NSTextField - 黑色背景上的白色文本,但黑色光标

时间:2022-10-13 21:18:26

I've setup an NSTextField with text color as white, and the background color as (black despite not rendering the background color, so its transparent). All in Interface Builder.

我已经设置了一个NSTextField,文本颜色为白色,背景颜色为(黑色,尽管没有渲染背景颜色,因此它是透明的)。全部在Interface Builder中。

The problem I am having is the cursor is black, and hardly visible. Does the cursor not represent the text color? Any ideas how I can fix this?


Otherwise, the NSTextField looks like it cannot be edited.


7 个解决方案



Your best bet is probably to use NSTextView and - (void)setInsertionPointColor:(NSColor *)color.

你最好的选择可能是使用NSTextView和 - (void)setInsertionPointColor:(NSColor *)颜色。



Since in practice the NSText* returned by -currentEditor for an NSTextField is always an NSTextView*, I added the following code to my custom NSTextField subclass:

实际上,由-currentEditor为NSTextField返回的NSText *始终是NSTextView *,我将以下代码添加到我的自定义NSTextField子类中:

-(BOOL) becomeFirstResponder
    BOOL    success = [super becomeFirstResponder];
    if( success )
        // Strictly spoken, NSText (which currentEditor returns) doesn't
        // implement setInsertionPointColor:, but it's an NSTextView in practice.
        // But let's be paranoid, better show an invisible black-on-black cursor
        // than crash.
        NSTextView* textField = (NSTextView*) [self currentEditor];
        if( [textField respondsToSelector: @selector(setInsertionPointColor:)] )
            [textField setInsertionPointColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
    return success;

So if you're already replacing this class because you're doing custom background drawing, this might be a more encapsulated solution. Maybe there's even a way to move this up into NSCell, which would be cleaner since NSCell is the one doing the drawing and knowing the colors anyway.




TextField Insertion Point Color

NSTextField *textField = self.textField;
NSColor *insertionPointColor = [NSColor blueColor];

NSTextView *fieldEditor = (NSTextView*)[textField.window fieldEditor:YES
fieldEditor.insertionPointColor = insertionPointColor;



Assuming that you are wanting to set the color of the insertion caret and not the mouse cursor then the suggestion of using setInsertionPointColor: should work.


However, you do not necessarily need to change from using NSTextField to NSTextView. The field editor for window that the NSTextField is in is an NSTextView. So when your NSTextField becomes the key view you could grab the field editor and call setInsertionPointColor: on that. You may need to reset the color when your field stops being the key view.

但是,您不一定需要从使用NSTextField更改为NSTextView。 NSTextField所在的窗口的字段编辑器是NSTextView。因此,当您的NSTextField成为关键视图时,您可以获取字段编辑器并调用setInsertionPointColor:on。当字段停止为关键视图时,您可能需要重置颜色。

You can get the field editor by using NSWindow's fieldEditor:forObject: or NSCell's fieldEditorForView:.


If you have a subclass of NSTextField you can have it use a custom subclass of NSTextFieldCell and override -(NSText*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText*)textObj. In that method you can set the insertion point color once and it will stay while the field editor is active for this text field. Though when the field editor is moved to another edit field the insertion point color will remain unless you reset it.

如果您有NSTextField的子类,则可以使用NSTextFieldCell的自定义子类并覆盖 - (NSText *)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObj。在该方法中,您可以设置一次插入点颜色,并且在该文本字段的字段编辑器处于活动状态时它将保留。虽然当字段编辑器移动到另一个编辑字段时,插入点颜色将保留,除非您重置它。



Inspired by the great answer of Jon Steinmetz I created the following example.

灵感来自Jon Steinmetz的伟大答案,我创建了以下示例。

I added a NSSecureTextField to the application view and connected it to the IBOutlet of the member variable I placed into AppDelegate.


@implementation AppDelegate

@synthesize password = m_password;

- (void)awakeFromNib {
    self.password.backgroundColor = [NSColor blackColor];

Then I created a custom NSSecureTextField class. I noticed that is in some cases not enough to set the colors in awakeFromNib but I cannot give a reason for this.


@implementation CustomSecureTextField

- (void)customize {
    // Customize the text and caret color.
    NSColor* foregroundColor = [NSColor whiteColor];
    self.textColor = foregroundColor;
    [[self.cell fieldEditorForView:self] setInsertionPointColor:foregroundColor];   

- (void)awakeFromNib {
    [self customize];

- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification*)notification {
    // Called when the user inputs a character.
    [self customize];

- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification*)notification {
    // Called when the user clicks into the field for the first time.
    [self customize];   

- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification {
    // Just in case ... for the paranoid programmer!
    [self customize];


Note: Though, I do not understand why the background color cannot be set when I do this in the derived class like with the textColor. That would allow to get rid of the IBOutlet and the member variable.




I've called insertionPointColor in viewDidLoad and app crashes.


I fixed this by calling insertionPointColor on viewDidAppear.


For Swift developers:


Set insertionPointColor method into extension:


extension NSTextField {
    public func customizeCursorColor(_ cursorColor: NSColor) {
        let fieldEditor = self.window?.fieldEditor(true, for: self) as! NSTextView
        fieldEditor.insertionPointColor = cursorColor

and call


 override func viewDidAppear() {



Swift 4 Solution

Swift 4解决方案

override func viewDidAppear() {
    guard let window = _textField.window, let fieldEditor = window.fieldEditor(true, for: _textField) as? NSTextView else { return }
    fieldEditor.insertionPointColor = .white



Your best bet is probably to use NSTextView and - (void)setInsertionPointColor:(NSColor *)color.

你最好的选择可能是使用NSTextView和 - (void)setInsertionPointColor:(NSColor *)颜色。



Since in practice the NSText* returned by -currentEditor for an NSTextField is always an NSTextView*, I added the following code to my custom NSTextField subclass:

实际上,由-currentEditor为NSTextField返回的NSText *始终是NSTextView *,我将以下代码添加到我的自定义NSTextField子类中:

-(BOOL) becomeFirstResponder
    BOOL    success = [super becomeFirstResponder];
    if( success )
        // Strictly spoken, NSText (which currentEditor returns) doesn't
        // implement setInsertionPointColor:, but it's an NSTextView in practice.
        // But let's be paranoid, better show an invisible black-on-black cursor
        // than crash.
        NSTextView* textField = (NSTextView*) [self currentEditor];
        if( [textField respondsToSelector: @selector(setInsertionPointColor:)] )
            [textField setInsertionPointColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
    return success;

So if you're already replacing this class because you're doing custom background drawing, this might be a more encapsulated solution. Maybe there's even a way to move this up into NSCell, which would be cleaner since NSCell is the one doing the drawing and knowing the colors anyway.




TextField Insertion Point Color

NSTextField *textField = self.textField;
NSColor *insertionPointColor = [NSColor blueColor];

NSTextView *fieldEditor = (NSTextView*)[textField.window fieldEditor:YES
fieldEditor.insertionPointColor = insertionPointColor;



Assuming that you are wanting to set the color of the insertion caret and not the mouse cursor then the suggestion of using setInsertionPointColor: should work.


However, you do not necessarily need to change from using NSTextField to NSTextView. The field editor for window that the NSTextField is in is an NSTextView. So when your NSTextField becomes the key view you could grab the field editor and call setInsertionPointColor: on that. You may need to reset the color when your field stops being the key view.

但是,您不一定需要从使用NSTextField更改为NSTextView。 NSTextField所在的窗口的字段编辑器是NSTextView。因此,当您的NSTextField成为关键视图时,您可以获取字段编辑器并调用setInsertionPointColor:on。当字段停止为关键视图时,您可能需要重置颜色。

You can get the field editor by using NSWindow's fieldEditor:forObject: or NSCell's fieldEditorForView:.


If you have a subclass of NSTextField you can have it use a custom subclass of NSTextFieldCell and override -(NSText*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText*)textObj. In that method you can set the insertion point color once and it will stay while the field editor is active for this text field. Though when the field editor is moved to another edit field the insertion point color will remain unless you reset it.

如果您有NSTextField的子类,则可以使用NSTextFieldCell的自定义子类并覆盖 - (NSText *)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObj。在该方法中,您可以设置一次插入点颜色,并且在该文本字段的字段编辑器处于活动状态时它将保留。虽然当字段编辑器移动到另一个编辑字段时,插入点颜色将保留,除非您重置它。



Inspired by the great answer of Jon Steinmetz I created the following example.

灵感来自Jon Steinmetz的伟大答案,我创建了以下示例。

I added a NSSecureTextField to the application view and connected it to the IBOutlet of the member variable I placed into AppDelegate.


@implementation AppDelegate

@synthesize password = m_password;

- (void)awakeFromNib {
    self.password.backgroundColor = [NSColor blackColor];

Then I created a custom NSSecureTextField class. I noticed that is in some cases not enough to set the colors in awakeFromNib but I cannot give a reason for this.


@implementation CustomSecureTextField

- (void)customize {
    // Customize the text and caret color.
    NSColor* foregroundColor = [NSColor whiteColor];
    self.textColor = foregroundColor;
    [[self.cell fieldEditorForView:self] setInsertionPointColor:foregroundColor];   

- (void)awakeFromNib {
    [self customize];

- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification*)notification {
    // Called when the user inputs a character.
    [self customize];

- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification*)notification {
    // Called when the user clicks into the field for the first time.
    [self customize];   

- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification {
    // Just in case ... for the paranoid programmer!
    [self customize];


Note: Though, I do not understand why the background color cannot be set when I do this in the derived class like with the textColor. That would allow to get rid of the IBOutlet and the member variable.




I've called insertionPointColor in viewDidLoad and app crashes.


I fixed this by calling insertionPointColor on viewDidAppear.


For Swift developers:


Set insertionPointColor method into extension:


extension NSTextField {
    public func customizeCursorColor(_ cursorColor: NSColor) {
        let fieldEditor = self.window?.fieldEditor(true, for: self) as! NSTextView
        fieldEditor.insertionPointColor = cursorColor

and call


 override func viewDidAppear() {



Swift 4 Solution

Swift 4解决方案

override func viewDidAppear() {
    guard let window = _textField.window, let fieldEditor = window.fieldEditor(true, for: _textField) as? NSTextView else { return }
    fieldEditor.insertionPointColor = .white