
时间:2021-10-22 18:23:44

I have tried to decrypt an encrypted image with no success I really can't program it the encryption code is listed below (parts are missing)


The encrypted picture should be decrypted by the xor the key using the first byte 0x89 if the of the PNG file and switching the place of the pictures


`import key_transformator
 import random
 import string

 key_length = 4

def generate_initial_key():
  return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(4))

def xor(s1, s2):
  res = [chr(0)]*key_length
  for i in range(len(res)):
      q = ord(s1[i])
      d = ord(s2[i])
      k = q ^ d
      res[i] = chr(k)
      res = ''.join(res)
      return res

 def add_padding(img):
    l = key_length - len(img)%key_length
    img += chr(l)*l
     return img

  with open('decrypted.png', 'rb') as f:
   img = f.read()

img = add_padding(img)
key = generate_initial_key()

enc_data = ''
for i in range(0, len(img), key_length):
  enc = xor(img[i:i+key_length], key)
   key = key_transformator.transform(key)
    enc_data += enc

with open('encrypted.png', 'wb') as f:

3 个解决方案



What you trying to do with that script?




It's hard to understand what exactly don't work: The code you showed? If yes I'm guessing that it's "key_transformator" that is missing. It probably have a function that encode the key based on some algorithm.


Maybe you trying to decrypt a file made by this code (is this a CTF challenge?): Even if you have the missing function you'll still need the original random key. If you have it you need to xor it with the first one you're file and then find a way to understand what was the next key




The idea is to solve the CSA challenge by your own, not to * it ^^


Since challenge only ends up on Sep, I won't post a full solution. Here are few (heavy) tips on how to solve this challenge (png++): 1) KNOWN file format has KNOWN file header. 2) Pay close attention the key size is 4 (not by coincidence). 3) Ask yourself what happens with key_transformation when reaching 0xFF, can it go to 0x100 ??

由于挑战只在9月结束,我不会发布完整的解决方案。以下是有关如何解决此挑战的一些(重点)提示(png ++):1)KNOWN文件格式具有KNOWN文件头。 2)密切关注密钥大小为4(不是巧合)。 3)问问自己到达0xFF时key_transformation会发生什么,它可以转到0x100吗?

This above should be suffice for you to write your own decryptor, convert the encrypted.png to flag.pnh & get the flag along with it's 30 points




What you trying to do with that script?




It's hard to understand what exactly don't work: The code you showed? If yes I'm guessing that it's "key_transformator" that is missing. It probably have a function that encode the key based on some algorithm.


Maybe you trying to decrypt a file made by this code (is this a CTF challenge?): Even if you have the missing function you'll still need the original random key. If you have it you need to xor it with the first one you're file and then find a way to understand what was the next key




The idea is to solve the CSA challenge by your own, not to * it ^^


Since challenge only ends up on Sep, I won't post a full solution. Here are few (heavy) tips on how to solve this challenge (png++): 1) KNOWN file format has KNOWN file header. 2) Pay close attention the key size is 4 (not by coincidence). 3) Ask yourself what happens with key_transformation when reaching 0xFF, can it go to 0x100 ??

由于挑战只在9月结束,我不会发布完整的解决方案。以下是有关如何解决此挑战的一些(重点)提示(png ++):1)KNOWN文件格式具有KNOWN文件头。 2)密切关注密钥大小为4(不是巧合)。 3)问问自己到达0xFF时key_transformation会发生什么,它可以转到0x100吗?

This above should be suffice for you to write your own decryptor, convert the encrypted.png to flag.pnh & get the flag along with it's 30 points
