
时间:2022-08-14 20:22:42

I am currently trying to figure out the best way to create a .xls file from PHP. It seems like to me that all I need to do is change the header content type to "application/vnd.ms-excel", and then output data in a comma separated format. Is this the best way to do this?

我目前正在尝试找出从PHP创建.xls文件的最佳方法。在我看来,我需要做的就是将标题内容类型更改为“application / vnd.ms-excel”,然后以逗号分隔格式输出数据。这是最好的方法吗?

Thanks for any help!




Would it be bad to just output the data as HTML? I already have a class that I would like to extend for this problem, so I would prefer to stay away from a third party solution. I just need to know what the best way to output the data would be in order to get the most out of that file format.


After looking at PHPExcel it seems to be the best solution for this issue. I appreciate all of your answers and I would have given three correct answers if I could lol. But up votes will have to do :)


9 个解决方案



Depends if you want a CSV file or an XLS file. An XLS file can include formatting information for the cells, as well as row/column locking, protections and other features that are impossible in a CSV file. Also, keep in mind that Excel does not correctly support UTF-8 encoded content when opening CSV files.

取决于您是否需要CSV文件或XLS文件。 XLS文件可以包括单元格的格式信息,以及行/列锁定,保护和CSV文件中不可能的其他功能。此外,请记住,打开CSV文件时Excel不能正确支持UTF-8编码的内容。

If you want a formatted XLS file, then you need a library such as PhpSpreadsheet that can write a file with that formatting, or COM if you're server is running on Windows with Excel installed




its pretty easy, because excel supports html code. So you just need to add a header in the top of the file.. and then echo your html code!


header ( "Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel" );
header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo_bar.xls" );
echo "<table><tr><th>Header1</th></tr><tr><td>value1</td></tr></table>";

this will generate an excel file!




You could use one of the XML formats that Microsoft Office understands.

您可以使用Microsoft Office理解的XML格式之一。

See Microsoft's OpenXML Developer site for details/specs.

有关详细信息/规格,请参阅Microsoft的OpenXML Developer站点。

There is a library on called PHPExcel that you can look at to help you with this.


Of course, this all depends on what you mean by:


"get the most out of that file format"


If you just have simple tables with no formatting, CSV files may be all you need; however, if you want to use more features of a spreadsheet, I would recommend taking a look at OpenXML.




You can just output html and newer versions of Excel will read it. I don't know how much formatting you can do with it though.


If you need data typing, rich formatting or formulas, I have had success with PHPExcel.


My preference is to write out CSV files. CSV is a very easy format to write and an easy conversion from existing html table scripts. It also has the advantage of being readable by a wide variety of non-microsoft spreadsheet programs. If you can make CSV the file format of choice for your web application, you will reap rewards when you have to accept a spreadsheet as input. It is much, much easier to read and parse a CSV file than an Excel file.

我的偏好是写出CSV文件。 CSV是一种非常简单的格式,可以从现有的html表脚本轻松转换。它还具有可被各种非微软电子表格程序读取的优点。如果您可以将CSV作为Web应用程序的首选文件格式,那么当您必须接受电子表格作为输入时,您将获得奖励。读取和解析CSV文件要比Excel文件容易得多。



Try the XLS file wrapper, ala this post on SO.




Take a look at this PEAR package: Spreadsheet Excel Writer

看看这个PEAR包:Spreadsheet Excel Writer



Disclaimer: I work at Expected Behavior, the company that developed DocRaptor.

免责声明:我在开发DocRaptor的公司Expected Behavior工作。

That said, you can use DocRaptor to generate XLS files from HTML. DocRaptor is a Ruby on Rails project, but you can use it with PHP. Here's our PHP example:

也就是说,您可以使用DocRaptor从HTML生成XLS文件。 DocRaptor是一个Ruby on Rails项目,但您可以将它与PHP一起使用。这是我们的PHP示例:

DocRaptor PHP example

DocRaptor PHP示例

Here's another link to DocRaptor's home page:


HTML to Excel with DocRaptor




Yes, that is one possible way - if you need a plain CSV file that will open in Ms Excel.

是的,这是一种可能的方法 - 如果您需要一个将在Excel中打开的普通CSV文件。

If you need a rich XLS file, there are many options including using third party DLLs such as 'CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter.dll' to create the XLS file. You can search for samples of using this dll on the net or Look here




You can start using this files. It will create a excel file and help you download it. Download Souce code or live demo here : http://purpledesign.in/blog/to-generate-excel-using-php/


You can add rows like this in the




            ->setCellValue('A1', 'Roll')
            ->setCellValue('B1', 'Name')
            ->setCellValue('C1', 'Total Classes')
            ->setCellValue('D1', 'Class Attended')
        ->setCellValue('E1', 'Percentage');

You can print data from a database like this using a while loop.


while ($row = $database->fetch_array($result)) 

            ->setCellValue('A'.$i, $row[0])
            ->setCellValue('B'.$i, $row[1])
            ->setCellValue('C'.$i, $row[2])
            ->setCellValue('D'.$i, $total)
        ->setCellValue('E'.$i, round(($row[2]/$total)*100));



Depends if you want a CSV file or an XLS file. An XLS file can include formatting information for the cells, as well as row/column locking, protections and other features that are impossible in a CSV file. Also, keep in mind that Excel does not correctly support UTF-8 encoded content when opening CSV files.

取决于您是否需要CSV文件或XLS文件。 XLS文件可以包括单元格的格式信息,以及行/列锁定,保护和CSV文件中不可能的其他功能。此外,请记住,打开CSV文件时Excel不能正确支持UTF-8编码的内容。

If you want a formatted XLS file, then you need a library such as PhpSpreadsheet that can write a file with that formatting, or COM if you're server is running on Windows with Excel installed




its pretty easy, because excel supports html code. So you just need to add a header in the top of the file.. and then echo your html code!


header ( "Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel" );
header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo_bar.xls" );
echo "<table><tr><th>Header1</th></tr><tr><td>value1</td></tr></table>";

this will generate an excel file!




You could use one of the XML formats that Microsoft Office understands.

您可以使用Microsoft Office理解的XML格式之一。

See Microsoft's OpenXML Developer site for details/specs.

有关详细信息/规格,请参阅Microsoft的OpenXML Developer站点。

There is a library on called PHPExcel that you can look at to help you with this.


Of course, this all depends on what you mean by:


"get the most out of that file format"


If you just have simple tables with no formatting, CSV files may be all you need; however, if you want to use more features of a spreadsheet, I would recommend taking a look at OpenXML.




You can just output html and newer versions of Excel will read it. I don't know how much formatting you can do with it though.


If you need data typing, rich formatting or formulas, I have had success with PHPExcel.


My preference is to write out CSV files. CSV is a very easy format to write and an easy conversion from existing html table scripts. It also has the advantage of being readable by a wide variety of non-microsoft spreadsheet programs. If you can make CSV the file format of choice for your web application, you will reap rewards when you have to accept a spreadsheet as input. It is much, much easier to read and parse a CSV file than an Excel file.

我的偏好是写出CSV文件。 CSV是一种非常简单的格式,可以从现有的html表脚本轻松转换。它还具有可被各种非微软电子表格程序读取的优点。如果您可以将CSV作为Web应用程序的首选文件格式,那么当您必须接受电子表格作为输入时,您将获得奖励。读取和解析CSV文件要比Excel文件容易得多。



Try the XLS file wrapper, ala this post on SO.




Take a look at this PEAR package: Spreadsheet Excel Writer

看看这个PEAR包:Spreadsheet Excel Writer



Disclaimer: I work at Expected Behavior, the company that developed DocRaptor.

免责声明:我在开发DocRaptor的公司Expected Behavior工作。

That said, you can use DocRaptor to generate XLS files from HTML. DocRaptor is a Ruby on Rails project, but you can use it with PHP. Here's our PHP example:

也就是说,您可以使用DocRaptor从HTML生成XLS文件。 DocRaptor是一个Ruby on Rails项目,但您可以将它与PHP一起使用。这是我们的PHP示例:

DocRaptor PHP example

DocRaptor PHP示例

Here's another link to DocRaptor's home page:


HTML to Excel with DocRaptor




Yes, that is one possible way - if you need a plain CSV file that will open in Ms Excel.

是的,这是一种可能的方法 - 如果您需要一个将在Excel中打开的普通CSV文件。

If you need a rich XLS file, there are many options including using third party DLLs such as 'CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter.dll' to create the XLS file. You can search for samples of using this dll on the net or Look here




You can start using this files. It will create a excel file and help you download it. Download Souce code or live demo here : http://purpledesign.in/blog/to-generate-excel-using-php/


You can add rows like this in the




            ->setCellValue('A1', 'Roll')
            ->setCellValue('B1', 'Name')
            ->setCellValue('C1', 'Total Classes')
            ->setCellValue('D1', 'Class Attended')
        ->setCellValue('E1', 'Percentage');

You can print data from a database like this using a while loop.


while ($row = $database->fetch_array($result)) 

            ->setCellValue('A'.$i, $row[0])
            ->setCellValue('B'.$i, $row[1])
            ->setCellValue('C'.$i, $row[2])
            ->setCellValue('D'.$i, $total)
        ->setCellValue('E'.$i, round(($row[2]/$total)*100));