如何在JSP JSF1.2中跟踪网页中的更改

时间:2021-11-03 20:07:11

I am developing a web page in JSP/JSF. It has some text fields and check boxes. Page has Save button and few links to other pages. On clock of save button, information is saved in database. when user clicks on one this links, control is redirected to respective page.

我正在JSP / JSF中开发一个网页。它有一些文本字段和复选框。页面有“保存”按钮和其他页面的链接。在保存按钮的时钟,信息保存在数据库中。当用户点击此链接时,控件将重定向到相应的页面。

When user clicks on links to other pages I would like to check, whether User has changed any test box, Drop down list, check box or not. If user has changed any field I would like to prompt a message to user that He has changed information and it is not saved.


Could you please help me how to implement this.



1 个解决方案



Use (#JSFManagedBeanName.MethodName) in onClick of the Sava Button & from that method, you can access the data of the whole JSF page.

在onClick的Sava Button中使用(#JSFManagedBeanName.MethodName)并从该方法中,您可以访问整个JSF页面的数据。

In case of JSF 2.0, use JSF Validation. For, refernce.

对于JSF 2.0,请使用JSF验证。对于,推荐。

<h:commandLink id="next" action="#{BeanName.MethodName}">
   <h:outputText value="Next Page" />

Put your validations in MethodName Method.




Use (#JSFManagedBeanName.MethodName) in onClick of the Sava Button & from that method, you can access the data of the whole JSF page.

在onClick的Sava Button中使用(#JSFManagedBeanName.MethodName)并从该方法中,您可以访问整个JSF页面的数据。

In case of JSF 2.0, use JSF Validation. For, refernce.

对于JSF 2.0,请使用JSF验证。对于,推荐。

<h:commandLink id="next" action="#{BeanName.MethodName}">
   <h:outputText value="Next Page" />

Put your validations in MethodName Method.
