
时间:2021-08-27 20:26:57



I have this formula spitting out an average for coulmn K as you can see. The problem I am having is that the numbers in column K are populated by a formula basically adding two other columns together so if no data is entered the number returned is 0. This obviously throws off an average calculation for a month that is not complete, how can I make this formula only count the numbers which are greater than zero?


3 个解决方案



=AVERAGEIF(K2:K32, ">0")

Here is the example formula, which includes cells having value > 0.

这里有一个示例公式,其中包含有值> 0的单元格。



Since you mention an average calculation for a month that is not complete and that the numbers in column K are populated by a formula basically adding two other columns together if either of the numbers being added could be negative it seems possible that the formula may return 0 even for that part of the month that is complete, so strictly speaking a 0 in that case should be taken into account for a true average. Hence, assuming one of the numbers being added is in ColumnE (which will be blank or 0 for the incomplete part of the month) I suggest an array formula such as:



entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. For months with less than 31 days enter a value other than 0 into ColumnE for the non-existent days.

输入Ctrl + Shift + Enter。对于少于31天的月份,在不存在的日子里,在ColumnE中输入一个不为0的值。



You must use:



Make sure there are no spaces in the formula.




=AVERAGEIF(K2:K32, ">0")

Here is the example formula, which includes cells having value > 0.

这里有一个示例公式,其中包含有值> 0的单元格。



Since you mention an average calculation for a month that is not complete and that the numbers in column K are populated by a formula basically adding two other columns together if either of the numbers being added could be negative it seems possible that the formula may return 0 even for that part of the month that is complete, so strictly speaking a 0 in that case should be taken into account for a true average. Hence, assuming one of the numbers being added is in ColumnE (which will be blank or 0 for the incomplete part of the month) I suggest an array formula such as:



entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. For months with less than 31 days enter a value other than 0 into ColumnE for the non-existent days.

输入Ctrl + Shift + Enter。对于少于31天的月份,在不存在的日子里,在ColumnE中输入一个不为0的值。



You must use:



Make sure there are no spaces in the formula.
