
时间:2023-02-10 20:04:13

I have a solution with multiple project. I am trying to optimize AssemblyInfo.cs files by linking one solution wide assembly info file. What are the best practices for doing this? Which attributes should be in solution wide file and which are project/assembly specific?


Edit: If you are interested there is a follow up question What are differences between AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion?


8 个解决方案



We're using a global file called GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs and a local one called AssemblyInfo.cs. The global file contains the following attributes:

我们正在使用一个全局文件,叫做globalassembly yinfo。还有一个叫汇编信息。全局文件包含以下属性:

 [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Your Product Name")]

 [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Your Company")]
 [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2008 ...")]
 [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Your Trademark - if applicable")]

 #if DEBUG
 [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
 [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]

 [assembly: AssemblyVersion("This is set by build process")]
 [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("This is set by build process")]

The local AssemblyInfo.cs contains the following attributes:


 [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Your assembly title")]
 [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Your assembly description")]
 [assembly: AssemblyCulture("The culture - if not neutral")]

 [assembly: ComVisible(true/false)]

 // unique id per assembly
 [assembly: Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")]

You can add the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs using the following procedure:


  • Select Add/Existing Item... in the context menu of the project
  • 选择Add /现有的项目……在项目的上下文菜单中
  • Select GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs
  • 选择GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs
  • Expand the Add-Button by clicking on that little down-arrow on the right hand
  • 通过单击右边的小向下箭头来展开Add-Button
  • Select "Add As Link" in the buttons drop down list
  • 在按钮下拉列表中选择“添加为链接”



In my case, we're building a product for which we have a Visual Studio solution, with various components in their own projects. The common attributes go. In the solution, there are about 35 projects, and a common assembly info (CommonAssemblyInfo.cs), which has the following attributes:

在我的例子中,我们正在为一个产品构建一个Visual Studio解决方案,在他们自己的项目中包含各种组件。常见的属性。在解决方案中,大约有35个项目,以及一个通用的汇编信息(CommonAssemblyInfo.cs),它具有以下属性:

[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Product Name")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2007 Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Company")]

//This shows up as Product Version in Windows Explorer
//We make this the same for all files in a particular product version. And increment it globally for all projects.
//We then use this as the Product Version in installers as well (for example built using Wix).
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")]

The other attributes such as AssemblyTitle, AssemblyVersion etc, we supply on a per-assembly basis. When building an assembly both AssemblyInfo.cs and CommonAssemblyInfo.cs are built into each assembly. This gives us the best of both worlds where you may want to have some common attributes for all projects and specific values for some others.


Hope that helps.




The solution presented by @JRoppert is almost the same as what I do. The only difference is that I put the following lines in the local AssemblyInfo.cs file as they can vary with each assembly:


[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("This is set by build process")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("This is set by build process")]
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]

I also (generally) use one common assembly info per solution, with the assumption that one solution is a single product line/releasable product. The common assembly info file also has:


[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")]

Which will set the "ProductVersion" value displayed by Windows Explorer.




MSBuild Community Tasks contains a custom task called AssemblyInfo which you can use to generate your assemblyinfo.cs. It requires a little hand-editing of your csproj files to use, but is worthwhile.

MSBuild社区任务包含一个名为assembly yinfo的自定义任务,您可以使用它来生成您的程序集info.cs。它需要手工编辑您的csproj文件来使用,但这是值得的。



In my opinion using a GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs is more trouble than it's worth, because you need to modify every project file and remember to modify every new project, whereas you get an AssemblyInfo.cs by default.


For changes to global values (i.e. Company, Product etc) the changes are usually so infrequent and simple to manage I don't think DRY should be a consideration. Just run the following MSBuild script (dependent on the MSBuild Extension Pack) when you want to manually change the values in all projects as a one-off:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="UpdateAssemblyInfo" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">

        <AllAssemblyInfoFiles Include="..\**\AssemblyInfo.cs" />

    <Import Project="MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks" />

  <Target Name="UpdateAssemblyInfo">
    <Message Text="%(AllAssemblyInfoFiles.FullPath)" />
        ... etc ...




To share a file between multiple projects you can add an existing file as a link.


To do this, add an existing file, and click on "Add as Link" in the file selector.Add As Link http://laurent.etiemble.free.fr/dotclear/images/AddLinkedFile03_tn.png


As for what to put in the shared file, I would suggest putting things that would be shared across assemblies. Things like copyright, company, perhaps version.




Using a single AseemblyInfo.cs file for multiple projects is not recommended. The AssemblyInfo file includes information that might be relevant only for that specific assembly. The two most obvious pieces of information are the AssemblyTitle and AssemblyVersion.


A better solution might be to use targets file, which are handled by the MSBuild, in order to "inject" assembly attributes to more than one project.




One thing I have found useful is to generate the AssemblyVersion elements (etc) by applying token-substitution in the pre-build phase.


I use TortoiseSvn, and it is easy to use its SubWCRev.exe to turn a template AssemblyInfo.wcrev into AssemblyInfo.cs. The relevant line in the template might look something like this:

我用玳瑁做的,它的子房很容易用。转换模板程序集。wcrev AssemblyInfo.cs。模板中的相关行可能如下所示:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.3.$WCREV$.$WCMODS?1:0$$WCUNVER?1:0$")]

The third element is then the revision number. I use the fourth element to check I haven't forgotten to commit any new or changed files (the fourth element is 00 if it is all OK).


By the way, add AssemblyInfo.wcrev to your version control and ignore AssemblyInfo.cs if you use this.




We're using a global file called GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs and a local one called AssemblyInfo.cs. The global file contains the following attributes:

我们正在使用一个全局文件,叫做globalassembly yinfo。还有一个叫汇编信息。全局文件包含以下属性:

 [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Your Product Name")]

 [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Your Company")]
 [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2008 ...")]
 [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Your Trademark - if applicable")]

 #if DEBUG
 [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
 [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]

 [assembly: AssemblyVersion("This is set by build process")]
 [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("This is set by build process")]

The local AssemblyInfo.cs contains the following attributes:


 [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Your assembly title")]
 [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Your assembly description")]
 [assembly: AssemblyCulture("The culture - if not neutral")]

 [assembly: ComVisible(true/false)]

 // unique id per assembly
 [assembly: Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")]

You can add the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs using the following procedure:


  • Select Add/Existing Item... in the context menu of the project
  • 选择Add /现有的项目……在项目的上下文菜单中
  • Select GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs
  • 选择GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs
  • Expand the Add-Button by clicking on that little down-arrow on the right hand
  • 通过单击右边的小向下箭头来展开Add-Button
  • Select "Add As Link" in the buttons drop down list
  • 在按钮下拉列表中选择“添加为链接”



In my case, we're building a product for which we have a Visual Studio solution, with various components in their own projects. The common attributes go. In the solution, there are about 35 projects, and a common assembly info (CommonAssemblyInfo.cs), which has the following attributes:

在我的例子中,我们正在为一个产品构建一个Visual Studio解决方案,在他们自己的项目中包含各种组件。常见的属性。在解决方案中,大约有35个项目,以及一个通用的汇编信息(CommonAssemblyInfo.cs),它具有以下属性:

[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Product Name")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2007 Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Company")]

//This shows up as Product Version in Windows Explorer
//We make this the same for all files in a particular product version. And increment it globally for all projects.
//We then use this as the Product Version in installers as well (for example built using Wix).
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")]

The other attributes such as AssemblyTitle, AssemblyVersion etc, we supply on a per-assembly basis. When building an assembly both AssemblyInfo.cs and CommonAssemblyInfo.cs are built into each assembly. This gives us the best of both worlds where you may want to have some common attributes for all projects and specific values for some others.


Hope that helps.




The solution presented by @JRoppert is almost the same as what I do. The only difference is that I put the following lines in the local AssemblyInfo.cs file as they can vary with each assembly:


[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("This is set by build process")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("This is set by build process")]
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]

I also (generally) use one common assembly info per solution, with the assumption that one solution is a single product line/releasable product. The common assembly info file also has:


[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")]

Which will set the "ProductVersion" value displayed by Windows Explorer.




MSBuild Community Tasks contains a custom task called AssemblyInfo which you can use to generate your assemblyinfo.cs. It requires a little hand-editing of your csproj files to use, but is worthwhile.

MSBuild社区任务包含一个名为assembly yinfo的自定义任务,您可以使用它来生成您的程序集info.cs。它需要手工编辑您的csproj文件来使用,但这是值得的。



In my opinion using a GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs is more trouble than it's worth, because you need to modify every project file and remember to modify every new project, whereas you get an AssemblyInfo.cs by default.


For changes to global values (i.e. Company, Product etc) the changes are usually so infrequent and simple to manage I don't think DRY should be a consideration. Just run the following MSBuild script (dependent on the MSBuild Extension Pack) when you want to manually change the values in all projects as a one-off:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="UpdateAssemblyInfo" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">

        <AllAssemblyInfoFiles Include="..\**\AssemblyInfo.cs" />

    <Import Project="MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks" />

  <Target Name="UpdateAssemblyInfo">
    <Message Text="%(AllAssemblyInfoFiles.FullPath)" />
        ... etc ...




To share a file between multiple projects you can add an existing file as a link.


To do this, add an existing file, and click on "Add as Link" in the file selector.Add As Link http://laurent.etiemble.free.fr/dotclear/images/AddLinkedFile03_tn.png


As for what to put in the shared file, I would suggest putting things that would be shared across assemblies. Things like copyright, company, perhaps version.




Using a single AseemblyInfo.cs file for multiple projects is not recommended. The AssemblyInfo file includes information that might be relevant only for that specific assembly. The two most obvious pieces of information are the AssemblyTitle and AssemblyVersion.


A better solution might be to use targets file, which are handled by the MSBuild, in order to "inject" assembly attributes to more than one project.




One thing I have found useful is to generate the AssemblyVersion elements (etc) by applying token-substitution in the pre-build phase.


I use TortoiseSvn, and it is easy to use its SubWCRev.exe to turn a template AssemblyInfo.wcrev into AssemblyInfo.cs. The relevant line in the template might look something like this:

我用玳瑁做的,它的子房很容易用。转换模板程序集。wcrev AssemblyInfo.cs。模板中的相关行可能如下所示:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.3.$WCREV$.$WCMODS?1:0$$WCUNVER?1:0$")]

The third element is then the revision number. I use the fourth element to check I haven't forgotten to commit any new or changed files (the fourth element is 00 if it is all OK).


By the way, add AssemblyInfo.wcrev to your version control and ignore AssemblyInfo.cs if you use this.
