多个人可以同时更新SQL Server中的相同记录吗?

时间:2021-11-15 20:06:08

I have a SQL statement similar to the one below. Basically, it assigns an item to a user with an assigned status, if the item was in an unassigned status. If two people call this statement at exactly the same time, can they both update the same record with their user id, or does the database automatically lock the record as it is happening, because it is an update? I am currently not running the statement in any kind of transaction. Do I need to to ensure that only one person can set the row to assigned?


Update top (1) QUE.[Queue] set
                QueueStatusId = 2 -- set to assigned
                , QueueAssignedUserId = @QueueAssignedUserId
                , QueueAssignedDateTimeUTC = getutcdate()
from QUE.[Queue] updateq
where updateq.QueueStatusId = 1 -- only select unassigned


Here is a slightly closer representation of my code. You can see that I do not actually have a where clause in here to ensure that I only get items with a status of 1. Instead, I join to the table, taking into account the status and an assignment expiration date. Is it possible for that inner join query to be snapshotted, so that multiple users are joining off of a dirty copy of the data?


Update top (1) QUE.[Queue] set
                QueueStatusId = 2 -- set to assigned
                , QueueAssignedUserId = @QueueAssignedUserId
                , QueueAssignedDateTimeUTC = getutcdate()
from QUE.[Queue] updateq
inner join (select * from QUE.[Queue] 
    where QueueStatusId = 1 
        or (QueueStatusId = 2 and QueueAssignmentExpirationDateTimeUTC > getutcdate()) qStatuses 
    on qStatuses.QueueId = updateq.QueueId

1 个解决方案


Every statement is wrapped in an implicit transaction. So if the statement was executed twice at nearly the same time... SQL Server would pick one of them, execute the update, and then the second update execution would not be able to pick that record because it would have had it's QueueStatusId field changed in the first query.

每个语句都包含在一个隐式事务中。因此,如果语句几乎同时执行了两次...... SQL Server将选择其中一个,执行更新,然后第二次更新执行将无法选择该记录,因为它会更改它的QueueStatusId字段在第一个查询中。

The sub-query in your second version however can cause a race condition if not wrapped in an explicit transaction. It could be possible that two users both run the sub-query before either one updates and then both try to update the same record. You can structure your update without the sub-query and eliminate the possibility of a race condition:


Update top (1) QUE.[Queue]
    QueueStatusId = 2 -- set to assigned
    , QueueAssignedUserId = @QueueAssignedUserId
    , QueueAssignedDateTimeUTC = getutcdate()
from QUE.[Queue] updateq
where QueueStatusId = 1 
    or (QueueStatusId = 2 and QueueAssignmentExpirationDateTimeUTC > getutcdate())

This question also includes some helpful information and links: Transaction isolation levels and subqueries



Every statement is wrapped in an implicit transaction. So if the statement was executed twice at nearly the same time... SQL Server would pick one of them, execute the update, and then the second update execution would not be able to pick that record because it would have had it's QueueStatusId field changed in the first query.

每个语句都包含在一个隐式事务中。因此,如果语句几乎同时执行了两次...... SQL Server将选择其中一个,执行更新,然后第二次更新执行将无法选择该记录,因为它会更改它的QueueStatusId字段在第一个查询中。

The sub-query in your second version however can cause a race condition if not wrapped in an explicit transaction. It could be possible that two users both run the sub-query before either one updates and then both try to update the same record. You can structure your update without the sub-query and eliminate the possibility of a race condition:


Update top (1) QUE.[Queue]
    QueueStatusId = 2 -- set to assigned
    , QueueAssignedUserId = @QueueAssignedUserId
    , QueueAssignedDateTimeUTC = getutcdate()
from QUE.[Queue] updateq
where QueueStatusId = 1 
    or (QueueStatusId = 2 and QueueAssignmentExpirationDateTimeUTC > getutcdate())

This question also includes some helpful information and links: Transaction isolation levels and subqueries
