如何学习JSP / MVC,以及ASP.Net MVC的经验?

时间:2022-05-15 20:02:44

I just started to get into the door of the Java world. I have been programming in C# for the last 3 years, and been doing about 3 months of ASP.Net MVC. I absolutely love it, but the fact that I need Windows for it to run the latest and greatest libraries is a bit of a turn down... Plus I think learning another language helps with understanding concepts, since you get a comparison.

我刚刚开始进入Java世界的大门。在过去的3年里,我一直在用C#编程,并且已经做了大约3个月的ASP.Net MVC。我非常喜欢它,但事实上我需要Windows才能运行最新最好的库,这有点让人失望...而且我认为学习另一种语言有助于理解概念,因为你得到了一个比较。

I want to learn JSP/MVC. I was wondering if it's similar to ASP.Net MVC, and if I can write JSP/MVC web apps without using another framework (like Spring) to get started.

我想学习JSP / MVC。我想知道它是否与ASP.Net MVC类似,如果我可以编写JSP / MVC Web应用程序而不使用其他框架(如Spring)来开始。

Also, which is the better way to learn JSP/MVC from my C# background?

另外,哪个是从C#背景学习JSP / MVC的更好方法?

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案



JSP is a view technology, which is best to be compared with "classic ASP". The Sun Java counterpart of Microsoft ASP.NET MVC is actually JavaServer Faces (JSF).

JSP是一种视图技术,最好与“经典ASP”进行比较。 Microsoft ASP.NET MVC的Sun Java对应物实际上是JavaServer Faces(JSF)。

For a short and quick introduction of JSP/Servlet/JSF, read this answer. To learn more about JSF, go through Sun Java EE 6 tutorial part II chapters 4-9.

有关JSP / Servlet / JSF的简短快速介绍,请阅读此答案。要了解有关JSF的更多信息,请参阅Sun Java EE 6教程第二部分第4-9章。

For JSF there's by the way another view technology available: Facelets. This is way much better than JSP. If you can, I recommend to forget about JSP for this bit and go ahead with Facelets.




To supplement the answer above, I have dug up this fantastic article on getting started in JSP:




It goes right into the basics of servlets, jsp and then mvc techniques, none of the mumbo jumbo in other MVC tutorials out there for JSP. Very down to earth. Wish the guy who wrote it would write a book on this topic...

它直接进入了servlet,jsp和mvc技术的基础知识,其他MVC教程中没有一个用于JSP的mumbo jumbo。非常脚踏实地。希望写它的人会写一本关于这个主题的书......



JSP is a view technology, which is best to be compared with "classic ASP". The Sun Java counterpart of Microsoft ASP.NET MVC is actually JavaServer Faces (JSF).

JSP是一种视图技术,最好与“经典ASP”进行比较。 Microsoft ASP.NET MVC的Sun Java对应物实际上是JavaServer Faces(JSF)。

For a short and quick introduction of JSP/Servlet/JSF, read this answer. To learn more about JSF, go through Sun Java EE 6 tutorial part II chapters 4-9.

有关JSP / Servlet / JSF的简短快速介绍,请阅读此答案。要了解有关JSF的更多信息,请参阅Sun Java EE 6教程第二部分第4-9章。

For JSF there's by the way another view technology available: Facelets. This is way much better than JSP. If you can, I recommend to forget about JSP for this bit and go ahead with Facelets.




To supplement the answer above, I have dug up this fantastic article on getting started in JSP:




It goes right into the basics of servlets, jsp and then mvc techniques, none of the mumbo jumbo in other MVC tutorials out there for JSP. Very down to earth. Wish the guy who wrote it would write a book on this topic...

它直接进入了servlet,jsp和mvc技术的基础知识,其他MVC教程中没有一个用于JSP的mumbo jumbo。非常脚踏实地。希望写它的人会写一本关于这个主题的书......