
时间:2022-03-02 09:28:23

I have the following code:


     <svg height="32" version="1.1" width="32" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="overflow: hidden; position: relative; left: -0.0166626px; top: -0.983337px;">
        <path style="" fill="#333333" stroke="none" d="M15.985,5.972C8.422,5.972,2.289999999999999,10.049,2.289999999999999,15.078C2.289999999999999,17.955,4.302999999999999...............1,27.68,22.274Z"/>

Is it possible to change the fill color of the SVG path with CSS or some other means without actually changing it inside the path tag?


5 个解决方案



Yes, you can apply CSS to SVG, but you need to match the element, just as when styling HTML. If you just want to apply it to all SVG paths, you could use, for example:


​path {
    fill: blue;

External CSS appears to override the path's fill attribute, at least in WebKit and Gecko-based browsers I tested. Of course, if you write, say, <path style="fill: green"> then that will override external CSS as well.

外部CSS似乎覆盖了路径的填充属性,至少在WebKit和基于geckbase的浏览器中我测试过。当然,如果您写入 ,那么它也将覆盖外部CSS。



if you want to change color by hovering in the element, try this:





If you go into the source code of an SVG file you can change the color fill by modifying the fill property.


<svg fill="#3F6078" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">

Use your favorite text editor, open the SVG file and play around with it.




I came across an amazing resource on css-tricks: https://css-tricks.com/using-svg/

我在css技巧上发现了一个惊人的资源:https://css- password . com/usingsvg/。

There are a handful of solutions explained there.


I preferred the one that required minimal edits to the source svg, and also didn't require it to be embedded into the html document. This option utilizes the <object> tag.


Add the svg file into your html using <object>; I also declared html attributes width and height. Using these width and heights the svg document does not get scaled, I worked around that using a css transform: scale(...) statement for the svg tag in my associated svg css file.

使用,将svg文件添加到html中;我还声明了html属性的宽度和高度。使用这些宽度和高度,svg文档不会被缩放,我使用css转换:scale(…)语句在我的关联的svg css文件中使用svg标记。

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="myfile.svg" width="64" height="64"></object>

Create a css file to attach to your svn document. My source svg path was scaled to 16px, I upscaled it to 64 with a factor of four. It only had one path so I did not need to select it more specifically, however the path had a fill attribute so I had to use !IMPORTANT to force the css to take precedent.


#svg2 {
    width: 64px; height: 64px;
    transform: scale(4);
path {
    fill: #333 !IMPORTANT;

Edit your target svg file, before the opening <svg tag, to include a stylesheet; Note that the href is relative to the svg file url.

编辑您的目标svg文件,在打开 标记之前,包括样式表;注意,href相对于svg文件url。

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="myfile.css" ?>



you put this css for svg circle.


svg:hover circle{
    fill: #F6831D;
    stroke-dashoffset: 0;
    stroke-dasharray: 700;
    stroke-width: 2;



Yes, you can apply CSS to SVG, but you need to match the element, just as when styling HTML. If you just want to apply it to all SVG paths, you could use, for example:


​path {
    fill: blue;

External CSS appears to override the path's fill attribute, at least in WebKit and Gecko-based browsers I tested. Of course, if you write, say, <path style="fill: green"> then that will override external CSS as well.

外部CSS似乎覆盖了路径的填充属性,至少在WebKit和基于geckbase的浏览器中我测试过。当然,如果您写入 ,那么它也将覆盖外部CSS。



if you want to change color by hovering in the element, try this:





If you go into the source code of an SVG file you can change the color fill by modifying the fill property.


<svg fill="#3F6078" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">

Use your favorite text editor, open the SVG file and play around with it.




I came across an amazing resource on css-tricks: https://css-tricks.com/using-svg/

我在css技巧上发现了一个惊人的资源:https://css- password . com/usingsvg/。

There are a handful of solutions explained there.


I preferred the one that required minimal edits to the source svg, and also didn't require it to be embedded into the html document. This option utilizes the <object> tag.


Add the svg file into your html using <object>; I also declared html attributes width and height. Using these width and heights the svg document does not get scaled, I worked around that using a css transform: scale(...) statement for the svg tag in my associated svg css file.

使用,将svg文件添加到html中;我还声明了html属性的宽度和高度。使用这些宽度和高度,svg文档不会被缩放,我使用css转换:scale(…)语句在我的关联的svg css文件中使用svg标记。

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="myfile.svg" width="64" height="64"></object>

Create a css file to attach to your svn document. My source svg path was scaled to 16px, I upscaled it to 64 with a factor of four. It only had one path so I did not need to select it more specifically, however the path had a fill attribute so I had to use !IMPORTANT to force the css to take precedent.


#svg2 {
    width: 64px; height: 64px;
    transform: scale(4);
path {
    fill: #333 !IMPORTANT;

Edit your target svg file, before the opening <svg tag, to include a stylesheet; Note that the href is relative to the svg file url.

编辑您的目标svg文件,在打开 标记之前,包括样式表;注意,href相对于svg文件url。

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="myfile.css" ?>



you put this css for svg circle.


svg:hover circle{
    fill: #F6831D;
    stroke-dashoffset: 0;
    stroke-dasharray: 700;
    stroke-width: 2;