防止输入设置$ dirty angularjs

时间:2022-03-25 09:22:59

I have an ng form on a page. Inside the form I have several controls which need to display a save dialog when the form is dirty, ie form.$dirty = true. However there are some navigation controls in the form I don't want to dirty the form. Assume I can't move the control out of the form.

我在页面上有一个表格。在表单内部,我有几个控件,当表单很脏时需要显示一个保存对话框,即表单。$ dirty = true。但是,我不希望弄脏表单的形式有一些导航控件。假设我无法将控件移出表单。

see: http://plnkr.co/edit/bfig4B


How do I make the select box not dirty the form?


7 个解决方案



Here's a version of @acacia's answer using a directive and not using $timeout. This will keep your controllers cleaner.

这是使用指令而不使用$ timeout的@ acacia的答案版本。这将使您的控制器更清洁。

.directive('noDirtyCheck', function() {
  // Interacting with input elements having this directive won't cause the
  // form to be marked dirty.
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
      ctrl.$pristine = false;

Then use it in your form like so:


<input type="text" name="foo" ng-model="x.foo" no-dirty-check>



Setting the $pristine property to false, only when initializing, works until you call $setPristine() on the form. Then your control has its $pristine back to true and changing the input's value would make your form dirty. To avoid that, set the $pristine on focus:

将$ pristine属性设置为false,仅在初始化时才有效,直到您在窗体上调用$ setPristine()为止。然后你的控件让它的$ pristine回到true,改变输入的值会使你的表单变脏。为避免这种情况,请将$ pristine设置为焦点:

link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
    elm.focus(function () {
        ctrl.$pristine = false;



I used @overthink's solution, but ran into the problem mentioned by @dmitankin. However, I didn't want to attach a handler to the focus event. So instead, I endeavored to override the $pristine property itself and force it to return false always. I ended up using Object.defineProperty which is not supported in IE8 and below. There are workarounds to do this in those legacy browsers, but I didn't need them, so they are not part of my solution below:

我使用了@ overthink的解决方案,但遇到了@dmitankin提到的问题。但是,我不想将处理程序附加到焦点事件。所以相反,我努力覆盖$ pristine属性本身并强制它总是返回false。我最终使用了IE8及以下版本不支持的Object.defineProperty。有些解决方法可以在这些旧版浏览器中执行此操作,但我不需要它们,因此它们不属于我的解决方案:

(function () {
        .directive("noDirtyCheck", noDirtyCheck);

    function noDirtyCheck() {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            require: 'ngModel',
            link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
                var alwaysFalse = {
                    get: function () { return false; },
                    set: function () { }
                Object.defineProperty(ctrl, '$pristine', alwaysFalse);
                Object.defineProperty(ctrl, '$dirty', alwaysFalse);

I am also overriding $dirty so it can't be set as dirty either.




Angular only sets the form dirty if the control is pristine. So the trick here is to set $pristine on the control to false. You can do it in a timeout in the controller.

如果控件是原始的,Angular仅将表单设置为脏。所以这里的诀窍是将控件上的$ pristine设置为false。您可以在控制器中超时执行此操作。

see: http://plnkr.co/edit/by3qTM




A variation on @overthink's answer with some additional validation, and inline bracket notation to protect against minification.

@ overthink的答案的变体与一些额外的验证和内联括号表示法,以防止缩小。

"use strict";

angular.module("*").directive("noDirtyCheck", [function () {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        require: "ngModel",
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
            if (!ngModelCtrl) {

            var clean = (ngModelCtrl.$pristine && !ngModelCtrl.$dirty);

            if (clean) {
                ngModelCtrl.$pristine = false;
                ngModelCtrl.$dirty = true;



I ran into some problems with that implementation, so here is mine (more complex):


app.directive('noDirtyCheck', [function () {
        // Interacting with input elements having this directive won't cause the
        // form to be marked dirty.
        // http://*.com/questions/17089090/prevent-input-from-setting-form-dirty-angularjs
        return {
            restrict: 'A',           
            require: ['^form', '^ngModel'],

            link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
                var form = controllers[0];
                var currentControl = controllers[1];

                var formDirtyState = false;

                var manualFocus = false;

                element.bind('focus',function () {
                    manualFocus = true;
                    if (form) {                        
                        window.console && console.log('Saving current form ' + form.$name + ' dirty status: ' + form.$dirty);
                        formDirtyState = form.$dirty; // save form's dirty state
                element.bind('blur', function () {
                    if (currentControl) {
                        window.console && console.log('Resetting current control (' + currentControl.$name + ') dirty status to false (called from blur)');
                        currentControl.$dirty = false; // Remove dirty state but keep the value
                        if (!formDirtyState && form && manualFocus) {
                            window.console && console.log('Resetting ' + form.$name + ' form pristine state...');
                        manualFocus = false;
                        //          scope.$apply();



This is my final answer. Basically angular internally calls the $setDirty() function of the NgModelController when the input is interacted with, so just override that!

这是我的最终答案。当输入与之交互时,基本上angular会内部调用NgModelController的$ setDirty()函数,所以只需覆盖它!

app.directive('noDirtyCheck', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: postLink
  function postLink(scope, iElem, iAttrs, ngModelCtrl) {
    ngModelCtrl.$setDirty = angular.noop;



Here's a version of @acacia's answer using a directive and not using $timeout. This will keep your controllers cleaner.

这是使用指令而不使用$ timeout的@ acacia的答案版本。这将使您的控制器更清洁。

.directive('noDirtyCheck', function() {
  // Interacting with input elements having this directive won't cause the
  // form to be marked dirty.
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
      ctrl.$pristine = false;

Then use it in your form like so:


<input type="text" name="foo" ng-model="x.foo" no-dirty-check>



Setting the $pristine property to false, only when initializing, works until you call $setPristine() on the form. Then your control has its $pristine back to true and changing the input's value would make your form dirty. To avoid that, set the $pristine on focus:

将$ pristine属性设置为false,仅在初始化时才有效,直到您在窗体上调用$ setPristine()为止。然后你的控件让它的$ pristine回到true,改变输入的值会使你的表单变脏。为避免这种情况,请将$ pristine设置为焦点:

link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
    elm.focus(function () {
        ctrl.$pristine = false;



I used @overthink's solution, but ran into the problem mentioned by @dmitankin. However, I didn't want to attach a handler to the focus event. So instead, I endeavored to override the $pristine property itself and force it to return false always. I ended up using Object.defineProperty which is not supported in IE8 and below. There are workarounds to do this in those legacy browsers, but I didn't need them, so they are not part of my solution below:

我使用了@ overthink的解决方案,但遇到了@dmitankin提到的问题。但是,我不想将处理程序附加到焦点事件。所以相反,我努力覆盖$ pristine属性本身并强制它总是返回false。我最终使用了IE8及以下版本不支持的Object.defineProperty。有些解决方法可以在这些旧版浏览器中执行此操作,但我不需要它们,因此它们不属于我的解决方案:

(function () {
        .directive("noDirtyCheck", noDirtyCheck);

    function noDirtyCheck() {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            require: 'ngModel',
            link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
                var alwaysFalse = {
                    get: function () { return false; },
                    set: function () { }
                Object.defineProperty(ctrl, '$pristine', alwaysFalse);
                Object.defineProperty(ctrl, '$dirty', alwaysFalse);

I am also overriding $dirty so it can't be set as dirty either.




Angular only sets the form dirty if the control is pristine. So the trick here is to set $pristine on the control to false. You can do it in a timeout in the controller.

如果控件是原始的,Angular仅将表单设置为脏。所以这里的诀窍是将控件上的$ pristine设置为false。您可以在控制器中超时执行此操作。

see: http://plnkr.co/edit/by3qTM




A variation on @overthink's answer with some additional validation, and inline bracket notation to protect against minification.

@ overthink的答案的变体与一些额外的验证和内联括号表示法,以防止缩小。

"use strict";

angular.module("*").directive("noDirtyCheck", [function () {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        require: "ngModel",
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
            if (!ngModelCtrl) {

            var clean = (ngModelCtrl.$pristine && !ngModelCtrl.$dirty);

            if (clean) {
                ngModelCtrl.$pristine = false;
                ngModelCtrl.$dirty = true;



I ran into some problems with that implementation, so here is mine (more complex):


app.directive('noDirtyCheck', [function () {
        // Interacting with input elements having this directive won't cause the
        // form to be marked dirty.
        // http://*.com/questions/17089090/prevent-input-from-setting-form-dirty-angularjs
        return {
            restrict: 'A',           
            require: ['^form', '^ngModel'],

            link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
                var form = controllers[0];
                var currentControl = controllers[1];

                var formDirtyState = false;

                var manualFocus = false;

                element.bind('focus',function () {
                    manualFocus = true;
                    if (form) {                        
                        window.console && console.log('Saving current form ' + form.$name + ' dirty status: ' + form.$dirty);
                        formDirtyState = form.$dirty; // save form's dirty state
                element.bind('blur', function () {
                    if (currentControl) {
                        window.console && console.log('Resetting current control (' + currentControl.$name + ') dirty status to false (called from blur)');
                        currentControl.$dirty = false; // Remove dirty state but keep the value
                        if (!formDirtyState && form && manualFocus) {
                            window.console && console.log('Resetting ' + form.$name + ' form pristine state...');
                        manualFocus = false;
                        //          scope.$apply();



This is my final answer. Basically angular internally calls the $setDirty() function of the NgModelController when the input is interacted with, so just override that!

这是我的最终答案。当输入与之交互时,基本上angular会内部调用NgModelController的$ setDirty()函数,所以只需覆盖它!

app.directive('noDirtyCheck', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: postLink
  function postLink(scope, iElem, iAttrs, ngModelCtrl) {
    ngModelCtrl.$setDirty = angular.noop;