Android - 如何查看在我的应用程序中创建的SQL数据库?我在Eclipse的Android模拟器上运行它

时间:2021-06-30 18:53:59

I have an Android application that uses the Android database to create tables and store data. I'm currently running this app in the emulator in Eclipse. I have 2 questions:


  1. Where can I find the actual database file (it must be on my computer somewhere right?) that is created when I run my app in the emulator?
  2. 我在哪里可以找到在模拟器中运行我的应用程序时创建的实际数据库文件(它必须在我的计算机上某处?)?
  3. Is there an easy way to view what is in my database/tables?
  4. 有没有一种简单的方法来查看我的数据库/表中的内容?

If I could find where the actual database file is (if there is such a thing) on my computer, then perhaps question 2 would be answered as easily as opening that file. But I really have no clue. Any help is appreciated.


3 个解决方案





1. In the Eclipse look at the File Explorer tab (near the Console tab). Or look at menu "Window -> Show View -> Other... -> File Explorer". Emulator should be run. In the File Explorer window go to the folder "data/data/[your_package_name]/databases/". There you can find your database. You can export it to the your computer. At the right top corner of the window there is a button "pull a file from device". Select database, click that button and save a database on the computer.

1.在Eclipse中查看“文件资源管理器”选项卡(“控制台”选项卡附近)。或者查看菜单“窗口 - >显示视图 - >其他... - >文件资源管理器”。应该运行模拟器。在文件资源管理器窗口中,转到文件夹“data / data / [your_package_name] / databases /”。在那里你可以找到你的数据库。您可以将其导出到您的计算机。在窗口的右上角有一个按钮“从设备中提取文件”。选择数据库,单击该按钮并在计算机上保存数据库。

2. Program "sqlite browser" can shows a data in the database. You can download it here. It is easy to use.

2.程序“sqlite browser”可以显示数据库中的数据。你可以在这里下载。它很容易使用。



The database is stored in the following location on the emulator (assuming your app has the package and a database named db-name.db):



You can access it from the command line as follows:


cmd> adb -e shell
cmd> sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite> select * from table_name;
sqlite> 1|Example Item 1|1|
sqlite> 2|Example Item 2|2|



If you want to browse your databases inside eclipse follow these instructions taken from here:


Android - How can I view a sql database created in my app? I'm running it on the Android emulator in Eclipse

Android - 如何查看在我的应用程序中创建的SQL数据库?我在Eclipse的Android模拟器上运行它

1.Download the Questoid Plugin


2.Place the file in your Eclipse plugins folder (e.g. /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins)

2.将文件放在Eclipse插件文件夹中(例如/ usr / lib / eclipse / plugins)

3.Restart Eclipse

3.Restart Eclipse

4.Start up an Android Emulator w/ Debugging in Eclipse


5.Switch to the DDMS Perspective in Eclipse

5.转到Eclipse中的DDMS Perspective

6.Go to the 'File Explorer' tab to locate your device's database file


7.Navigate to: e.g. 'data -> data -> com.myproject -> databases -> myproject

7.导航至:例如'data - > data - > com.myproject - > databases - > myproject

8.Open the database file in Questoid (see screen shot)


9.Switch to the 'Questoid SQLite Browser' tab that appears

9.切换到出现的'Questoid SQLite Browser'选项卡

10.Switch to the 'Browse Data' sub tab


11.Select your table from the drop down menu


12.Browse your data here and onward into the digital sunset


Android  - 如何查看在我的应用程序中创建的SQL数据库?我在Eclipse的Android模拟器上运行它





1. In the Eclipse look at the File Explorer tab (near the Console tab). Or look at menu "Window -> Show View -> Other... -> File Explorer". Emulator should be run. In the File Explorer window go to the folder "data/data/[your_package_name]/databases/". There you can find your database. You can export it to the your computer. At the right top corner of the window there is a button "pull a file from device". Select database, click that button and save a database on the computer.

1.在Eclipse中查看“文件资源管理器”选项卡(“控制台”选项卡附近)。或者查看菜单“窗口 - >显示视图 - >其他... - >文件资源管理器”。应该运行模拟器。在文件资源管理器窗口中,转到文件夹“data / data / [your_package_name] / databases /”。在那里你可以找到你的数据库。您可以将其导出到您的计算机。在窗口的右上角有一个按钮“从设备中提取文件”。选择数据库,单击该按钮并在计算机上保存数据库。

2. Program "sqlite browser" can shows a data in the database. You can download it here. It is easy to use.

2.程序“sqlite browser”可以显示数据库中的数据。你可以在这里下载。它很容易使用。



The database is stored in the following location on the emulator (assuming your app has the package and a database named db-name.db):



You can access it from the command line as follows:


cmd> adb -e shell
cmd> sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite> select * from table_name;
sqlite> 1|Example Item 1|1|
sqlite> 2|Example Item 2|2|



If you want to browse your databases inside eclipse follow these instructions taken from here:


Android - How can I view a sql database created in my app? I'm running it on the Android emulator in Eclipse

Android - 如何查看在我的应用程序中创建的SQL数据库?我在Eclipse的Android模拟器上运行它

1.Download the Questoid Plugin


2.Place the file in your Eclipse plugins folder (e.g. /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins)

2.将文件放在Eclipse插件文件夹中(例如/ usr / lib / eclipse / plugins)

3.Restart Eclipse

3.Restart Eclipse

4.Start up an Android Emulator w/ Debugging in Eclipse


5.Switch to the DDMS Perspective in Eclipse

5.转到Eclipse中的DDMS Perspective

6.Go to the 'File Explorer' tab to locate your device's database file


7.Navigate to: e.g. 'data -> data -> com.myproject -> databases -> myproject

7.导航至:例如'data - > data - > com.myproject - > databases - > myproject

8.Open the database file in Questoid (see screen shot)


9.Switch to the 'Questoid SQLite Browser' tab that appears

9.切换到出现的'Questoid SQLite Browser'选项卡

10.Switch to the 'Browse Data' sub tab


11.Select your table from the drop down menu


12.Browse your data here and onward into the digital sunset


Android  - 如何查看在我的应用程序中创建的SQL数据库?我在Eclipse的Android模拟器上运行它