
时间:2021-09-03 20:07:53

I'm new to Angular, but have a fair amount of experience in coding and am having some trouble getting data binding in views "right".


My approach is broadly:


  • Keep all logic out of controllers and encapsulate them in services (see this blog)
  • 将所有的逻辑从控制器中删除,并将它们封装到服务中(请参阅本博客)
  • Use the ControllerAs syntax as per John Papa's style guide.
  • 按照John Papa的风格指南使用ControllerAs语法。

The confusion I'm having is that not having an explicit $scope object obfuscates the model in the MVC philosophy. There was a passing comment to this effect in the blog post, but I didn't see any real conclusion on the matter.


The Angular Docs state that the model is "the single point of truth" for data. Perhaps I read to much into this (is it just the "truth" of values between the V and C?) but this suggests that, if you're using ControllerAs syntax, that the controller properties are the model -- and the "single point of truth".


If that's a given, and you want to abstract all logic into services, then as I see it, you can't get away from one of two pretty ugly alternatives for keeping the controller properties in sync with the service values:


  1. Expose the service to the view. i.e. myController.data = service.data. This works, but is pretty gross, because all the service data is exposed to the view, and isn't the point of these thin controllers to act as a facade to the view? Or to look at it another way, the service has now become a de facto 'fat' controller, full of business logic.
  2. 将服务公开给视图。即myController。data = service.data。这是可行的,但相当粗略,因为所有的服务数据都公开给视图,这些瘦控制器的目的不就是充当视图的facade吗?或者换个角度来看,这个服务现在已经变成了一个事实上的“胖”控制器,充满了业务逻辑。
  3. Expose only the elements from the service that you want the view to access, but put $watch expressions on each of them. This is not ideal because
    • You add a lot of boilerplate to your controllers
    • 你给控制器添加了很多样板文件
    • You add significantly to the number of watch expressions in your code (angular puts a watch on the template <-> controller link, and you add the controller <-> service link; for each variable in )
    • 您可以显著地增加代码中表表达式的数量(角度在模板<->控制器链接上放置一个表,然后添加控制器<->服务链接);对于每个变量in)
  4. 只公开希望视图访问的服务中的元素,但将$watch表达式放在每个元素上。这并不理想,因为你在控制器中添加了很多样板文件你显著地增加了代码中手表表达式的数量(角将手表放在模板<->控制器链接上,添加控制器<->服务链接;对于每个变量in)

Are these really the only ways of doing this in Angular 1.3? Or is there something (more elegant) that I've missed?


Edit: Based on the answers and some additional investigations, I've collected my thoughts on the question in this plunkr. It covers 3 ways (IMHO) not to do service binding and two ways that are probably closer to the 'right' approach.


1 个解决方案



Services return models. Controllers interact with services to populate the view model ($scope). The view interacts with the view model to render the view.


To keep data in-sync, you have a few options available.


Option 1: Introduce a factory or service whose job is to track instances - like a caching service. Any controller that needs an instance for binding to the view can ask for it from the service. This is clean - no need for explicit watch expressions, or non-specific model binding.


Here is an example. Suppose you want to bind to a User object across multiple controllers.


Create a User Service


app.factory('UserService', function() {
    return {
        getUserById: function(id) {
           return user;

Create a Cached User Service


app.factory('CachedUserService', function(UserService) {
     var cache = [];
     return {
         getUserById: function(id) {
             if (!cache[id])
                 cache[id] = UserService.getUserById(id);                    
             return cache[id];                 

Here, we are leveraging singletons (which all factories and services are), and relying on the Caching service to preserve the model reference. The latter point is essential for making sure that view changes are in sync with model changes.


Use the Cached User Service in any controller that requires it:


app.controller('ctrl', function($scope, CachedUserService) {
     $scope.user = CachedUserService.getUserById(...);

Option 2: Simply store the model that you would like to keep in sync, higher up the $scope chain (i.e. $rootScope)


app.controller('ctrl', function($scope, $rootScope, UserService) {
      $rootScope.user = UserService.getUserById(...);

Any child scopes are able to bind to the model higher up the scope chain because of prototypical scope inheritance. Take care, however, when you assign or overwrite models on $scope - you may inadvertently break the model binding. To preserve the reference, use angular.copy instead.




Services return models. Controllers interact with services to populate the view model ($scope). The view interacts with the view model to render the view.


To keep data in-sync, you have a few options available.


Option 1: Introduce a factory or service whose job is to track instances - like a caching service. Any controller that needs an instance for binding to the view can ask for it from the service. This is clean - no need for explicit watch expressions, or non-specific model binding.


Here is an example. Suppose you want to bind to a User object across multiple controllers.


Create a User Service


app.factory('UserService', function() {
    return {
        getUserById: function(id) {
           return user;

Create a Cached User Service


app.factory('CachedUserService', function(UserService) {
     var cache = [];
     return {
         getUserById: function(id) {
             if (!cache[id])
                 cache[id] = UserService.getUserById(id);                    
             return cache[id];                 

Here, we are leveraging singletons (which all factories and services are), and relying on the Caching service to preserve the model reference. The latter point is essential for making sure that view changes are in sync with model changes.


Use the Cached User Service in any controller that requires it:


app.controller('ctrl', function($scope, CachedUserService) {
     $scope.user = CachedUserService.getUserById(...);

Option 2: Simply store the model that you would like to keep in sync, higher up the $scope chain (i.e. $rootScope)


app.controller('ctrl', function($scope, $rootScope, UserService) {
      $rootScope.user = UserService.getUserById(...);

Any child scopes are able to bind to the model higher up the scope chain because of prototypical scope inheritance. Take care, however, when you assign or overwrite models on $scope - you may inadvertently break the model binding. To preserve the reference, use angular.copy instead.
