
时间:2021-07-29 20:45:58

如果我要新建一个java的项目,那么有两个类库是必备的,一个是junit,另一个是 Guava 。选择junit,因为我喜欢TDD,喜欢自动化测试。而是用 Guava ,是因为我喜欢简洁的API。 Guava 提供了很多的实用工具函数来弥补java标准库的不足,另外 Guava 还引入了函数式编程的概念,在一定程度上缓解了java在JDK1.8之前没有lambda的缺陷,使使用java书写简洁易读的函数式风格的代码成为可能。

下面就简单的介绍下 Guava 中的一些体现了函数式编程的API。



public class Person {
public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public int getAge() {
return age;

public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;

private String name;
private int age;

public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;


List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();
people.add(new Person("bowen",27));
people.add(new Person("bob", 20));
people.add(new Person("Katy", 18));
people.add(new Person("Logon", 24));

而 Guava 提供了一个newArrayList的方法,其自带类型推演,并可以方便的生成一个List,并且通过参数传递初始化值。

List<Person> people = newArrayList(new Person("bowen", 27),
new Person("bob", 20),
new Person("Katy", 18),
new Person("Logon", 24));

当然,这不算函数式编程的范畴,这是 Guava 给我们提供的一个实用的函数。


List<Person> oldPeople = new ArrayList<Person>();
for (Person person : people) {
if (person.getAge() >= 20) {

这就是典型的filter模式。filter即从一个集合中根据一个条件筛选元素。其中person.getAge() >=20就是这个条件。 Guava 为这种模式提供了一个filter的方法。所以我们可以这样写。

List<Person> oldPeople = newArrayList(filter(people, new Predicate<Person>() {
public boolean apply(Person person) {
return person.getAge() >= 20;

这里的Predicate是 Guava 中的一个接口,我们来看看它的定义。

public interface Predicate<T> {
* Returns the result of applying this predicate to {@code input}. This method is <i>generally
* expected</i>, but not absolutely required, to have the following properties:
* <ul>
* <li>Its execution does not cause any observable side effects.
* <li>The computation is <i>consistent with equals</i>; that is, {@link Objects#equal
* Objects.equal}{@code (a, b)} implies that {@code predicate.apply(a) ==
* predicate.apply(b))}.
* </ul>
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code input} is null and this predicate does not accept null
* arguments

boolean apply(@Nullable T input);

* Indicates whether another object is equal to this predicate.
* <p>Most implementations will have no reason to override the behavior of {@link Object#equals}.
* However, an implementation may also choose to return {@code true} whenever {@code object} is a
* {@link Predicate} that it considers <i>interchangeable</i> with this one. "Interchangeable"
* <i>typically</i> means that {@code this.apply(t) == that.apply(t)} for all {@code t} of type
* {@code T}). Note that a {@code false} result from this method does not imply that the
* predicates are known <i>not</i> to be interchangeable.

boolean equals(@Nullable Object object);


And Predicate

如果要再实现一个方法来查找People列表中所有名字中包含b字母的列表,我们可以用 Guava 简单的实现。

List<Person> namedPeople = newArrayList(filter(people, new Predicate<Person>() {
public boolean apply(Person person) {
return person.getName().contains("b");

一切是这么的简单。 那么新需求来了,如果现在需要找年龄>=20并且名称包含b的人,该如何实现那? 可能你会这样写。

List<Person> filteredPeople = newArrayList(filter(people, new Predicate<Person>() {
public boolean apply(Person person) {
return person.getName().contains("b") && person.getAge() >= 20;

这样写的话就有一定的代码重复,因为之前我们已经写了两个Predicate来分别实现这两个条件判断,能不能重用之前的Predicate那?答案是能。 我们首先将之前生成年龄判断和名称判断的两个Predicate抽成方法。

private Predicate<Person> ageBiggerThan(final int age) {
return new Predicate<Person>() {
public boolean apply(Person person) {
return person.getAge() >= age;

private Predicate<Person> nameContains(final String str) {
return new Predicate<Person>() {
public boolean apply(Person person) {
return person.getName().contains(str);

而我们的结果其实就是这两个Predicate相与。 Guava 给我们提供了and方法,用于对一组Predicate求与。

List<Person> filteredPeople = newArrayList(filter(people, and(ageBiggerThan(20), nameContains("b"))));

由于and接收一组Predicate,返回也是一个Predicate,所以可以直接作为filter的第二个参数。如果不熟悉函数式编程的人可能感觉有点怪异,但是习惯了就会觉得它的强大与简洁。 当然除了and, Guava 还为我们提供了or,用于对一组Predicate求或。这里就不多讲了,大家可以自己练习下。


列表操作还有另一个常见的模式,就是将数组中的所有元素映射为另一种元素的列表,这就是map pattern。举个例子,求People列表中的所有人名。程序员十有八九都会这样写。

List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Person person : people) {

Guava 已经给我们提供了这种Pattern的结果办法,那就是使用transform方法。

List<String> names = newArrayList(transform(people, new Function<Person, String>() {
public String apply( Person person) {
return person.getName();


public interface Function<F, T> {
* Returns the result of applying this function to {@code input}. This method is <i>generally
* expected</i>, but not absolutely required, to have the following properties:
* <ul>
* <li>Its execution does not cause any observable side effects.
* <li>The computation is <i>consistent with equals</i>; that is, {@link Objects#equal
* Objects.equal}{@code (a, b)} implies that {@code Objects.equal(function.apply(a),
* function.apply(b))}.
* </ul>
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code input} is null and this function does not accept null
* arguments

@Nullable T apply(@Nullable F input);

* Indicates whether another object is equal to this function.
* <p>Most implementations will have no reason to override the behavior of {@link Object#equals}.
* However, an implementation may also choose to return {@code true} whenever {@code object} is a
* {@link Function} that it considers <i>interchangeable</i> with this one. "Interchangeable"
* <i>typically</i> means that {@code Objects.equal(this.apply(f), that.apply(f))} is true for all
* {@code f} of type {@code F}. Note that a {@code false} result from this method does not imply
* that the functions are known <i>not</i> to be interchangeable.

boolean equals(@Nullable Object object);



除了filter与map模式外,列表操作还有一种reduce操作。比如求people列表中所有人年龄的和。 Guava 并未提供reduce方法。具体原因我们并不清楚。但是我们可以自己简单的实现一个reduce pattern。 先定义一个Func的接口。

public interface Func<F,T> {

T apply(F currentElement, T origin);


apply方法的第一个参数为列表中的当前元素,第二个参数为默认值,返回值类型为默认值类型。 然后我们定义个reduce的静态方法。

public class Reduce {
private Reduce() {


public static <F,T> T reduce(final Iterable<F> iterable, final Func<F, T> func, T origin) {

for (Iterator iterator = iterable.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
origin = func.apply((F)(, origin);

return origin;



Integer ages = Reduce.reduce(people, new Func<Person, Integer>() {

public Integer apply(Person person, Integer origin) {
return person.getAge() + origin;
}, 0);


Integer maxAge = Reduce.reduce(people, new Func<Person, Integer>() {

public Integer apply(Person person, Integer origin) {
return person.getAge() > origin ? person.getAge() : origin;
}, 0);

Fluent pattern


private Function<Person, String> getName() {
return new Function<Person, String>() {
public String apply( Person person) {
return person.getName();

public void getPeopleNamesByAge() {

List<String> names = newArrayList(transform(filter(people, ageBiggerThan(20)), getName()));

这样括号套括号的着实不好看。能不能改进一下那? Guava 为我们提供了fluent模式的API,我们可以这样来写。

List<String> names = from(people).filter(ageBiggerThan(20)).transform(getName()).toList();

Guava 中还有很多好玩的东西,大家时间可以多发掘发掘。这篇文章的源码已经被我放置到 github 中,感兴趣的可以自行查看。