如何在REST Jersey Web应用程序中创建、管理、关联会话

时间:2022-02-24 19:34:12

A HTML5 UI is connected to the backend (REST Jersey to business logic to Hibernate and DB). I need to create and maintain a session for each user login until the user logs out.

一个HTML5 UI连接到后端(REST Jersey连接到业务逻辑连接到Hibernate和DB)。我需要为每个用户登录创建并维护一个会话,直到用户退出。

Can you please guide me on what technologies/ APIs can be used. Does something need to be handled at the REST Client end also..

你能告诉我可以使用哪些技术/ api吗?需要在REST客户端处理一些事情吗?

1 个解决方案



Using JAX-RS for RESTful web services is fairly straightforward. Here are the basics. You usually define one or more service classes/interfaces that define your REST operations via JAX-RS annotations, like this one:

使用JAX-RS用于RESTful web服务相当简单。这是最基本的。您通常定义一个或多个服务类/接口,这些服务类/接口通过JAX-RS注释定义您的REST操作,如下所示:

public class UserService {
    // ...

You can have your objects automagically injected in your methods via these annotations:


// Note: you could even inject this as a method parameter
@Context private HttpServletRequest request;

public String authenticate(@FormParam("username") String username, 
        @FormParam("password") String password) {

    // Implementation of your authentication logic
    if (authenticate(username, password)) {
        // Set the session attributes as you wish

HTTP Sessions are accessible from the HTTP Request object via getSession() and getSession(boolean) as usual. Other useful annotations are @RequestParam, @CookieParam or even @MatrixParam among many others.


For further info you may want to read the RESTEasy User Guide or the Jersey User Guide since both are excellent resources.

如果想了解更多信息,你可以阅读RESTEasy User Guide或Jersey User Guide,因为两者都是很好的资源。



Using JAX-RS for RESTful web services is fairly straightforward. Here are the basics. You usually define one or more service classes/interfaces that define your REST operations via JAX-RS annotations, like this one:

使用JAX-RS用于RESTful web服务相当简单。这是最基本的。您通常定义一个或多个服务类/接口,这些服务类/接口通过JAX-RS注释定义您的REST操作,如下所示:

public class UserService {
    // ...

You can have your objects automagically injected in your methods via these annotations:


// Note: you could even inject this as a method parameter
@Context private HttpServletRequest request;

public String authenticate(@FormParam("username") String username, 
        @FormParam("password") String password) {

    // Implementation of your authentication logic
    if (authenticate(username, password)) {
        // Set the session attributes as you wish

HTTP Sessions are accessible from the HTTP Request object via getSession() and getSession(boolean) as usual. Other useful annotations are @RequestParam, @CookieParam or even @MatrixParam among many others.


For further info you may want to read the RESTEasy User Guide or the Jersey User Guide since both are excellent resources.

如果想了解更多信息,你可以阅读RESTEasy User Guide或Jersey User Guide,因为两者都是很好的资源。