密码学进展- Crypto16

时间:2021-06-15 18:33:40

A subfield lattice attack on overstretched NTRU assumptions

Martin R. Albrecht; Shi Bai; Léo Ducas
-Information Security Group, Royal Holloway University of London, UK; ENS de Lyon, Laboratoire LIP, France; Cryptology Group, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Three’s Compromised Too: Circular Insecurity for Any Cycle Length from (Ring-)LWE

Navid Alamati; Chris Peikert
- University of Michigan, USA; University of Michigan, USA

Efficiently Computing Data-Independent Memory-Hard Functions

Joel Alwen; Jeremiah Blocki
- IST, Austria; Microsoft Research/Purdue, USA

Message Transmission with Reverse Firewalls – Secure Communication on Corrupted Machines

Yevgeniy Dodis; Ilya Mironov; Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
- New York University; Google; New York University

The Multi-User Security of Authenticated Encryption: AES-GCM in TLS 1.3

Mihir Bellare; Björn Tackmann
- UC San Diego; UC San Diego

Programmable Hash Functions from Lattices: Short Signatures and IBEs with Small Key Sizes

Jiang Zhang; Yu Chen; Zhenfeng Zhang
- State Key Laboratory of Cryptology, Beijing, P.R. China; Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China; Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China

Breaking Symmetric Cryptosystems using Quantum Period Finding

Marc Kaplan; Gaëtan Leurent; Anthony Leverrier; María Naya-Plasencia
- Télécom ParisTech, France and University of Edinburgh, UK; Inria, France; Inria, France; Inria, France

we show that the most widely used modes of operation for authentication and authenticated
encryption (e.g. CBC-MAC, PMAC, GMAC, GCM, and OCB)
are completely broken in this security model. Our attacks are also applicable
to many CAESAR candidates: CLOC, AEZ, COPA, OTR, POET,
OMD, and Minalpher. This is quite surprising compared to the situation
with encryption modes: Anand et al. show that standard modes are
secure with a quantum-secure PRF.

FHE Circuit Privacy Almost For Free

Florian Bourse; Rafael Del Pino; Michele Minelli; Hoeteck Wee
- ENS, Paris, France; ENS, Paris, France; ENS, Paris, France; ENS, Paris, France

Circuit-ABE from LWE: Unbounded Attributes and Semi-Adaptive Security

Zvika Brakerski; Vinod Vaikuntanathan
- Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; MIT, USA

Circular Security Separation for Arbitrary Length Cycles from LWE

Venkata Koppula; Brent Waters
- University of Texas at Austin, USA; University of Texas at Austin, USA

Fully Secure Functional Encryption for Inner Products, from Standard Assumptions

Shweta Agrawal; Benoît Libert; Damien Stehlé
- IIT Delhi, India; ENS de Lyon, France; ENS de Lyon, France

Lattice-Based Fully Dynamic Multi-Key FHE with Short Ciphertexts

Zvika Brakerski; Renen Perlman
- Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Israel