
时间:2021-09-26 20:46:58

In Java, you can create a new HashMap to hold a specific number of items like so:


Map m = new HashMap(100);

Guava provides a Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(int) method, which I would expect to simply call HashMap(int). But it doesn't do this, instead it calculates its own capacity and uses that.


Why does newHashMapWithExpectedSize do its own thing, and why would I want to use it over calling new HashMap(int) directly?


3 个解决方案


Have you read the method's Javadoc?


Creates a HashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth.


Note that the new HashMap(int) constructor's "initial size" parameter specifies the initial size of the hash table that entries are stored in, which is basically an implementation detail that you shouldn't have to care about. The hash table will resize when it exceeds the map's load factor (which defaults to 0.75), which means that if you specify an initial capacity of 16 and then add 16 entries to the map, the hash table will almost certainly be resized.

请注意,新的HashMap(int)构造函数的“initial size”参数指定了条目存储的哈希表的初始大小,这基本上是您不应该关心的实现细节。当哈希表超出地图的加载因子(默认为0.75)时,它将调整大小,这意味着如果指定初始容量为16,然后向地图添加16个条目,则几乎可以肯定地调整哈希表的大小。

With Guava's method, if you specify an expected size of 16 and then add 16 entries, the hash table should not resize.



The HashMap constructor argument is the capacity of the map, i.e. the number of buckets.


So, if you pass 10 as argument, and store 8 keys in the map, the rehash threshold (75% by default) will be reached and the map will rehash.


On the other hand, the argument passed to newHashMapWithExpectedSize() is the expected size of the map. So if you pass 10, Guava will create a map with enough buckets to make sure the map doesn't rehash when inserting 10 elements: at least 14 buckets.



Guava just multiplies the size passed by 2 (in a safe way) and calls the regular hashmap constructor. This makes it more sparse so there are less collisions while hashing.


The javadoc on the capacity calculation mentions that it calculates a value for the capacity so that the hashmap is between 25% and 50% full, which is far away from the threshold which would trigger a resizing.


The standard library rounds the expected size up to the nearest power of 2 and allocates that as the size and then sets the threshold for resizing to 75%. If we would randomly ask for sizes, the standard library would resize in 50% of cases.


If avoiding the threshold would be the only consideration, multiplying with 1.34 would be enough to have enough space to avoid resizing on filling it with the expected size of elements.


It looks like the typical speed vs space tradeof and the Google engineers being more speed freaks and the Sun/Oracle engineers more space nuts.



Have you read the method's Javadoc?


Creates a HashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth.


Note that the new HashMap(int) constructor's "initial size" parameter specifies the initial size of the hash table that entries are stored in, which is basically an implementation detail that you shouldn't have to care about. The hash table will resize when it exceeds the map's load factor (which defaults to 0.75), which means that if you specify an initial capacity of 16 and then add 16 entries to the map, the hash table will almost certainly be resized.

请注意,新的HashMap(int)构造函数的“initial size”参数指定了条目存储的哈希表的初始大小,这基本上是您不应该关心的实现细节。当哈希表超出地图的加载因子(默认为0.75)时,它将调整大小,这意味着如果指定初始容量为16,然后向地图添加16个条目,则几乎可以肯定地调整哈希表的大小。

With Guava's method, if you specify an expected size of 16 and then add 16 entries, the hash table should not resize.



The HashMap constructor argument is the capacity of the map, i.e. the number of buckets.


So, if you pass 10 as argument, and store 8 keys in the map, the rehash threshold (75% by default) will be reached and the map will rehash.


On the other hand, the argument passed to newHashMapWithExpectedSize() is the expected size of the map. So if you pass 10, Guava will create a map with enough buckets to make sure the map doesn't rehash when inserting 10 elements: at least 14 buckets.



Guava just multiplies the size passed by 2 (in a safe way) and calls the regular hashmap constructor. This makes it more sparse so there are less collisions while hashing.


The javadoc on the capacity calculation mentions that it calculates a value for the capacity so that the hashmap is between 25% and 50% full, which is far away from the threshold which would trigger a resizing.


The standard library rounds the expected size up to the nearest power of 2 and allocates that as the size and then sets the threshold for resizing to 75%. If we would randomly ask for sizes, the standard library would resize in 50% of cases.


If avoiding the threshold would be the only consideration, multiplying with 1.34 would be enough to have enough space to avoid resizing on filling it with the expected size of elements.


It looks like the typical speed vs space tradeof and the Google engineers being more speed freaks and the Sun/Oracle engineers more space nuts.
