
时间:2022-05-18 18:21:47

I would like to use BouncyCastle to decrypt a GPG file from Java. All the examples that I found need a passphrase, but that is not applicable in our use case. The file can be decrypted from the command prompt with this command:


gpg --output test.csv.zip --decrypt test.csv.zip.gpg

This works after using gpg --import for both the public and private key.

这对公钥和私钥使用gpg --import后起作用。

How could I do this using BouncyCastle? Do I need the public key at all, as I guess I only need the private key for decrypting?


1 个解决方案



According to this (hopefully not outdated) example, you should be able to do this.


RSADecryption rsaDecryption = new RSADecryption();
privateKeyFilename = args[0].trim();
encryptedData = args[1].trim();
rsaDecryption.decrypt(privateKeyFilename, encryptedData);

That example expects you to pass two arguments; the first one would be the private key file name; and then the encrypted data as string. Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but good enough to get you going.


And if that doesn't do, you could look into the more sophisticated examples given here.




According to this (hopefully not outdated) example, you should be able to do this.


RSADecryption rsaDecryption = new RSADecryption();
privateKeyFilename = args[0].trim();
encryptedData = args[1].trim();
rsaDecryption.decrypt(privateKeyFilename, encryptedData);

That example expects you to pass two arguments; the first one would be the private key file name; and then the encrypted data as string. Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but good enough to get you going.


And if that doesn't do, you could look into the more sophisticated examples given here.
