
时间:2022-03-02 19:42:15

I am trying to add a wav header on top of raw PCM data to make it playable via AVAudioPlayer. But i couldn't find any solution or source code to do that on iOS using Objective-C/Swift. Though i found this but it doesn't have correct answer.

我试图在原始PCM数据的基础上添加一个wav标题,使其可以通过AVAudioPlayer播放。但我在iOS上使用Objective-C / Swift找不到任何解决方案或源代码。虽然我发现了这个,但它没有正确的答案。

But i found a piece of code here which is in C and also contains some issue. The wav file doesn't play properly which is generated from that code.

但是我在这里发现了一段代码,它包含一些问题。 wav文件无法正常播放,该文件是从该代码生成的。

I have given my codes below which i have coded so far.


short BitsPerSample = AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL;
int SamplingRate = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE;
int numOfSamples = [[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath] length];

int ByteRate = NumChannels*BitsPerSample*SamplingRate/8;
short BlockAlign = NumChannels*BitsPerSample/8;
int DataSize = NumChannels*numOfSamples*BitsPerSample/8;
int chunkSize = 16;
int totalSize = 36 + DataSize;
short audioFormat = 1;

if((fout = fopen([wavFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:1], "w")) == NULL)
    printf("Error opening out file ");

fwrite("RIFF", sizeof(char), 4,fout);
fwrite(&totalSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
fwrite("WAVE", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
fwrite("fmt ", sizeof(char), 3, fout);
fwrite(&chunkSize, sizeof(int),1,fout);
fwrite(&audioFormat, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
fwrite(&NumChannels, sizeof(short),1,fout);
fwrite(&SamplingRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
fwrite(&ByteRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
fwrite(&BlockAlign, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
fwrite(&BitsPerSample, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
fwrite("data", sizeof(char), 3, fout);
fwrite(&DataSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout);

The file is playing too fast, the sound is distorted and only first 10 to 20(around) seconds are playing. I think, the wav header isn't generating correctly(Because i am able to play same PCM data/buffer using AudioUnit/AudioQueue). So what i am missing in my code ? Any help would be highly appreciated.

文件播放速度太快,声音失真,只播放前10到20(大约)秒。我认为,wav标头没有正确生成(因为我能够使用AudioUnit / AudioQueue播放相同的PCM数据/缓冲区)。那么我的代码中缺少什么?任何帮助将受到高度赞赏。

Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



OK, I am answering my own question if it helps someone else. After few days of tireless trying, at last i have got it working. Below is a complete Function written with Objective-C and C. It takes a file path as a parameter which contains RAW PCM data directly captured from microphone and returns a file path which contains PCM data followed by appropriate wav header info. Then you can play that file with AVAudioPlayer or AVPlayer. Here is the code...

好的,我正在回答我自己的问题,如果它可以帮助其他人。经过几天的不懈努力,终于让它运转起来了。下面是一个用Objective-C和C编写的完整函数。它将文件路径作为参数,包含从麦克风直接捕获的RAW PCM数据,并返回包含PCM数据的文件路径,后跟相应的wav头信息。然后,您可以使用AVAudioPlayer或AVPlayer播放该文件。这是代码......

- (NSURL *) getAndCreatePlayableFileFromPcmData:(NSString *)filePath
    NSString *wavFileName = [[filePath lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
    NSString *wavFileFullName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.wav",wavFileName];

    [self createFileWithName:wavFileFullName];
    NSArray *dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *docsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString *wavFilePath = [docsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:wavFileFullName];

    NSLog(@"PCM file path : %@",filePath);

    FILE *fout;

    short NumChannels = AUDIO_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME;
    short BitsPerSample = AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL;
    int SamplingRate = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE;
    int numOfSamples = [[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath] length];

    int ByteRate = NumChannels*BitsPerSample*SamplingRate/8;
    short BlockAlign = NumChannels*BitsPerSample/8;
    int DataSize = NumChannels*numOfSamples*BitsPerSample/8;
    int chunkSize = 16;
    int totalSize = 46 + DataSize;
    short audioFormat = 1;

    if((fout = fopen([wavFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:1], "w")) == NULL)
        printf("Error opening out file ");

    fwrite("RIFF", sizeof(char), 4,fout);
    fwrite(&totalSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
    fwrite("WAVE", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
    fwrite("fmt ", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
    fwrite(&chunkSize, sizeof(int),1,fout);
    fwrite(&audioFormat, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&NumChannels, sizeof(short),1,fout);
    fwrite(&SamplingRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&ByteRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&BlockAlign, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&BitsPerSample, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
    fwrite("data", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
    fwrite(&DataSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout);


    NSMutableData *pamdata = [NSMutableData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
    NSFileHandle *handle;
    handle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath:wavFilePath];
    [handle seekToEndOfFile];
    [handle writeData:pamdata];
    [handle closeFile];

    return [NSURL URLWithString:wavFilePath];

But that function only works with the following audio settings.


// Audio settings.
#define AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE 8000



OK, I am answering my own question if it helps someone else. After few days of tireless trying, at last i have got it working. Below is a complete Function written with Objective-C and C. It takes a file path as a parameter which contains RAW PCM data directly captured from microphone and returns a file path which contains PCM data followed by appropriate wav header info. Then you can play that file with AVAudioPlayer or AVPlayer. Here is the code...

好的,我正在回答我自己的问题,如果它可以帮助其他人。经过几天的不懈努力,终于让它运转起来了。下面是一个用Objective-C和C编写的完整函数。它将文件路径作为参数,包含从麦克风直接捕获的RAW PCM数据,并返回包含PCM数据的文件路径,后跟相应的wav头信息。然后,您可以使用AVAudioPlayer或AVPlayer播放该文件。这是代码......

- (NSURL *) getAndCreatePlayableFileFromPcmData:(NSString *)filePath
    NSString *wavFileName = [[filePath lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
    NSString *wavFileFullName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.wav",wavFileName];

    [self createFileWithName:wavFileFullName];
    NSArray *dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *docsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString *wavFilePath = [docsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:wavFileFullName];

    NSLog(@"PCM file path : %@",filePath);

    FILE *fout;

    short NumChannels = AUDIO_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME;
    short BitsPerSample = AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL;
    int SamplingRate = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE;
    int numOfSamples = [[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath] length];

    int ByteRate = NumChannels*BitsPerSample*SamplingRate/8;
    short BlockAlign = NumChannels*BitsPerSample/8;
    int DataSize = NumChannels*numOfSamples*BitsPerSample/8;
    int chunkSize = 16;
    int totalSize = 46 + DataSize;
    short audioFormat = 1;

    if((fout = fopen([wavFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:1], "w")) == NULL)
        printf("Error opening out file ");

    fwrite("RIFF", sizeof(char), 4,fout);
    fwrite(&totalSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
    fwrite("WAVE", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
    fwrite("fmt ", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
    fwrite(&chunkSize, sizeof(int),1,fout);
    fwrite(&audioFormat, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&NumChannels, sizeof(short),1,fout);
    fwrite(&SamplingRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&ByteRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&BlockAlign, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
    fwrite(&BitsPerSample, sizeof(short), 1, fout);
    fwrite("data", sizeof(char), 4, fout);
    fwrite(&DataSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout);


    NSMutableData *pamdata = [NSMutableData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
    NSFileHandle *handle;
    handle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath:wavFilePath];
    [handle seekToEndOfFile];
    [handle writeData:pamdata];
    [handle closeFile];

    return [NSURL URLWithString:wavFilePath];

But that function only works with the following audio settings.


// Audio settings.
#define AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE 8000