
时间:2022-07-01 20:48:52

I would like to have a c.g.c.c.Multimap that is sorted based on keys only. The values shouldn't be sorted. I've tried to build something with guava's TreeMultimap, but I can't use it because the value type doesn't implement Comparable.


public class MyObject /* doesn't implement Comparable */ {
  private String name;
  private int score;
  // Getters/setters are implemented
  public static Function<MyObject,Integer> myObjectToScore {
    @Override public Integer apply (MyObject o) { return o.score; }
  public static Multimap<Integer,MyObject> indexOnScore(Iterable<MyObject> i) {
    Multimap<Integer,MyObject> m = Multimaps.index(i, myObjectToScore());
    // Do the sort of the keys.
    return m;

I've thought about getting a SortedSet of the keys, then iterating over each of these keys in the sorted set to fetch the various values, but I was hoping using an existing (yet undiscovered) feature in Guava rather than using this kind of hack.

我已经考虑过获取一个密钥的SortedSet,然后遍历排序集中的每个密钥以获取各种值,但我希望在Guava中使用现有的(但尚未发现的)功能而不是使用这种hack 。

Note: I won't make MyObject implement Comparable because it makes no sense with my actual object.


Example of input/output:


Set<MyObject> s = Sets.newHashSet(
  new MyObject("a", 2),
  new MyObject("b", 3),
  new MyObject("c", 1),
  new MyObject("d", 3),
  new MyObject("e", 1)
); // Assuming constructor MyObject(String name, int score)

for (Map.Entry<Integer, MyObject> e: MyObject.indexedOnScore(s).entries()) {
  System.out.printf("%d -> %s%n", e.getKey(), e.getValue().getName());



1 -> c // or switched with line below
1 -> e
2 -> a
3 -> b // or switched with line below
3 -> d

7 个解决方案



Multimaps.index returns an ImmutableListMultimap, so you wouldn't be able to sort it after creating it. You could, however, first create a sorted copy of your Iterable<MyObject> and feed that to Multimap.index... ImmutableListMultimap keeps things in the same order it was given them.

Multimaps.index返回一个ImmutableListMultimap,因此您无法在创建它之后对其进行排序。但是,您可以首先创建Iterable 的排序副本,并将其提供给Multimap.index ... ImmutableListMultimap保持事物的顺序与给定它们的顺序相同。

public static ImmutableMultimap<Integer, MyObject> indexOnScore(Iterable<MyObject> i) {
  List<MyObject> sorted = Ordering.natural().onResultOf(myObjectToScore())
  return Multimaps.index(sorted, myObjectToScore());

Another option might be to create a TreeMultimap and use Ordering.arbitrary() as the Comparator for the values.




MultimapBuilder was introduced in Guava 16:

MultimapBuilder在Guava 16中引入:

<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> ListMultimap<K, V> multimap() {
    return MultimapBuilder.treeKeys().linkedListValues().build();

That keeps your keys sorted by their natural order (treeKeys() is also overloaded to accept a custom comparator), and the values associated with each key are maintained in a LinkedList (ArrayList and HashSet are among the other options).




Though the OP's specific situation seems to have been answered using immutable multimap building functions, I needed a mutable version of what he was asking for. In case it helps anyone, here's the generic method I ended up creating:


static <K, V> Multimap<K, V> newTreeArrayListMultimap(
    final int expectedValuesPerKey)
    return Multimaps.newMultimap(new TreeMap<K, Collection<V>>(),
        new Supplier<Collection<V>>()
            public Collection<V> get()
                return new ArrayList<V>(expectedValuesPerKey);



Call Multimaps.newMultimap, which gives you the flexibility to create, for example, a Multimap backed by TreeMap whose values are ArrayLists.




I'd like to point out that the alternative proposed solution, namely "to create a TreeMultimap and use Ordering.arbitrary() as the Comparator for the values", only works if MyObject doesn't override equals() or hashcode(). Ordering.arbitrary() is inconsistent with equals and uses object identity instead, which makes it not a good idea to use it in conjunction with a TreeSet.

我想指出另一个提出的解决方案,即“创建一个TreeMultimap并使用Ordering.arbitrary()作为值的比较器”,只有在MyObject不重写equals()或hashcode()时才有效。 Ordering.arbitrary()与equals不一致,而是使用对象标识,这使得将它与TreeSet结合使用并不是一个好主意。



How about this:


    public static Multimap<Integer, MyObject> indexOnScore(Iterable<MyObject> i) {
        Multimap<Integer, MyObject> m = Multimaps.index(i, myObjectToScore());

        Multimap<Integer, MyObject> sortedKeys = Multimaps.newMultimap(
                Maps.<Integer, Collection<MyObject>>newTreeMap(),
                new Supplier<Collection<MyObject>>() {
                    public Collection<MyObject> get() {
                        return Lists.newArrayList(); // Or a Set if appropriate


        return sortedKeys;

There would be the overhead of creating two separate Multimaps in this case, though.




You can do it with TreeMultimap if you use Comparators.


Create a Comparator for the key type and the value type (MyObject?). Then use create(Comparator keyComparator, Comparator valueComparator) to make the map.

为键类型和值类型(MyObject?)创建一个Comparator。然后使用create(Comparator keyComparator,Comparator valueComparator)来制作地图。

The benefit of using a Comparator over implementing Comparable is that you can make the Comparator specific to the situation that you want with the map and it doesn't effect your object in general. As long as your Comparator is consistent with equals it can do whatever you want.




Multimaps.index returns an ImmutableListMultimap, so you wouldn't be able to sort it after creating it. You could, however, first create a sorted copy of your Iterable<MyObject> and feed that to Multimap.index... ImmutableListMultimap keeps things in the same order it was given them.

Multimaps.index返回一个ImmutableListMultimap,因此您无法在创建它之后对其进行排序。但是,您可以首先创建Iterable 的排序副本,并将其提供给Multimap.index ... ImmutableListMultimap保持事物的顺序与给定它们的顺序相同。

public static ImmutableMultimap<Integer, MyObject> indexOnScore(Iterable<MyObject> i) {
  List<MyObject> sorted = Ordering.natural().onResultOf(myObjectToScore())
  return Multimaps.index(sorted, myObjectToScore());

Another option might be to create a TreeMultimap and use Ordering.arbitrary() as the Comparator for the values.




MultimapBuilder was introduced in Guava 16:

MultimapBuilder在Guava 16中引入:

<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> ListMultimap<K, V> multimap() {
    return MultimapBuilder.treeKeys().linkedListValues().build();

That keeps your keys sorted by their natural order (treeKeys() is also overloaded to accept a custom comparator), and the values associated with each key are maintained in a LinkedList (ArrayList and HashSet are among the other options).




Though the OP's specific situation seems to have been answered using immutable multimap building functions, I needed a mutable version of what he was asking for. In case it helps anyone, here's the generic method I ended up creating:


static <K, V> Multimap<K, V> newTreeArrayListMultimap(
    final int expectedValuesPerKey)
    return Multimaps.newMultimap(new TreeMap<K, Collection<V>>(),
        new Supplier<Collection<V>>()
            public Collection<V> get()
                return new ArrayList<V>(expectedValuesPerKey);



Call Multimaps.newMultimap, which gives you the flexibility to create, for example, a Multimap backed by TreeMap whose values are ArrayLists.




I'd like to point out that the alternative proposed solution, namely "to create a TreeMultimap and use Ordering.arbitrary() as the Comparator for the values", only works if MyObject doesn't override equals() or hashcode(). Ordering.arbitrary() is inconsistent with equals and uses object identity instead, which makes it not a good idea to use it in conjunction with a TreeSet.

我想指出另一个提出的解决方案,即“创建一个TreeMultimap并使用Ordering.arbitrary()作为值的比较器”,只有在MyObject不重写equals()或hashcode()时才有效。 Ordering.arbitrary()与equals不一致,而是使用对象标识,这使得将它与TreeSet结合使用并不是一个好主意。



How about this:


    public static Multimap<Integer, MyObject> indexOnScore(Iterable<MyObject> i) {
        Multimap<Integer, MyObject> m = Multimaps.index(i, myObjectToScore());

        Multimap<Integer, MyObject> sortedKeys = Multimaps.newMultimap(
                Maps.<Integer, Collection<MyObject>>newTreeMap(),
                new Supplier<Collection<MyObject>>() {
                    public Collection<MyObject> get() {
                        return Lists.newArrayList(); // Or a Set if appropriate


        return sortedKeys;

There would be the overhead of creating two separate Multimaps in this case, though.




You can do it with TreeMultimap if you use Comparators.


Create a Comparator for the key type and the value type (MyObject?). Then use create(Comparator keyComparator, Comparator valueComparator) to make the map.

为键类型和值类型(MyObject?)创建一个Comparator。然后使用create(Comparator keyComparator,Comparator valueComparator)来制作地图。

The benefit of using a Comparator over implementing Comparable is that you can make the Comparator specific to the situation that you want with the map and it doesn't effect your object in general. As long as your Comparator is consistent with equals it can do whatever you want.
