原!mysql存储过程 批量导入数据

时间:2022-06-09 09:54:04

mysql需要导入某前缀例如12345为前缀的,后缀扩展2位 即00-99.


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_popsms_code;
CREATE PROCEDURE insert_popsms_code( in prefix VARCHAR(32) )
BEGIN DECLARE i int default 0;
DECLARE channelId int;
DECLARE codeNum VARCHAR(32); WHILE i<=99 do if(i<=9) then
set codeNum = CONCAT(prefix,'',i);
set codeNum = CONCAT(prefix,i);
end if; if( prefix = '' ) then
set channelId=1;
ELSEIF(prefix = '') then
set channelId=2;
set channelId=0;
end if; INSERT INTO `open_codenumber` (`code`, `status`, `channelId`, `price`, `isLucky` , `isDelete`, `isPause`, `updateTime`, `createTime`, `codeRegion` , `sourceType`, `frozenDay`, `isPreemp`, `isPreempDel`, `preempDesc`) VALUES (codeNum, '', channelId, '0.00', '' , '', '', NOW(), NOW(), NULL , '', '', '', '', NULL);
set i = i + 1; END WHILE; END//
DELIMITER ; #调用存储过程
call insert_popsms_code('');
call insert_popsms_code('');
-- 批量导入 语音码号 95096打头 可扩展4位 即0000-9999
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_voice_code;
CREATE PROCEDURE insert_voice_code(in prefix VARCHAR(32))
BEGIN DECLARE i int default 0;
DECLARE codeNum VARCHAR(32); WHILE i<=9999 do if(i<=9) then
set codeNum = CONCAT(prefix,'',i);
elseif(10<= i and i <=99) then
set codeNum = CONCAT(prefix,'',i);
elseif(100<= i and i <=999) then
set codeNum = CONCAT(prefix,'',i);
ELSEif(1000<=i and i <=9999) then
set codeNum = CONCAT(prefix,i);
end if; INSERT INTO `open_codenumber` (`code`, `status`, `channelId`, `price`, `isLucky` , `isDelete`, `isPause`, `updateTime`, `createTime`, `codeRegion` , `sourceType`, `frozenDay`, `isPreemp`, `isPreempDel`, `preempDesc`) VALUES (codeNum, '', '', '0.00', '' , '', '', NOW(), NOW(), NULL , '', '', '', '', NULL);
set i = i + 1; END WHILE; END//
-- 调用存储过程
call insert_voice_code('');