
时间:2022-05-17 09:14:19

I want to create a video slideshow from scratch for my webpage.


Instead of displaying the videos directly I've managed so far to write a code using JavaScript which takes a YouTube video URL and takes its thumbnail to show it on the slideshow and here goes the problem:


The URL from the video has to be stored somewhere so the script can work properly, I've been hiding the URL inside the HTML code using the "src" attribute but that means I'll have to change it directly in the HTML code every time I want to display a different video on the slideshow.


I was thinking using a database (SQL) to store the URLs, but I read that linking JS/HTML and SQL is a bad practice and brings up unnecessary issues and will bring a headache and not a solution. So where or what can I use to store those URLs and link them properly into my code?

我正在考虑使用数据库(SQL)来存储URL,但我读到链接JS / HTML和SQL是一种不好的做法,会带来不必要的问题,并且会带来头疼而不是解决方案。那么我可以使用哪些地方或什么来存储这些URL并将它们正确地链接到我的代码中?


1 个解决方案



A database is the right answer, however, for just links, you may not want SQL. I would suggest JSON, but that may not even be necessary here. You can load an array of links from an external JS file. The contents of it would be:


var youtubeLinks = [

If that file was called script.js and it was stored in your website root, then you can load it into your HTML as such:


<script src="script.js"></script>

Then in your javascript code that you already wrote, you can pass each link through a loop. Maybe something like this:


for (var i = 0; i < youtubeLinks.length; i++) {
  thisLink = youtubeLinks[i];
  // your code here



A database is the right answer, however, for just links, you may not want SQL. I would suggest JSON, but that may not even be necessary here. You can load an array of links from an external JS file. The contents of it would be:


var youtubeLinks = [

If that file was called script.js and it was stored in your website root, then you can load it into your HTML as such:


<script src="script.js"></script>

Then in your javascript code that you already wrote, you can pass each link through a loop. Maybe something like this:


for (var i = 0; i < youtubeLinks.length; i++) {
  thisLink = youtubeLinks[i];
  // your code here