
时间:2021-10-30 08:51:16

I have this scenario:


Different scripts have to be executed within the browser. On of them is to send a message from one browser to another (WebRTC). I want to measure the delay of each operation, sending messages in particular.


To achieve that I have created an own thread for each selenium driver, which is executing the scripts. Furthermore I have created another thread that is waiting for messages to arrive at the observed browser from other browsers. The thread which waits for the messages executes an asynchronous script like this:


String message = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeAsyncScript(
 "window.receivedMessage = function(message_id){" +
                                  "arguments[arguments.length - 1](message_id);" +

As you see I am waiting for a callback that is called, if a browser receives a message.


Unfortunatelly, this blocks every other script I want to be executed after this async script is registered in the browser (doesn't matter if .executeScript() or .executeAsyncScript() ).


Does someoe have an idea how to constantly waiting for messages to arrive AND execute other script with a webdriver?



By the way: busy waiting shouldn't be the solution. I would prefer a way to notify selenium somehow that an operation is done, without constantly polling the result from the driver.


1 个解决方案



One way would be to store the messages in a global variable and handle them once the other scripts are executed. Here is an example:


JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

// set a listener for the messages
    "window._asyncResult = [];                        " +
    "window.receivedMessage = function(message_id) {  " +
    "  window._asyncResult.push(message_id);          " +
    "};                                               " );

// send a message asynchroniously every second
    "window._asyncTimer = setInterval(function(){     " +
    "  window.receivedMessage(Math.random());         " +
    "}, 1000);                                        " );

// wait for 5 messages and return the list
List messages = (ArrayList)js.executeAsyncScript(
    "var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];  " +
    "(function fn(){                                  " +
    "  if(window._asyncResult.length > 5) {           " +
    "    clearInterval(window._asyncTimer);           " +
    "    return callback(window._asyncResult);        " +
    "  }                                              " +
    "  setTimeout(fn, 30);                            " +
    "})();                                            " );



One way would be to store the messages in a global variable and handle them once the other scripts are executed. Here is an example:


JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

// set a listener for the messages
    "window._asyncResult = [];                        " +
    "window.receivedMessage = function(message_id) {  " +
    "  window._asyncResult.push(message_id);          " +
    "};                                               " );

// send a message asynchroniously every second
    "window._asyncTimer = setInterval(function(){     " +
    "  window.receivedMessage(Math.random());         " +
    "}, 1000);                                        " );

// wait for 5 messages and return the list
List messages = (ArrayList)js.executeAsyncScript(
    "var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];  " +
    "(function fn(){                                  " +
    "  if(window._asyncResult.length > 5) {           " +
    "    clearInterval(window._asyncTimer);           " +
    "    return callback(window._asyncResult);        " +
    "  }                                              " +
    "  setTimeout(fn, 30);                            " +
    "})();                                            " );