
时间:2021-08-29 09:50:11

hello well my problem is that am displaying a list of messages like mails and when you want to read full message u need to go to rmq-demande.php where the full message appeard : here how my list of messages is presented i need to get the id of each message when clicked on it :


          $sql_rev=mysql_query("SELECT * from demande_revision WHERE lu='nl' ");
                    <li class="xn-icon-button pull-right">
                        <a href="#"><span class="fa fa-comments"></span></a>
                        <div class="informer informer-danger">   <?php if($comment_count!=0)
                echo "$comment_count nouveau";
<div class="panel panel-primary animated zoomIn xn-drop-left xn-panel-dragging">
                            <div class="panel-heading">
   <h3 class="panel-title">
<span class="fa fa-comments"></span> </h3>                                
                    <div class="pull-right">
                 <span class="label label-danger"><?php if($comment_count!=0)
                echo "$comment_count nouveau";
                }?> </span>
 <div class="panel-body list-group list-group-contacts scroll" style="height: 200px;">
                               while ( $msg=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_rev)) {

                           echo "
           <form name=\"theform\" method=\"post\" action=\"rmq-demande.php\">
               <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_demm\" value=\"$idd\"> 

         <a href=\"rmq-demande.php\" class=\"list-group-item\" target='_blank'>
                                    <span class=\"contacts-title\">$title</span>
                                </a> </form>";


in the other page (rmq-demande.php) here is how i wanted to get the variable $idd:

在另一页(rmq-demande.php)这里是我想要获得变量$ idd:


but it gets nothing plz help


1 个解决方案



You can do it in 2(two) way:-

你可以用2(2)种方式做到: -

1. remove link and create submit button like below:-

echo "
<form name=\"theform\" method=\"post\" action=\"rmq-demande.php\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_demm\" value=\"$idd\"> 

<span class=\"contacts-title\">$title</span>
<input type = \"submit\" name= \"submit\" value=\"submit\" >
</a> </form>";
  1. Or remove form and append id into link like below:-

    或者删除表单并将id附加到链接中,如下所示: -

    echo "<a href=\"rmq-demande.php?id_demm=$idd\" class=\"list-group-item\" target='_blank'>
                                        <span class=\"contacts-title\">$title</span>

But for getting id through this in php you need to do like this:-

但是为了在php中获取id,你需要这样做: -


Note:- first way is more secure. thanks

注意: - 第一种方式更安全。谢谢



You can do it in 2(two) way:-

你可以用2(2)种方式做到: -

1. remove link and create submit button like below:-

echo "
<form name=\"theform\" method=\"post\" action=\"rmq-demande.php\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_demm\" value=\"$idd\"> 

<span class=\"contacts-title\">$title</span>
<input type = \"submit\" name= \"submit\" value=\"submit\" >
</a> </form>";
  1. Or remove form and append id into link like below:-

    或者删除表单并将id附加到链接中,如下所示: -

    echo "<a href=\"rmq-demande.php?id_demm=$idd\" class=\"list-group-item\" target='_blank'>
                                        <span class=\"contacts-title\">$title</span>

But for getting id through this in php you need to do like this:-

但是为了在php中获取id,你需要这样做: -


Note:- first way is more secure. thanks

注意: - 第一种方式更安全。谢谢