browsers cannot display it.




Maybe it is related to this:

可能与此相关: -a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003j8d



The file is probably not a fully valid JPG and IE6/7/8 (I tested on IE8 and it wont load). Other browsers are a bit more defensive and can load it, but perhaps IE team choose not to load it as it could be invalid in a way that causes a security hole.


As Ryan Fox says, open it in an editor and re-save it ... where did the image come from, if it came from an editor dont use that editor again.

正如Ryan Fox所说,在编辑器中打开它,然后重新保存……这张照片是从哪里来的,如果是从编辑那里来的,就不要再用那个编辑器了。

Edit: I opened it an Paint Shop Pro and it had an unknown color palette so had to convert it ... perhaps that is the problem. You could report it as a bug to the IE team and see what they say.




It is possible for other applications to register themselves as a handler for files with a particular extension. Quicktime has (or at least had) a tendency to do this with .png files, so a .png file would display fine inline in an HTML page, but with an URL referring directly to the .png file, IE would immediately delegate all responsibility for handling the file to Quicktime.

其他应用程序可以将自己注册为具有特定扩展名的文件的处理程序。Quicktime有(或至少有)使用.png文件的趋势,所以.png文件会在HTML页面中显示很好的内联,但是使用指向.png文件的URL, IE会立即将处理该文件的所有责任委托给Quicktime。

Might this be what is happening to your .jpg files? Is it only this .jpg file that you're having a problem with?




The JPG you uploaded is in CMYK, IE and Firefox versions before 3 can't read these. Open it using Photoshop (or anything similar, I'm sure GIMP would work too) and resave it in RGB.

你上传的JPG是在CMYK, IE和Firefox 3不能读这些。使用Photoshop(或者其他类似的工具,我确信GIMP也可以)打开它,然后重新保存到RGB中。

edit: Further Googling makes me suspect that CMYK isn't really a part of the jpeg standard, but can be shoehorned in there. That's why some software does not consider the file valid. It does however open just fine in Photoshop CS3, and shows a cmyk colorspace.

编辑:进一步的谷歌搜索让我怀疑CMYK并不是jpeg标准的一部分,但是可以硬塞进去。这就是为什么有些软件不认为文件是有效的。不过它在Photoshop CS3中打开得很好,显示了一个cmyk颜色空间。



It won't load in IE7 on my Vista x64 box. Also won't save the file, saying "There was an unspecified error while saving the file."

它不会在我的Vista x64上载入IE7。另外,Paint.net不会保存文件,它说“保存文件的时候有一个未指定的错误。”



In I did a Select All, New File, Paste, Save, and now it works fine. I'm guessing that file has some weird corruption.

在paint.net中,我做了一个Select All, New File, Paste, Save,现在它可以正常工作了。我猜那个文件有一些奇怪的损坏。



You can use jpeginfo to find out if a jpeg file is OK or not.


$jpeginfo -c blackout_thumb.jpg

美元jpeginfo - c blackout_thumb.jpg

blackout_thumb.jpg 240 x 240 32bit Exif N 595116 Unsupported color conversion request [ERROR]

blackout_thumb.jpg 240 x 240位32位Exif N 595116不支持的颜色转换请求[错误]

In your case the file is corrupted which explain why some browsers cannot display it.




Maybe it is related to this:

可能与此相关: -a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003j8d



The file is probably not a fully valid JPG and IE6/7/8 (I tested on IE8 and it wont load). Other browsers are a bit more defensive and can load it, but perhaps IE team choose not to load it as it could be invalid in a way that causes a security hole.


As Ryan Fox says, open it in an editor and re-save it ... where did the image come from, if it came from an editor dont use that editor again.

正如Ryan Fox所说,在编辑器中打开它,然后重新保存……这张照片是从哪里来的,如果是从编辑那里来的,就不要再用那个编辑器了。

Edit: I opened it an Paint Shop Pro and it had an unknown color palette so had to convert it ... perhaps that is the problem. You could report it as a bug to the IE team and see what they say.




It is possible for other applications to register themselves as a handler for files with a particular extension. Quicktime has (or at least had) a tendency to do this with .png files, so a .png file would display fine inline in an HTML page, but with an URL referring directly to the .png file, IE would immediately delegate all responsibility for handling the file to Quicktime.

其他应用程序可以将自己注册为具有特定扩展名的文件的处理程序。Quicktime有(或至少有)使用.png文件的趋势,所以.png文件会在HTML页面中显示很好的内联,但是使用指向.png文件的URL, IE会立即将处理该文件的所有责任委托给Quicktime。

Might this be what is happening to your .jpg files? Is it only this .jpg file that you're having a problem with?
